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Summer Institute 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Institute 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Institute 2009

2 WELCOME! Learning and Leading Together
Dr. Melody Schopp Director of Accreditation and Teacher Quality South Dakota Department of Education SDI+ Design Team

3 SDI+ Project Goal: Explore the potential of a performance-based compensation system for principals and teachers in high-needs schools. The system will support and reward improvements in teaching and learning that result in increases in student achievement.

4 SDI+ Project Vision: SDI+ schools and partners are engaged in a shared process for developing healthy, collaborative learning communities resulting in: a) increased capacity, b) valued learning and learners, and c) improved student achievement. Colby is next

5 Colby Christensen, Field Team
Agenda Overview Colby Christensen, Field Team

6 Today’s Agenda: 1:00-4:00 Project Updates –SDI+ Staff
4:00-5:30 BREAK—Check into hotels, etc 4:00-5:00 Breakout session for principals and mentors only 5:30-9:00 SDI+ Celebration and Networking 5:30-6:30--Picnic supper served in Steamboat Park 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 8:00—River cruises 5:30—Musical entertainment in park amphitheater

7 Accessing Materials Handouts PowerPoint Information

8 Lennie Symes, Design Team
Growth Model Lennie Symes, Design Team

9 Growth

10 Gains Model 4th grade -20 5th Grade -13
Gain: +7

11 Summary Growth based on “where they are”
Growth via proficiency vs. growth via comparison to other students Using measures in ways they were not designed i.e. overall we have “lousy” measures for monitoring student growth Prefer wide variety of measures Prefer formative measures that happen when instruction is happening The real power of this grant: BLT collaborative processes (CAE Assessment) Need to next work on level 2 growth tools—do more to inform educators than just “draw the line” Need to keep “tweaking” the system


13 Changes to the Reading STEP Test
Cannot equate 2008 with 2009 test Cannot compare scores from one grade to the next No vertical scaling Cannot easily compare individual student progress


15 Take One! and National Board
Joe Hauge, Design Team

16 Matrix Year 3 Joe Hauge, Design Team

17 Lacey Hoogland, Field Team
Formative Tool Lacey Hoogland, Field Team

18 Celebration of Year 2 and Networking

19 Who, What , When and Where? Who: SDI+ participants
What: Picnic supper, entertainment and boat rides When: Boat rides at 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 Supper and entertainment from 5:30-6:30 Where: Steamboat Park—across the street from the Ramkota along the Missouri River

20 Thank you! Thanks to our friends for providing the entertainment for this event: Scott Simpson and Hank Fridell a.k.a. “SCANK”

21 Summer Institute 2009 Day Two

22 Today’s Agenda: 8:30-8:45 Opening 8:45-10:15 Keynote Speaker—Geri Parscale, Solution Tree 10:15-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:45 Keynote Speaker (cont.) 11:45-12:45 LUNCH 12:45-1:45 Chamberlain PLC Team 1:45-2:00 BREAK 2:00-3:30 Team planning & superintendent breakout session 3:30-4:00 Closing (evaluation, credit, stipend, mileage, etc.)

23 Geri Parscale, Solution Tree
Keynote Geri Parscale, Solution Tree

24 Take a Break 15 Minutes

25 Keynote Continues

26 See you at 12:45!

27 Dr. Tim Mitchell, Superintendent
Chamberlain PLC Team Dr. Tim Mitchell, Superintendent

28 Team Planning

29 Team Planning Time After the break, you will move with the teams from your district to a separate meeting facilitated by your Field Team Representative. The objective is to take the information gathered during the Summer Institute and decide how and when to share it with your school staff. At 3:30, we will return to this setting to bring closure to the Institute. This includes completing mileage vouchers, evaluations and W-9s.

30 Take a Break 15 Minutes

31 Thanks! Just leave all of the forms on your tables.
Closing Activities Complete USF registration if you are interested. (free) Complete the mileage portion of the voucher. (School vehicle or personal vehicle) Complete TWO copies of the W-9 and the Personnel Sheet and turn the three sheets in together. Complete the Summer Institute Evaluation. Thanks! Just leave all of the forms on your tables.

32 Safe travels back to your homes today! Have a great school year!
Bon Voyage! Safe travels back to your homes today! Have a great school year!

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