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Agricultural Land Rental Update

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1 Agricultural Land Rental Update
CR-216 and 230 Collected in August and December 2012. Roger Sahs, Extension Specialist, Ag Econ.

2 Average Annual Non-irrigated Cropland Cash Rental Rates
2010 NW SW NC E State 2012 vs 2010 Wheat 31.78 28.10 15-49 32.07 15-55 38.48 20-55 35.70 20-67 32.80 15-67 +3% Alfalfa 41.61 41.00 30-50 -1% Grain Sorghum 27.90 29.66 16-45 +6% Northwest Southwest East North central Customary rates and/or average rates may or may not be fair! Rental rates are slow to change. Range $xx-xx not necessarily right for your land. No one size fits all. OSU wheat milo alf wht yds and 22 inbetween Source: OSU/NASS survey, 2012

3 10. 7% increase from 2011-12 28 -31, but only 2
10.7% increase from , but only 2.67% annual appreciation since 2008 Of course, it had been stuck on 28 since 2008 in the NASS dataset. OSU wheat milo alf Land values +16.1% since 2011 and 24% since 2008 (6% annually) Typically cash rentals tend to lag and not lead real estate advances. (family based rentals, multiyr leases, lack of knowledge of economic conditions, etc) 1/3 CS and ¼ CR cropland leases are multiyear Neb has more than doubled since 2010. USDA/NASS data

4 Crop Land Cash Rent, 2012 ($ per acre)
215 29.5 58 151 130 143 94 115 47 79.5 50.5 108 142 72.5 235 130 176 122 68 175 58.5 212 33 89.5 72 60.5 49 110 130 87 267 70.5 91 32.5 200 94.5 74 37.5 52 99 N/A 25 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 150 >151 98 32.5 included some irrigated acreage thrown in. Neb runs from 40 (29-54)dryland in the NW to 378 center pivot irr NE ( ) 36 76.5 103 USDA/NASS data

5 Average Annual Pasture Cash Rental Rates ($/acre)
2010 NW SW NC E State 2012 vs 2010 Native Pasture 11.61 8.76 4-15 12.83 4-30 14.20 8-37 13.03 3-33 12.33 3-37 +6% Bermuda 16.61 17.91 6-35 20.25 10-40 18.56 6-52 18.64 4-52 +12% Other Pasture 16.10 11.67 6-16 19.15 8-50 22.41 5-60 19.41 +21% Customary rates and/or average rates may or may not be fair! Rental rates are slow to change. Range $xx-xx not necessarily right for your land. No one size fits all. OSU native berm other avg annual apprec. Northwest Southwest East North central Source: OSU/NASS survey, 2012

6 No change from 2011-12, but only 2.5% annual appreciation since 2008
it had been 10.5 in 2008, 2012 was 11.5 OSU native berm other Typically cash rentals tend to lag and not lead real estate advances. (family based rentals, multiyr leases, lack of knowledge of economic conditions, etc) 1/5 sm grains pasture and ¼ native pasture leases are muliyear Land values +10.6% since 2011 and 14% since 2008 (3.5% annually) Neb +63% since 2010. USDA/NASS data

7 Average Pastureland Rent, 2012
($ per acre) USDA/NASS data 34 24.50 38 46 35 14 17.50 16.50 28 21 19 20 26 12.50 18 16 11.50 6.50 4.60 5.90 2.80 5 4.80 N/A 0 to 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 50

8 Check out these websites: &
Agland lease has wealth of info on spreadsheets and tools, lease info and forms, legal and tax advice, rental rates/land values, rec leases. Ag Lease 101 created by North Central Farm Mgt Ext Committee lease info and forms.


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