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Published bySusanna Cooper Modified over 6 years ago
Progress With Development of WMO Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM) Programme Preparations for Congress XV 18 December 2006
Background of WMO DPM Programme
Congress XIV established the WMO Crosscutting DPM Programme (June 2003) EC Advisory Group on DPM (EC AG DPM) established by EC-LVI (June 2004) First Meeting of EC AG DPM (March 2005) DPM Implementation Process approved by EC-LVII (June 2005) DPM Crosscutting Framework defined by EC-LVIII (June 2006) Preparations for Congress XV underway
Critical Role of WMO and NMHSs in Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
Of the natural hazards leading to disasters, 90% of events are related to hydro-meteorological extremes or conditions, 70% of loss of life 75% of economic losses At the core of NMHS and WMO missions is protection of lives and livelihoods of the communities. WMO and NMHSs provide critical infrastructure and information to support decision processes for disaster risk management at international, regional and national levels Strengthening WMO Members’ capacities in DRM is one of the top priorities of WMO Strategic Plan
EC-LVIII (item 3.9) Defined DPM Programme Crosscutting Framework Involving:
Enhance contributions of NMHSs, in a more cost-effective, systematic and sustainable manner, towards improvement of safety and security of communities. Identify WMO DPM Programme strategic priorities that would be implemented through crosscutting projects that are measurable with respect to their benefits and outcomes. Implement concrete national, regional and global projects through Technical Commissions, Regional Structures, Members, and partners. Results-based performance measures to enable monitoring progress from year to year.
WMO DPM Crosscutting Framework (Disaster Risk Management)
Strategic Partnerships User Driven DPM Focal Points Strengthened Coordination and Integrated Planning Technical Commissions Scientific and Technical Innovation Regional Working Groups DPM DPM Focal Points DPM Focal Points Regional Associations & Regional Committees Programmes Departments NMHS Regional Issues & Activities Coordination Capacity Building Education and Training USERS (Disaster Risk Management)
Consultation Process for Development of DPM Action Plan and Preparations for Congress XV
Coordinate and consult closely with Programmes, Technical Commissions, Regional Associations and Strategic Partners Country-level, TC and Programmes surveys launched Regional Associations surveys launched Draft WMO DPM Implementation Plan to be submitted to EC AG DPM (end Dec 2006) Analyse, develop reports and recommendations Prepare report of outcomes of EC AG DPM Prepare documentation for Congress XV Complete surveys & develop databases Activate all DPM focal points and Working Groups Consultation for drafting and finalisation of WMO DPM Implementation Plan for submission to Congress XV Coordination Meeting with Programmes, TC, RA Congress XV 2nd EC AG DPM April 2006 Oct 2006 4-6 Dec 2006 Jan 2007 June 2007
Progress with Preparations for Congress XV (May 2007)
Preparation of the DPM Action Plan in Response to EC-LVIII Four DPM-related surveys launched in 2006 : 1) To Benchmark Members' and Regional Capacities, Needs and Priorities 2) To Map of DPM-related Projects of Technical Commissions/Programmes
Status of DPM Surveys Country-level Survey
NMHSs (139/187 response rate) Issues: National DRM governance and organizational structure, relevant hazards, NMHSs’ capabilities and partnerships, major gaps and needs Completed Electronic database developed Preliminary analysis global and regional completed More detailed analysis underway with RA WG DPM Regional-level Survey Regional Associations Working Group on DPM (RA WG DPM) Issues: Regional strategies for implementing HFA, trans-boundary issues, regional technical capacities, identification of potential partner agencies Underway Report due on 30 March 2007 Technical Commission (TC) Survey TC DPM FPs Issues: Mapping all DPM-related projects of WMO Technical Commissions/Programmes All responded, Completed and analyzed DPM Project compendium developed - will be updated on an ongoing basis Programme Survey – Programmes facilitate and coordinate TCs work plans Programme DPM FPs
First DPM Programme Coordination Meeting (4-6 Dec 2006, WMO Headquarters)
Participated by, DPM Focal Points Technical Commissions, Chairpersons of the Regional Associations’ Working Groups on DPM, DPM Focal Points of WMO Programmes, Four Partner Agencies Goals GOAL 1: Drafting of WMO DPM Action Plan ( ) GOAL 2: Provide Recommendations for Consideration of the EC AG DPM for facilitation of crosscutting coordination among RAs, TCs, programmes and partners (to be Translated into Policy Recommendations for Congress by EC AG DPM)
DPM Coordination Meeting Goal 1: Drafting of WMO DPM Action Plan (2007-2011)
Outline of WMO DPM Action Plan (2007-2011)
Why WMO and NMHSs are Critical Components in Disaster Risk Management Linkages to WMO Strategic Plan and Expected Results Hyogo Framework for Action and Role of WMO and NMHSs in the Implementation of HFA Prioritisation of HFA Actions Based on WMO and NMHSs Roles and Mandates Mapping of WMO and NMHSs Contributions on HFA Priorities for Action Strategic goals of WMO DPM Programme Mapping of Capabilities, Gaps and Needs (global and regional levels) Results of Country-level and Regional-level Surveys Synthesis of Gaps and Needs: Identification of the seven gap areas Linkage of gaps to Strategic goals WMO DPM-Related Projects WMO DPM Project Compendium Synthesis of WMO Projects on the Basis WMO DPM Five Strategic goals Identification of synergies among projects for better coordination New Initiatives Strengthening of Partnerships ISDR System International Level Regional Level Strengthening of crosscutting coordination Mechanisms and Databases for enhancing crosscutting coordination Resources (WMO regular budget and opportunities for extra budgetary fundraising) Future Considerations Strategic planning of RAs Opportunities for WMO and NMHS s in linking climate and disaster risk management Challenges Related to Governance, Organizational, Operational and Progress Monitoring for WMO crosscutting Coordination Recommendations
1) Strategic Goals of DPM Programme Based on Mapping of WMO’s and NMHSs’ Mandate on Hyogo Framework for Action: SG1 Improving systems for monitoring, data management, forecasting and warnings of weather-, climate- and water-related hazards, and telecommunications SG2 Strengthening capacities for hazard databases, analysis and mapping in support of risk assessment, sectoral planning and warning systems SG3 Strengthening capacities for all components of early detection and warning systems and provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster relief operations SG4 Enhanced knowledge, education, training and information sharing for better integration of NMHSs products and services SG5 Strengthening organizational capacities, partnerships and enabling mechanisms vertically and horizontally Education and training is an integral component of all above- mentioned strategic goals
Expected Outcomes of WMO DPM Strategic Goals
Protection of lives and livelihoods of the communities Mainstreaming NMHSs in DRM processes and structures at national level Strengthened capacities of the NMHSs in support of DRM (decision processes and operational aspects)
2) Reviewed Emerging Common Gap Areas (GAs) of WMO Members in Support of DRM, Based on Global and Regional Analysis of Country-Level Surveys GA1 Mainstreaming NMHS and their technical capacities in the national disaster risk management and development planning and legislation GA2 Capacities for maintenance standardized hazard databases, methodologies for hazard analysis and mapping in support of risk assessment and planning applications GA3 Capacities for end-to-end operational hazard early detection and warnings supported by strong governance, organizational and operational capacities GA4 Capacities for provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster emergency response and relief operations GA5 Partnerships among NMHSs and other key national agencies for a more coordinated approach to DRM GA6 Educational and training programmes of NMHSs and their key stakeholders in DRM such as authorities, emergency response operators and media GA7 Public outreach programmes and materials
3) Reviewed WMO DPM-Project Compendium Developed Based on Mapping all DPM-Related Projects of WMO Programmes and Technical Commissions
WMO Project distribution by Status/Crosscutting and Scope (2006 – 2011)
47 Projects in total, 38 crosscutting projects identified, 27 in Concept and Work plan phases; Need for systematic mechanisms to facilitate integrated work planning and implementation of projects.
WMO DPM Project Compendium Crosscutting Projects
Many Technical Commissions have indicated the need for collaboration with other Commissions and Programmes; for most projects prioritization and integrated planning needs to be realized…
Potential synergies across several projects identified,
3) Reviewed WMO DPM-Project Compendium Developed Based on Mapping all DPM-Related Projects of WMO Programmes and Technical Commissions (1/2) 47 Projects in total, 38 crosscutting projects identified, 27 in Concept and Work plan phases; Need for systematic mechanisms to facilitate integrated work planning and implementation of projects. Potential synergies across several projects identified, Many projects can be aligned through enhanced coordination and integrated planning for optimal utilisation of resources and improved outcomes. Recommendations for selection 5-6 concrete project areas (can involve groupings of projects of TCs and Programmes) to be implemented and monitored as pilots during to, Demonstrate crosscutting implementation, monitoring and benefits of integrated planning between TCs, Programmes, RAs. Selection criteria: HFA Priority actions, Meeting WMO DPM strategic Goals, expected benefits and high synergy Mapping of projects on Gap Areas indicated that several gap areas are not addressed Need for new initiatives
Need systematic linkage of TCs and Programmes
3) Reviewed WMO DPM-Project Compendium Developed Based on Mapping all DPM-Related Projects of WMO Programmes and Technical Commissions (2/2) HFA Key Activities, in conjunction with Member requirements and gaps should be the basis for WMO-wide TCs/Programmes planning Need systematic linkage of TCs and Programmes To identified Key Activities of HFA as guiding principals for concrete projects To Members' requirements and priorities through Regional Associations’ Working Group on DPM and DPM Programme Office Need for a steering mechanism to evaluate requirements and recommend WMO system-wide priorities that could guide work planning of TCs and Programmes
Three Concrete Crosscutting Projects Initiated through DPM Programme Office
To address HFA Key Activities under mandate of WMO and NMHSs not addressed through current WMO projects Highly synergistic with and complementary to several exiting projects outlined in the Compendium Maximizes opportunities for partnerships through ISDR System for implementation, funding and strengthening the role of NMHS in implementation of HFA
New DPM-Related Projects – Concept Phase
DPM-002: Strengthening WMO and NMHSs' capacities through standardized hazard databases and hazard analysis and mapping methodologies to contribute to multi-hazard risk assessment and sectoral planning (HFA-2-iii, iv) Involving CBS, CAS, CAgM, JCOMM, CCl, CHy, WCRP, WWW, AREP, WCP-AgM, WCP, HWR, AMP-TCP, AMP-PWS, AMP-MMOP ETR, SAT, ETR CCl-002, JCOMM-001, CAgM-001, CAgM-002, CAgM-003, TCP-001, TCP-002, Involves guidelines, national and regional demonstration projects, training curriculum, training workshops DPM-003: Strengthening NMHSs capacities and partnerships in DRM processes in support of end-to-end multi hazard early warning systems supported by legislation and coordinated national organizational processes (HFA-2-ii) Involving , JCOMM, CCl, AREP, CHy, WWW, WCP, AMP-TCP, AMP-PWS, AMP-MMOP, ETR, HWR Partnerships: A multi-agency task team will be proposed to ISDR System lead by WMO and UNDP and involving key agencies active in different components of EWS Highly Synergistic with Projects CAS-003, CCl-002, JCOMM-001, CAgM-001, TCP-004 Involves national demonstration/pilot projects, training curriculum, training workshops DPM-004: Strengthening applications of Space information in disaster risk management (strong link to GEOSS) (HFA-2-iii) Involving CBS, CHy, JCOMM, CAgM, CCl, CAS, Satellite Programme, all other relevant WMO Programmes GEO, UNOSAT, humanitarian agencies) CBS-002, DPM-004, JCOMM-001, CAgM-001, CAgM-003
4) Realization of Opportunities for Partnerships Through Concrete Projects
Many WMO projects identify same set of agencies as potential partners (ISDR System: UN, International and Regional agencies). Profiling of international partners already initiated by DPM Programme RA WG DPM will profile regional partners in each WMO regions Concrete partnerships are being facilitated with ISDR, IFRC, World Bank, UNDP (GRIP), GEO and humanitarian agencies DCR is profiling potential donors
5) Need for Mechanisms for Assessing Project Execution and Viability and Monitoring Progress
“EC LVIII requested EC AG DPM to give consideration to the analysis and assessments of the surveys, draw conclusions from them and develop recommendations on the priority activities of the DPM Programme and related cross-cutting project areas, as well as results-based performance measures to enable monitoring progress from year to year."
Need for a WMO Project Management Framework
Need for enhanced coordination mechanisms for identification, prioritisation, planning, and implementation of projects through TCs, Programmes and RAs Need for information sharing mechanisms to facilitate coordination Need for mechanisms to assess project execution viability and progress monitoring KPI Schedule risks (deliverables and timelines) Budget risks Other implementation risks Anticipate inabilities to execute or failure midway Ability to demonstrate benefits Ability to demonstrate optimal use of resources
Information Sharing Mechanisms Critical to Facilitating Crosscutting Project Management
Facilitate crosscutting activities involving components of WMO Network, Members and partners to: Identify, prioritize and monitor DRM projects based on gaps, needs and requirements (e.g., information from surveys and inputs from RA WG DPM) Develop work plans building on the technical capacity provided through Technical Commissions / Programmes / Members Identify relevant partners for planning and implementation Identify relevant donors for resource mobilization Facilitate implementation phase through information sharing Benchmark and monitor progress based on deliverables and realized benefits
DPM Programme Databases Can Support Information Sharing Mechanisms and for Crosscutting Project Management 1) DPM-related surveys Country-level Regional-level survey 2) Contact database of WMO network, partners, experts 3) Compendium of WMO DPM-related Projects (with on-going updates) 4) Profiles of partners (e.g. Implementation and donor agencies, etc.) 5) Compendium of WMO DPM-Related publications (technical guidelines, brochures, etc.)
The First DPM Coordination Meeting Provided Significant Input to WMO DPM Action Plan (2007-2011)
Why WMO and NMHSs are Critical Components in Disaster Risk Management Linkages to WMO Strategic Plan and Expected Results Hyogo Framework for Action and Role of WMO and NMHSs in the Implementation of HFA Prioritisation of HFA Actions Based on WMO and NMHSs Roles and Mandates Mapping of WMO and NMHSs Contributions on HFA Priorities for Action Strategic goals of WMO DPM Programme Mapping of Capabilities, Gaps and Needs (global and regional levels) Results of Country-level and Regional-level Surveys Synthesis of Gaps and Needs: Identification of the seven gap areas Linkage of gaps to Strategic goals WMO DPM-Related Projects WMO DPM Project Compendium Synthesis of WMO Projects on the Basis WMO DPM Five Strategic goals Identification of synergies among projects for better coordination New Initiatives Strengthening of Partnerships ISDR System International Level Regional Level Strengthening of crosscutting coordination Mechanisms and Databases for enhancing crosscutting coordination Resources (WMO regular budget and opportunities for extra budgetary fundraising) Future Considerations Strategic planning of RAs Opportunities for WMO and NMHS s in linking climate and disaster risk management Challenges Related to Governance, Organizational, Operational and Progress Monitoring for WMO crosscutting Coordination Recommendations
First DPM Coordination Meeting Goal 2: Provide Recommendations for Consideration of the EC AG DPM (to be translated into Policy Recommendations for Congress by EC AG DPM)
Recommendations for enhancing Crosscutting Coordination (1/2)
Need for Systematic Input on Members’ and Regions’ DRM Requirements as the driver of TCs' and Programmes’ project identification, prioritization and planning RA WG DPM, in collaboration with DPM, DCR and national DPM Focal Points, can facilitate concrete requirements at regional and sub-regional levels Need for regional “diagnosis” to confirm gaps and needs as well as opportunities The Final Report of RA WG DPM together with WMO DPM Action Plan fundamental for the RA WG DPM to develop the RA’s Strategies in DRM in alignment with WMO DPM Programme strategic directions It was proposed that 5-6 concrete projects be identified from the project compendium be implemented and monitored as pilots to, Demonstrate benefits of integrated planning between TCs, Programmes, RAs Input into project management framework that would facilitate crosscutting prioritisation, implementation and monitoring
Recommendations for enhancing Crosscutting Coordination (2/2)
Establish the FP of TCs, Chairs of RA WG DPM and FP of Programmes as the WMO DPM Programme Coordination Team (operational issues) Propose bi-annual meeting of the DPM Coordination Team (in Geneva) to evaluate, assess what has been done and propose future directions Use of WMO DPM Information Portal (5 databases) for facilitation of crosscutting project development, management and progress monitoring at all levels Allocation of funds for face-to-face meeting of the RA WG DPM and with other Regional WGs to facilitate closer regional crosscutting collaborations EC AG DPM to consider recommendations for governance and organizational aspects of WMO regarding crosscutting areas
Next Steps EC Advisory Group on DPM (Jan 29-31, 2007)
PTC Meeting (Early February 2007) Congress XV (May 2007)
The End
Additional Support Slides
Key next steps Request DPM Focal Points of Programmes and Commissions update the Project compendium Final inputs into the draft WMO DPM Action Plan (first round of consultations by Dec 19) Consultation with EC AG DPM and PTC (Jan - early Feb 2007) Feedback of the EC AG DPM recommendations to the DPM Programme Coordination Team Preparation and submission of documents for Congress XV, of which the DPM Action Plan would be a supporting document (submission by 15 February 2007)
Response to Surveys Country-level :
RA I: 24 / 52 (54%) RA II: 25 / 34 (74%) RA III: 10 / 12 (83%) RA IV: 18 / 22 (82%) RA V: 14 / 19 (74%) RA VI: 44 / 48 (92%) Technical Commissions and Programmes 8 TCs and 10 Programmes Regional-level (Due on march 30, 2007) Underway by 5 RA WG DPM (RA II, III, IV, V, VI) and a consultant ion RA I
World Conference on Disaster Reduction (Kobe, Japan, January 2005) Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 168 countries participated in the drafting and adopted HFA HFA shifts the paradigm of DRM from post disaster response to a more comprehensive cycle including planning and prevention HFA provides priority outcomes that needs to be achieved at international, regional and national levels Five Priority areas specified Key activities outlined for each of the five priority areas Implementation and Follow up States Regional Organizations International Organizations ISDR Process Resource Mobilization HFA is guiding the development of regional and national strategies and planning for disaster risk management and has been referred to as guiding framework for WMO Strategic Plan priorities related to DRM
DPM Strategic Goals Would Address All Gap Areas
Status of Databases 1) DPM-related surveys 2) Contact database
Country-level survey database has been created and survey information has been imported Reports can be generated (using basic statistics) for any grouping of countries or survey questions Database is flexible to import data from other programmes’ surveys Multiple language capacities 2) Contact database Has been created and is going through final stages of data verification Entity information: agencies, organizations, groupings of contacts such as Working Groups, etc. Powerful search mechanism 3) Compendium of WMO DPM-related publications (technical guidelines, brochures, etc.) A number of brochures compiled on a CD ROM and available on-line Identified all key technical Guidelines and reports available through Technical Commissions
DPM Databases Next Steps (1)
1) DPM-related surveys Will be used to develop Country Profiles in DRM (Benchmark and monitoring progress) To be integrated later as part of the WMO Country Profile database (discussed by DCR – Petteri Taalas) 2) Contact database Input contacts provided by RA WG DPM on regional agencies, etc. Maintain and update with new information on an on-going basis Improve through utilization Longer-term : Need to integrate with other programmes databases for crosscutting information (climate, hydrology, etc.) (Depends of WMO ITD support of this activity and Programmes available databases)
DPM Databases Next Steps (2)
3) Compendium of WMO DPM-related publications (technical guidelines, brochures, etc.) Categorization and addition of the Technical guidelines of TCs to Compendium Maintenance and on-going updates 4) Develop two other databases Compendium of WMO DPM-related Projects Use of Compendium for project management: Need to define parameters critical for the database (e.g., Strategic thrusts, scope, status, deliverables, timelines, collaborations and partners, resource) Use of Compendium for progress monitoring: Need for linking the project to some Key Performance indicators (that need to be defined and linked to result based budgeting of WMO) for effective monitoring (e.g. color coded system for easily identifying project status) Profiles of partners (e.g. donor agencies, etc.) DPM Programme Office is in the process of initiating information collection Contributions of RA WG on DPM through the Regional reports will be critical
DPM Databases Next Steps (3)
5) WMO DPM Information portal (in collaboration with WMO ITD ) (Concept phase) Internet access to WMO DRM information for all components of the WMO Network, WMO Members and partners In accordance with WMO data security and information exchange policies
"Regional Diagnosis" to Identify and Prioritise Members' requirements as the basis for prioritisation of WMO projects (to be finalized by RA WG DPM by 30 March 2007) Identification of regional strategies through various economic groupings and agencies for implementation of HFA and mapping of actions relevant to WMO and NMHSs e.g., African Union, SADC, CEMAC, IGAD, SOPAC, ASIAN, SICA, ACS, CARICOM, SouthernCON, CPPS, CAN, African-Caribbean-Pacific Countries Evaluating and fine-tuning of the regional capacities, gaps and needs based on the analysis of the country-level surveys DPM Programme office would provide targeted sub-regional analysis per specifications of RA WG on DPM DPM and DCR can facilitate the Chairpersons of RA WG DPM to contact countries that have not responded to the survey RA WG DPM Chairperson would provide guidance to DPM Programme Office for fine-tuning regional analysis (by 11 Jan 2007) Identification of trans-boundary issues and challenges for weather-, climate- and water-related disasters Mapping of the current capacities available through WMO Regional Specialized Centers (RSMCs, RTCs and Climate and drought M Centers) and identification of areas where these capacities should be strengthened
Regional Diagnosis... (continued)
Identification and profiling of the regional agencies and regional networks of international agencies involved in DRM that can be implementation partners Profiling should include information on agencies' roles and mandates, areas of common interest or complementary to WMO's, governance structure. For donors agencies, additional information would address criteria for projects selction, funding mechanisms, regions and countries of interest, range of project size and budget e.g., ISDR Secretariat Regional Offices, ADPC, ADRC, PAHO, SEPREDENAC, CEDRA, CAPRADE, UNDP, IFRC, OCHA, etc. Identification of regional donors and trust funds in support of DRM and profiling them Identification of good practices in the region facilitated through Members with or without WMO involvement (e.g., Typhoon Committee, MeteoAlarm) Linking to other WMO RA WG (Climate, hydrology etc.) to identify common issues, needs and crosscutting projects
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