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TAAA-CCCT Grants for FPO’s Refresher Training
For Federal Project Officers June 25, 2012
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WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. WEBINAR RESOURCES SLIDE FACILITATOR: To access today’s recording once it’s posted, log in to your Workforce3 One account. Once you log into your account, you’ll automatically be taken to your Dashboard page. Under the Attended Events section of your Dashboard page, you’ll see the titles of the webinar sessions you’ve registered to attend. To access a specific session’s recording, transcript, PPT, and any handouts that were made available before the webinar or any new resources made available after the webinar, “mouse” over and left-click the session title. Please note: The recording and transcript of today’s webinar will be posted within two business days, and other resources for download will be posted as they become available. (Click to next slide)
TAA-CCCT Grants Similar to other federal grants:
Uniform Administrative Requirements Federal Cost Principles Grant Agreement Different than other DOL ETA and Education grants: Indirect Cost Rate vs. F&A rate Administrative costs Prohibitions on wages, real property, tuition, tutoring Supportive Services Subgrant prohibition Consortium grants
Topics for today’s webinar
Indirect Costs vs. F&A Indirect Costs vs. Admin Costs Administrative Cost cap Intellectual property Procurement requirements Equipment
Topics cont’d Funding restrictions and unallowable costs
Supportive services TACT Definition WIA definition Allowable costs Subgrant prohibition Consortium grants Cost allocation
Indirect Costs Indirect Costs: any costs shared between multiple programs for which a definitive amount can not be directly attributed to a specific grant. Indirect Cost Rate or Cost Allocation Plan May be both Administrative & Program costs 9
Indirect Cost Rate Applicable to grantees receiving funds
from multiple sources Need approved ICR or Cost Allocation Plan First 90 days No ICR or CAP = no reimbursement for indirect costs Division of Cost Determination contacts F&A Rate is the same as an ICR For consortiums, each entity needs its own ICR in order to claim indirect costs.
Indirect Costs vs. F&A F&A costs are defined in 2 CFR 220
Applicable to Educational Institutions only Specific categories for facilities depreciation and use allowances, interest on debt associated with certain buildings, equipment and capital improvements, operation and maintenance expenses, and library expenses.
Indirect Costs vs. F&A cont’d
Specific categories for administration general administration and general expenses, departmental administration, sponsored projects administration, student administration and services, and all other types of expenditures not listed specifically under one of the subcategories of Facilities (including cross allocations from other pools).
ETA Administrative Costs
WIA definition of administrative costs incorporated into TACT grants Potential areas of confusion for grantees: Difference between 2 CFR “Administration” and WIA Administrative Costs Thinking indirect costs and administrative costs are the same HANDOUTS
Administrative Costs Limit
10% of total grant award amount
Salary Cap - PL 109-234 Applies to
All ETA appropriated funds All grants, contract and interagency agreements All funds available on or after June 15, 2006 Limits salary and bonus payments to individuals Implementation guidance in TEGL 5-06 Not to exceed Executive Level II 2011 = $179,700
Intellectual Property
Government retains: license to use, reproduce and publish Language to be included on products All work developed under grant must be licensed Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license Notice of license affixed to work
Creative Commons 3.0 license
Allows subsequent users to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the copyrighted work Requires users to attribute the work in the manner specified by the Grantee. Notice of the License shall be affixed to the copyrighted work Also called CC BY
Products/Learning Materials
What counts as “work” or “new learning materials”? Copyrightable works created by grant recipients, consortium members, contractors, and subcontractors If grants funds are used to create a derivative work from an existing copyrighted work in developing materials for the grant, then the grant work must be licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
Procurement Procurement Requirements Procurement Regulations:
Open and free competition Sole source Procurement Regulations: 29 CFR Part 95 or Part 97 Procurement standards for partners and subcontracts
Equipment 29 CFR 95.2(n) and 29 CFR 95.34
Submitted on behalf of consortium members and subcontractors Software not considered equipment Equipment ETO If over $150,000 per unit, request goes to National Office GO.
Funding Restrictions SGA lists unallowable activities on pg. 10 and 22
Why prohibitions? They may duplicate services, benefits, or stipends provided to workers eligible for assistance under the TAA, Unemployment Insurance, or Workforce Investment Act programs. Grantees may not use grant funds to supplant other funding sources they are currently using to fund existing activities
Tuition, Wages, and Stipends
DEFINITIONS Tuition = the fee for instruction at an Institution of Higher Education Wages = compensation for services performed for an employer Stipends = fixed sum of money paid periodically for services or to defray expenses
Participant wages and stipends
Payment of wages NOT allowable Includes wages of students in co-operative education programs Registered Apprenticeship Internships Provision of stipends to training participants for the purposes of wage replacement is not allowable Page 10 of SGA
Tuition, Scholarships and Assessments
Use of grant funds to pay the costs of tuition not allowable (pg. 10 of SGA) Scholarships – not allowable Student assessment and testing fees - conditional
Tutoring Use of grant funds to pay the costs of providing tutoring for individual participants is not allowable. Only benefits individual participants.
Supportive Services Student Support Services WIA Supportive Services
I.e. career guidance systems Hiring and/or training staff Developing or procuring online systems WIA Supportive Services Childcare Transportation Dependent Care Housing Needs Related payments
Real Property PROHIBITED: Purchase of Real Property Construction
ALLOWABLE WITH CONDITIONS: Rearrangement and alteration costs (renovations)
Addressed in 2 CFR 220 Appendix A Section J.40 – Rearrangement and Alteration Costs Cannot impact equity value Prior approval of the Grant Officer required Examples Refitting laboratory – may be allowable depending on SOW Internal reconfiguration of offices- may be allowable depending on SOW HVAC system installation - unallowable
Subgrant Prohibition Grantees do not have authority under this program to award sub-grants (pg. 22 of SGA) Consortium members are not subgrants May award subcontracts, but must meet definition of subcontract (Attachment A to SGA) Contents: General purpose, Programmatic functions, and Responsibilities that the grantee gives to the other organization along with grant funds
Subgrants vs. Subcontracts
Subgrant: An award of financial assistance in the form of money, made under a grant by a grantee to an eligible subgrantee. Subcontract: An agreement, purchase order, or any legal instrument issued to a third party the subcontractor, calling for the performance of a defined piece or work or production and/or delivery or specified goods and services.
General Purpose Subgrant
To accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation through the grant, as authorized under statute. Subcontract Purpose is to provide supplies and/or services
Focus Subgrant Carries out one or more major programmatic functions in support of the goals of the grant Subcontract Does not support the goals of the grant directly Provides supplies and/or services that are ancillary or supportive to the operation of the grant
Recipient Responsibility
Subgrant Has responsibility for: programmatic decision making, adherence to applicable Federal program compliance requirements, Is able to determine which participants are eligible to receive Federal financial assistance. Subcontract Provides supplies and/or services for use by the prime grantee that are supportive to the operation of the grant. Subject to procurement regulations, but not programmatic compliance requirements Does not have decision-making authority pertaining to the grant.
Vendors Contract to provide goods, supplies and/or services as part of normal business operations Does not directly support goals of grant; ancillary to the operation of the program Does not have programmatic decision making authority Not subject to program compliance requirements Subject to procurement regulations OMB Circular A-133, Section 210
Is it a subcontract? Grantee issues RFP seeking to award contract to:
Assess skills, aptitudes and career interests of participants Provide career advise and job search assistance Conduct workshops on resume writing and job interviewing techniques Provide referrals to services provided by workforce, education or public assistance agencies Help participants develop individual career plans
No…called a subcontract but…
Activities listed are all deliverables under the grant Program responsibility placed on contractor, not the grantee BUT Shift program responsibility to grantee Procure specific goods or services Clearly articulate what goods or services vendor is providing the grantee COULD BECOME A SUBCONTRACT
Examples of activities in subcontracts
Hosting meeting of SME’s to assess curriculum needs May be subcontract provided that: Vendor is not wholly responsible for performance of grant activities Vendor does not have authority to make decisions Vendor provides grantee with defined deliverable (i.e. report) Oversight provided by grantee Researching, designing and developing a program/curriculum to allow career pathway for participants to obtain professional certification As vendor/contractor they design and develop materials but do not make programmatic decisions Provides grantee defined deliverable Grantee utilizes these materials to provide career pathway to participants – not contractor
Examples continued May be contract provided that:
Hosting and participating in Instructor Certification Training May be contract provided that: Contractor is providing training Training must be done on behalf of the grantee and under grantee’s name Contractor cannot select or screen training participants or evaluate participates other rating pass/fail grade for course There is a defined contract deliverable Creating a common project book to be used by participants Grantee is procuring a product (project book) that helps to achieve grant deliverable The product is not the grant deliverable but will be used by grantee to meet its deliverable Talk about asking for NO opinion – limitations – will not “approve” contract language. In certain cases, if FPO is concerned, will review and let FPO know if we have concerns about whether it’s a subgrant or subcontract.
Utilizing the Workforce System
Required to consult with workforce system (SGA, page 7) May contract with workforce system to provide staff-assisted or customized services such as: Comprehensive assessment, case management, participant tracking or job placement Subgrant prohibition still applies Program responsibility with grantee Workforce system cannot produce deliverables on behalf of grantee In this capacity, workforce system is a vendor delivering contracted services, not a subrecipient. May not duplicate services provided to same participants through the One Stop or other ETA programs.
Utilizing the Workforce System cont’d
Just because it is a state or local area, its not a subgrant or subrecipient – it’s a contract for their services. Not eligible as grantees Must not be listed as members of a consortium in consortium agreement
Implementing Consortiums
Consortium members are not subrecipients or vendors Lead institution has award with DOL. They are: the point of contact with DOL to receive and respond to all inquiries or communications under this SGA and any subsequent grant award; the entity with the authority to withdraw or draw down funds through PMS responsible for submitting to all deliverables under the grant, including all technical and financial reports related to the project, regardless of which consortium member performed the work;
Implementing Consortiums cont’d
Lead institution is the entity: 4) that may request or agree to a revision or amendment of the grant agreement or modification to the statement of work; 5) with overall responsibility for carrying out the programmatic functions of the grant, as well as for the stewardship of all expenditures under the grant; and 6) responsible for working with DOL to close out the grant.
Cost Allocation Majority of costs will be allowable activities described on Pages 9 and 10 of SGA. Needs to benefit the grant Improve grantee’s ability to provide suitable education and training programs for TAA eligible workers Support college’s general capacity Clearly identified in grantees SOW Determine if cost can be charged completely or only a portion
Cost Allocation Costs are TAACCCT program or class centered, not a participant-centered i.e. not TAACCCT vs. non-TAACCCT participants Grant pays for: Hiring/training additional instructors to develop/deliver new curricula Upgrading classroom supplies for courses supported by the grant Implementing changes in the time or scheduling of classes Grant pays for that program or class, or portion thereof, that is created or enhanced by TAACCCT grant.
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