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Programming With C# Kesan Virantha Narangoda

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1 Programming With C# Kesan Virantha Narangoda
MBA in MOT (University of Moratuwa) Bsc in MIS (University College of Dublin)

2 My Teaching Style Interaction Respect Engagement Approachable
Helpful hints Beyond the textbook LET’S talk new things while you learn!

3 What I need from YOU!! A willingness to interact Your commitment to your own learning A positive attitude Sufficient time allowance Ask questions as much as you can Be on Time to the Class After I come to the Class no more talks and noises Don’t talk or shout while I’m teaching YOU are responsible for YOUR learning……we are here to help guide the way….

4 What we are going to Learn
Introduction Language Fundamentals Language Concepts Windows Application Development – C# Windows Forms C# with SQL Server Database - ADO.Net Reporting – Microsoft Report Viewer You can use Microsoft Virtual Academy for learning this subject in advance

5 Assignments, Group Project and Exam
You must participate to every Practical Sessions and Tutorial sessions. If you don’t have above 80% attendance for the practical and tutorials you cannot sit for the exam. Mid Term Test. 40 MCQ Questions within 1 Hour. (10 Marks) Group Project with Viva. Must build a complete software. Must present 5 group members. (20 Marks). Practical Exam with Database Connection. (10 Marks) Exam Guidelines will provide during the lectures. (60 Marks)

6 Group Project Guidelines
You can select any kind of a project but the project should have innovative ideas. Think and design everything before you build the complete system. First select a company for building the software or else you can build innovative software to the open world (You can discuss with me if you have an innovative idea). Study about the system or idea and then design the complete software with the database and reports. Only 5 group members and every group member must participate for 15 to 20 min Viva for the project. During the Viva you must present a simple presentation about explaining the scope of your project and the technologies you have used. (Maximum 10 Slides) then you must demonstrate how the software is working.

7 You can include new technologies from the industry standard by doing a good research in Google. If you don’t include new technologies you may lose marks. Your software must Have an attractive User Interfaces Have Database Connection Have Reports Use OOP Concepts

8 Leave Management System
Group Project Ideas Leave Management System Some Guidelines : Aim is give facility to employees to apply a leave through a system Must present all types of leaves (Casual, Annual, Medical etc.) Must present levels of approvals (Ex: If a employee apply a leave it must go for approval (through a or some other way) of next level manager. After that manager approve or reject employee must get a confirmation. Must present several logins for each levels. (Ex: Admin can edit the leaves and add a new employee) Leaves must reduce after taking the leaves and leaves must add based on the time periods. (Ex : If a employee complete a year he or she can get annual leaves). Must have Reports. Other than that there are many features to be included. Please study a leave management system before you build the system

9 Highway Bus Booking System or Train Booking System
Some Guidelines : Aim is to give facility for customer to book a bus or train. Must have several logins. (Ex: Customer, Admin, Manager) Must have a schedules for bus or trains. Admin can edit the schedules, add new bus etc. Must include reports. Customer can be able to book bus or train. If it is possible can include Google Map for bus route or train route Can provide several options for customer fro booking. Must include a payment gate way for payments. (There are free payment gateways you can find in Google) If it is possible you can send a SMS alert or after the booking by using SMS Gate way or Gateway. (There are free gateways you can find in Google). Other than that there are many features to be included. Please study a online system before you build the system

10 Health Consulting System
Some Guidelines : Aims at maintaining patient health records and even getting appointments from various doctors for related treatments. Must have several logins. (Ex: Patient, Admin, Doctor, Manager) Patient must be able to select the doctor, suitable appointment time etc. Admin can edit the doctor details etc. Doctor can see his/her appointments. Patient can see his/her medical reports. If it is possible you can send a SMS alert or by using SMS Gate way or gateway. (There are free gateways you can find in Google). Other than that there are many features to be included. Please study a related system before you build the system

11 Fuel Management System for Petroleum Corporation
Some Guidelines : Aim is to maintain the fuel in the corporation and distribute to the oil stations. Must have several logins (Ex: Supplier, Admin etc.), Must have Reports. Must be able to check the weight of the oil tanks (from the oil bowsers), accept and reject the tanks, transfer the tanks and distribute the oil to oil stations over the sri lanka. Must be able to handle several oil types. Must be able to check the oil tanks limits. Other than that there are many features to be included. Please study a related system before you build the system

12 Introduction

13 Microsoft .NET A Software Framework developed by Microsoft.
A general purpose development platform for any kind of app or workload. Providing key capabilities for building high quality apps. Including automatic memory management. Support for modern programming languages. Provides a comprehensive programming model for building all kinds of applications. From Mobile to Web to Desktop

14 .NET Versions .Net 1.0 - released in 2002 .Net 2.0 - released in 2005
.NET in 2008 includes more useful additions .Net released in 2010 .Net 4.5 Framework - released in 2012 .Net / Framework - released in 2013 .Net released in 2015

15 New in the .NET Framework 4.6
ASP.NET 5 Platform for building modern cloud-based apps.  Support for the Token Binding Protocol - Microsoft and Google have been collaborating on a new approach to authentication. ADO.NET Supports the Always Encrypted feature available in SQL Server 2016. “Always Encrypted” secures customer data. DBAs do not have access to plain text data.

16 64-bit JIT Compiler for managed code
New version of the 64-bit JIT compiler - Named RyuJIT New 64-bit compiler is enabled for 64-bit processes running on top of the .NET Framework 4.6.  Base class Library changes Enhancements to garbage collection (GC) - Includes ”TryStartNoGCRegion” and ”EndNoGCRegion” methods. SIMD-enabled types - System.Numerics namespace includes a number of SIMD-enabled types (Matrix , Vector) Support for converting dates and times to or from Unix time

17 .NET Framework 4.6

18 Concepts

19 Common Language Runtime
.NET Execution Model VB C# C++ Script Unmanaged Component Compiler Compiler Compiler Assembly IL Assembly IL Assembly IL Common Language Runtime Standard JIT Compiler Native Code OS

20 Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Considered to be the core component of .NET framework.  Virtual machine component of .NET framework Responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs Convert the CIL/MSIL code into native machine language code. CLR converts CIL (Common Intermediate Language) to native code.

21 Benefits of CLR: Performance improvements. The ability to easily use components developed in other languages. Extensible types provided by a class library. Language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented programming. Support for structured exception handling. Support for custom attributes. Garbage collection. Use of delegates instead of function pointers for increased type safety and security.

22 Base Class Library (BCL)
The .Net FCL includes a huge collection of reusable classes, interfaces, and value types that expedite and optimize the development process and provide access to system functionality. Biggest benefits of writing managed code - from a developer’ s point of view.

23 Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
Call it as Intermediate Language (IL) Common Intermediate Language (CIL) During the compile time, the compiler convert the source code into MSIL. During the runtime the CLR's Just In Time (JIT) compiler – (RyuJIT – 4.6 Framework) converts the MSIL code into native code to the Operating System.

24 Common Type System (CTS)
The Common Type System (CTS) ensure that objects written in different .Net languages can interact with each other. Data types defined in two different languages get compiled to a common data type. Useful: When we want code in one language to be called in other language.

25 Common Language Specification (CLS)
Subset of CTS. When there is a situation to communicate Objects written in different .Net Complaint languages, those objects must expose the features that are common to all the languages. CLS is a set of rules or guidelines. When any programming language adheres to these set of rules it can be consumed by any .Net language.

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