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Atmospheric Radiation

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1 Atmospheric Radiation
ESE_GE 152 April 7, 2009 Yuk Yung Chapter 1 1

2 Outline Blackbody Energy Balance (1) Energy Balance (2)
Thermal Structure Composition 2

3 Blackbody Radiation B(T) = 2h3/c2[exp(h/kT) - 1]-1 3


5 5





10 Brightness Temperature


12 Outline Blackbody Energy Balance (1) Energy Balance (2)
Thermal Structure Composition 12

13 Atmosphere : Processor of energy
Sun surface Atmosphere Space Center of sun Atmosphere : Processor of energy Sunlight driver of Chemistry dynamics biology

14 Process Total Power (Watts) Sunlight 2 X 1017 Seawater evaporation 3 X 1016 Photosynthesis 1 X 1014 Geothermal flux 3 X 1013 Tides 2 X 1013 Energy use by man (1980) 1 X 1013 UV energy to make O3 layer Hydroelectric Power 3 X 1011 Winds 2 X 1011 Volcanoes 4 X 1010 Earthquakes 1 X 1010


16 “One layer” Greenhouse Model of Atmosphere
Atmosphere is blackbody (thermal) Atmosphere is transparent to solar radiation Atmosphere is “one layer” thick and isothermal throughout Radiative equilibrium for planet Radiative equilibrium for surface Solving observed Pretty good (Ts = 288 K)

17 Outline Blackbody Energy Balance (1) Energy Balance (2)
Thermal Structure Composition 17

18 George Hadley (1685-1768), English lawyer and scientist.
“I think the cause of the general Trade-winds have not been explained by any of those who have wrote on that subject” (1735) The overturning Hadley cells are the main way the atmosphere transports energy polewards in low latitudes


20 Radiation TOA Quite strong structure due to clouds in ASR and OLR that mostly cancels in the net; some other albedo effects (e.g., Sahara) and land-sea differences, but sun-Earth geometry explains most of pattern. ASR OLR NET Trenberth and Stepaniak, J. Clim. 2003



23 Net Differences Kiehl and Trenberth 1997 Shortwave Surface
Top-of-atmosphere Top-of-atmosphere Surface Net Differences Shortwave Kiehl and Trenberth 1997

24 Radiation TOA Quite strong structure due to clouds in ASR and OLR that mostly cancels in the net; some other albedo effects (e.g., Sahara) and land-sea differences, but sun-Earth geometry explains most of pattern. ASR OLR NET Trenberth and Stepaniak, J. Clim. 2003

25 Outline Blackbody Energy Balance (1) Energy Balance (2)
Thermal Structure Composition 25





30 Outline Blackbody Energy Balance (1) Energy Balance (2)
Thermal Structure Composition 30




34 x: Machida et al. [1995] +: Bernard et al. [2006]
Sowers’s 10 ppbv lower in PRE



37 Elva Kuai, Fai Li, Trenberth, Barnet Goody + Yung Book
Thanks Elva Kuai, Fai Li, Trenberth, Barnet Goody + Yung Book

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