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Does the President have the power to address this problem?

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Presentation on theme: "Does the President have the power to address this problem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does the President have the power to address this problem?
Who could he call for help?

2 The President’s Cabinet
What do they do?

3 Is Bureaucracy a four-letter word? Most people think so.
Bureaucracy – levels of non-elected government officials that help the President carry out his powers and duties President, VP and Advisors Cabinet Agencies

4 The Cabinet Not mentioned in the Constitution.
Members picked by President, approved by Senate. Consists of Secretaries (except Attorney General). Advise the President and help him carry out laws. Has expanded over time.

5 The Cabinet Departments What do they do?
State (1789) Treasury Defense (1789, but renamed in 1947) Justice (1870) Interior (1849) Agriculture (1862) Commerce (1903) Labor (1913) Health and Human Services (1953) Housing and Urban Development (1965) Transportation (1966) Energy (1977) Education (1979) Veteran Affairs (1988) Homeland Security (2005)

6 What does the President look for in a Department Secretary?
The appointee must be qualified for the job (Senate approval). Another goal is to make the Cabinet “look like America.” What does that mean? Does President Obama’s cabinet “look like America?”

7 Does President Obama’s Cabinet look like America?

8 The President’s Cabinet
Secretary of State – John Kerry Secretary of Defense – Ashton Clark Secretary of Treasury – Jack Lew Attorney General – Loretta Lynch

9 Secretary of the Interior – Sally Jewell
Secretary of Agriculture – Tom Vilsack Secretary of Commerce – Penny Pritzker Secretary of Labor – Thomas Perez

10 Secretary of Health and Human Services – Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Julian Castro Secretary of Transportation – Anthony Foxx Secretary of Energy – Ernest Moniz

11 Secretary of Education – Arne Duncan
Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs – Robert McDonald Secretary of Homeland Security – Jeh Johnson

12 Match the Department with its function
Negotiates with foreign nations. Regulates national parks in the U.S. Can use the FBI to enforce the laws of the U.S. Creates safety standards for factories. Enforces regulations of television advertisements. Oversees the inspection of hospitals. Coordinate Memorial Day celebrations. Promotes the development of battery powered vehicles. Oversees the budget of the Coast Guard. Handles the investment of federal monies. Commerce Dept. State Dept. Justice Dept. Interior Dept. Labor Dept. Defense Dept. Veteran Affairs Dept. Health and Human Services Dept. Treasury Dept. Transportation Dept.

13 Who will the President call to help solve these problems?
A Ford factory in Mexico was attacked by rebels wanting to seize it. The Palestinians and Israelis want to stop fighting one another over territory in the West Bank. Cuba kicks the Castro family out, installs democracy and wants to start trading with the U.S.

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