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A new river and valley forms overnight

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1 A new river and valley forms overnight
News headline: A new river and valley forms overnight

2 Valley forms overnight with woods and stream already formed – surrounded by tall hills. Stream flows into the Potomac near Harpers Ferry.

3 Three states (Va, Md, and WV) each claim the new territory!

4 SRMS science teachers claim that “Their students can do better than the states in developing this land with a wonderful river.”

5 Their students want naming rights for the River, and for the Territory.

6 The teachers (Efigenio, Labuhn, and Peck) apply for a grant for federal government funding for Bridges/roads/colleges/ schools/ water/electric/landfill/library/police station/waste water treatment/airport….all considered “infrastructure”.

7 Great news!!!! The grant is received, and allows for up to 3 bridges

8 A road system as designed by students.

9 Two police stations: One North of the River, a second South of the River

10 Two libraries: One North of the River, a second South of the River.

11 One small dam for a small hydroelectric power plant
One small dam for a small hydroelectric power plant. It must be in the parcels UPRIVER where the river flow is fastest.

12 One small airport, on level ground – on the downstream parcels where it’s flatter..

13 One full-service hospital.

14 One 4-year college or university.

15 One community college

16 Two school systems, one for the North territory, a second for the South territory.

17 One prison for the new territory

18 One solid waste facility (landfill)

19 One Waste Water Treatment Plant, to treat any sewage.

20 Investment bankers from the private sector agree to provide funding for development of the following:

21 One sports stadium complex.

22 Housing – both single family and apartments (multi-family), on both sides of the river.

23 Malls, restaurants, movie theaters, golf courses, business parks, paint ball gun courses, other projects that can produce profits.

24 Surveyors are hired to divide the land into 12 parcels – each at least 1,000 acres.

25 Surveyor at work.

26 Half of the parcels are north of the River, and half are south of the River. Due to a surveyor error, Parcels 1& 2 are largest. They are also closest to the Potomac River. Parcels are highest with the steepest slopes. All parcels are in a valley, with the stream at the lowest point. Road connections to WV are possible for North parcels. Road connections to VA are possible for South properties.

27 Parcels will be “auctioned” to students
Parcels will be “auctioned” to students. Your teacher will explain the procedures.

28 Where the bids are based on promises to do good deeds for the next week, here are some example of student pledges: “I promise to do the dishes this weekend.” “I pledge to walk the dog this weekend.” “I will not irritate my brother (sister) for 2 days.” “I will pick up litter by the stream for a week.”

29 Action steps: Negotiators representing each class section will agree as to location of – Bridges over river Hydroelectric Dam (either of parcels 9&10 or 11&12) Highway system Whether North or South get the following Airport College Community College Hospital Landfill Prison Sports/Entertainment Stadium Wastewater Treatment Plant

30 Only after negotiations are completed can students begin to design the plans for their parcels of land. When drawing your plan, keep the following in mind: Keep “North” up, see ^N on the back of your paper Add labels/names of buildings to help explain to others Make it visible to those standing about 3 meters away Keep scale in mind. A building the size of Dominion High would be about the size as shown below Keep parking needs in mind. Even a forest preserve will need parking for veterinarians, a facility to treat animals. As a rule of thumb, the parking needs “footprint” will be 5 times the size of the building.

31 Good Luck!

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