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Announcement HW#8, due Thursday March 23, posted in Index

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Presentation on theme: "Announcement HW#8, due Thursday March 23, posted in Index"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcement HW#8, due Thursday March 23, posted in Index of Chapter 10. Covers Chapters

2 Coming Up ... ASEN 6367 Term Projects
Following Slides Outline Basic Rules Posted Also on Course Website

3 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Group Composition Each term project should involve two (best) or (at most) three students. Teams of more than three are discouraged because workload distribution tends to get skewed. A project may also be carried out by a single, bright, hardworking but reclusive individual. Forming teams is primarily the responsibility of the students, but instructor can help. Teams may coordinate work by comparing results in related projects. Project groups need not be same as HW groups.

4 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Topic Submission Projects may be proposed by students or taken from the potential subjects list posted on web site. Project topics should be communicated to instructor by Tuesday class after Spring Break. submission OK. The description should name the participating students, project title, and one sentence that identifies the subject. Project rosters will be periodically handed out to class for verification.

5 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Topic Selection Projects should be related to the subject matter of the course as a starting point. Subjects involving nonstructural analysis (e.g., heat transfer or fluid mechanics), nonlinear structural analysis or structural dynamics & vibration are acceptable if proposers have had prior or collateral experience with such subjects; for example in ongoing thesis work. But in any case the subject must involve finite elements.

6 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Computer Programming Tools Instructor supplied programs may be modified or extended to meet the goals of a project. Use of Matlab may be more effective, however, to get quick numerical answers and produce graphical results. Use of computer algebra tools such as Mathematica is encouraged as help for analytically oriented projects that involve heavy algebraic manipulations.

7 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Instructor Help Instructor is available throughout the project timespan for technical discussion in his areas of expertise. Literature that may help with the work will be supplied on request to group if available to instructor. References to material on Web or in a CU Library may be also provided on request.

8 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Outcome A project does not have to be successful. However, participants should give it a serious try. Negative conclusions may be as valuable as positive ones. For example: of the 2013 projects, only two were moderately successful. But all groups (except one) tried.

9 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2013
Presentations Two presentations are required for each project. A 15-20’ in-progress presentation during the week of classes April These will be done at the Onizuka Conference Room) 4-6:30 pm depending on # of projects. A 30-40' final presentation during the last week of classes May Also done at the Onizuka Conference Room from 4-6:30. Additional time may be added as necessary. Multiperson teams chose a presenter or may time-share.

10 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2013
Final Report Due Final reports in PDF are due on Wednesday May 10 by noon. They should be ed to by that deadline. The report should describe: objectives, formulation, implementation, results and conclusions. It should contain appropriate references to any literature used. The report should include a listing of key software developed to obtain results (example: an element formation module), but not generic software supplied by instructor or auxiliary software such as pre- or postprocessors written as part of the project.

11 ASEN 6367 Term Projects - Advanced FEM- Spring 2017
Project Result Posting Reports will be posted on the course web site, along with abstracts & presentation material, if files are of reasonable size. Project material for selective previous course offerings is available on the course web site (except for some that were requested not to be posted)

12 Spring 2017 Suggested Term Project Topics
11 suggested topics for Spring 2017 Term Some are more challenging than others. Projects posted on web site last weekend


14 Note Re Chapter 11 Chapter 11 (Hexahedral Elements) under full renovation. But HW Exercises there (included in HW#8 can be used)


16 Hex Elements Are Preferred For Regular
Configurations As Well As Hand-Built Meshes

17 Find Uses in Dentristy

18 F-16 Structural Model

19 F-16 Interior Structure Zoom
Some solid elements (bricks & tets) used for “wing fingers”

20 The Troll Platform 470 m high including superstructure
m3 of concrete tons of steel reinforcement Design life of 50 years Largest man-made object ever moved Supplies 10 percent of Europe’s gas consumption





25 Mesh “Hourglassing” Instability
Cause: Stiffness Rank Deficiency due to underintegration Exacerbated if material is nearly incompressible:

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