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ITRI Internship Gennady Timokhov, Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "ITRI Internship Gennady Timokhov, Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITRI Internship Gennady Timokhov, Russia

2 Introducing Myself Timokhov Gennady,
My geography Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics North-West State Technical University Timokhov Gennady, MD, PhD-student (NWSTU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), MSc-Student (TUSUR, Tomsk, Russia)

3 Nerve Repair Project. General Information
An adequate evaluation method is essential to assess properly the regeneration of peripheral nerves after injury. Sciatic nerve injury in rats is a dominant model for studies of peripheral nerve regeneration. Directions: animal experiments: surgical procedures; functional evaluation of nerve repair. 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

4 Nerve Repair Project. Surgical Procedures
Crush lesion of the rat sciatic nerve is used as a model to study cellular and molecular processes of peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo. 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

5 Nerve Repair Project. Functional Evaluation
Several measurements are taken from footprints, these are as follows: print length (PL): distance from the heel to the third toe; toe spread (TS): distance from the first to the fifth toe; intermediate toe spread (ITS): distance from the second to the fourth toe. Data Obtained from Walking Tracks 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

6 Assistance. Electron Microscopy
Dental Implant Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is an analytical technique used for the elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample. 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

7 Assistance. Sample Treatment
Steps Preparing PMMA samples: PMMA-embedding; samples cutting; slides mounting; slides polishing. Verte! 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

8 Assistance. Slides Staining
Dental implant. Van-Kossa staining. Slides Staining. - Hematoxiline & Eosine Staining; - Safranine O & Fast Green Staining; - Van-Kossa Staining. Human knee joint. SO&FG stain. Human knee joint. H&E stain. 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

9 Group Travels Group Travels 09/08/2011
Alishan Scenery Area; Lions Head Mountains; Hsinchu Science Park Tour; Other more. 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

10 09/08/2011 ITRI, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Labs (J000)

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