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Hunting and related.

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Presentation on theme: "Hunting and related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunting and related

2 What is hunting actually?
Many of us associate this occupation only with killing innocent animals. In reality shooting the game is the last activity which takes place in the long chain of different tasks included in hunters’ duties. Do not confuse hunting with poaching! Hunters take care of the balance in the ecosystem: Feed animals Regulate the number of animals Protect the environment Clean up forests Hunters strictly comply with the law and ethics of hunting while poachers do not.

3 Losses in State Forests in Poland (2005)

4 Poaching with weapons - number of events (2011/2012)
79 88 34 89 38 386 86 40 259 68 253 18 265 88 134 221

5 Basic hunting weapons double-barreled shotgun (two parallel barrels)
drilling (two matching shotgun barrels and a rifle barrel) bock (two shotgun barrels perpendicularly) hunting rifle (the riffle barrel) cape gun (the rifle barrel and the shotgun barrel)

6 Hunting riffle Double-barreled shotgun

7 “Environmentalists” Some environmentalists are frauds. For example: they oppose building an edifice because they are afraid of destroying some natural features of the place; however, they agree to hide this information in exchange for a reward, the bribe. So called "environmentalists" sometimes protest against killing animals by hunters. On the other hand, they forget that they also eat meat and destroy animals' natural habitats by using household appliances such as: a washing machine or a freezer. Thus, condemning the animals to slow death. A well-aimed shot kills an animal faster. If you do not want them to die - do not buy meat!


9 THE END Made by: Patrycja Armata Weronika Wyderka Maciej Maląg
Sources: pseudoekolodzy-manipuluja-ludzmi-mysliwer/ ekolodzy-wyciagaja-pieniadze, html 668.jpg gif 12.pdf THE END Made by: Patrycja Armata ZSP nr 5 w Krosno Weronika Wyderka Klasa 1al Maciej Maląg

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