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Jonah & The Whale Jonah 1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Jonah & The Whale Jonah 1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonah & The Whale Jonah 1-4

2 What it means to redeem something?
- Compensate for the faults or bad aspects of something. - The action of saving, or being saved from sin error, or evil.

3 How does God reveal himself?
God reveals himself when Jonah ran away from God, Jonah tried to hide from God so God sent a violent storm. Jonah thought that sending cargo over would stop the ship from sinking and the people from drowning. The sailors ended up throwing a sacrifice  to God because they were scared, they had sacrificed Jonah and then God revealed himself again when the sea became calm. Jonah ended up being swallowed by a whale, and God revealed himself a third time when he command the whale to vomit Jonah back to shore.   

4 Who are the human characters in this situation?
Jonah and the sailors are the humans involved in this situation. Jonah disobeyed God and fled with the sailors instead of obeying God's demand to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh. God's response was a mighty storm. 

5 How does this situation foreshadow what God does through Jesus Christ?
This situation foreshadows what God does through Jesus because it shows that God doesn't tolerate sin, and since Jesus is from God then Jesus doesn't tolerate it either.

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