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Critical review of article ‘Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE): An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development fo the Field’ by.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical review of article ‘Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE): An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development fo the Field’ by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical review of article ‘Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE): An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development fo the Field’ by Mirela Xheneti and Robert Blackburn, Small Business Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Law, Kingston University Vladimir Shuklin Artem Egorenkov

2 Research goal and main problems discussed in the article
Review and analyze the field of small and business and entrepreneurship (SBE) Problems: Identify a purpose of SBE research Define its main ontological and theoretical underpinnings Main topics researched in the field Levels of analysis and types of research design used in the field Geographic focus of research Origins of the lead authors in the field Methods employed

3 Methodology employed by authors
Analysis of articles that demonstrate the condition of the field Focus on 696 papers about SBE Papers published in 6 main ISI ranking journals out of 50 in the past six years (selected due to high profile in the field and their wide international appeal) Robust classification of topic areas has been developed with 29 main topics identified Papers were also classified by the main type of methodology employed, geographical context of the study, country affiliation of the main author

4 Main findings Topics of research in SBE field (top 5 in descending order, number of articles in parentheses): Challenges of development and performance (57) Networking and external relations (57) Public policy and state intervention (55) New venture creation (46) Contributions to the economy (40)

5 Main findings II The principal research design:
Empirical papers, using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods, dominate over conceptual papers (585 papers vs 111 papers) Quantitative methods significantly dominate over other methods (427 out of 696 papers) Geographical focus of studies: Most research is focused on single countries, predominantly UK (94) and USA (147) Multi country contexts were studied in 88 papers only Origins of the lead authors: Dominance of USA and UK authors – may be biased by the fact that selected journals are either American or British

6 Conclusions I: Field of SBE research has achieved a certain level of maturity in terms of scale, quality and pedagogic embeddedness in academic curriculum The focus of the topics in the SBE field continues to be broad which in turn leads to a large number of potential classifications However, much research is still employing an ideological position that links entrepreneurship, and especially venture creation, to economic development

7 Conclusions II The SBE field is dominated by quantitative research designs and by a need to prove that research can be generalised The need to embrace longitudinal designs that would study a phenomenon over time holds (GEM-based researches are of a few exceptions) The geographic focus of the research has broadened The field is slowly progressing towards becoming more paradigmatically diverse and international in nature

8 Further issues as the field has developed and continues to do so, care should be taken to avoid a slippage towards a homogenised community, pursuing narrow „pro-entrepreneurship” agendas The question whether the field has been recognised by mainstream remains open The debate around the scope of the field continues The field is dominated by a positivist research paradigm. This might be a result of the criteria used for publication in ‘leading’ journals The field is dominated by US journals and their methodological preferences

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