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Vietnam Divides the Nation

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2 Vietnam Divides the Nation
The Vietnam War Vietnam Divides the Nation

3 Vocab 38 P 406 CH 17 -Credibility Gap -Teach-Ins
-Dove -Hawk -Tet Offensive ( P 408) -Who dies in 1968? (P 409)

4 I. Background 1) Vietnam is the first war... we lose ...on television
...opposed by the masses 2) Until most americans (70%) supported the war. *** we are TOLD that we are ABOUT TO WIN THE WAR!!*** 3) The Draft (young men forced to go to war) was very unpopular Affected the young and uneducated more because college enrollment deferred draft enforcement Many men burned draft cards & moved to Canada to avoid imprisonment 3,000 Draft Dodgers sent to jail for avoiding Draft

5 Famous Draft Dodgers

6 II. A Nation Split: 1) Doves - want US out of Vietnam
mainly students and african americans 2) Hawks - wanted to stay and fight Saw communism as threat Afraid USSR spread like nazi germany As the nation debated… things got worse:

7 III. The Tet Offensive 1) 1/30/1968: Vietnamese New Year - the North Vietnamese launched surprise attack killing 10,000s of Americans / S Vietnamese Americans shocked that enemy, “so close to defeat”, could launch such a large attack American Media declares “Vietnam War effort doomed” 2) Now a large credibility gap between american Public and Lyndon B Johnson

8 Tet Offensive Vid


10 IV Very Sad Year 1) Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis 2) Robert Kennedy (Brother of JFK, running for President) assassinated 3) Anti-War Protesters and Policemen begin fighting Students will be killed in protests in Chicago violence is on TV for nation to see

11 RFK on MLK death

12 Bye bye RFK :(

13 V. A review: 1) We are in this war because of a fake incident (the Gulf of Tonkin Incident) 2) We never declared war, instead, advisors were attacked and we increased troops/bombs 3) We end up sending millions of kids and spending $100 Billion to eventually lose a war people dont want 4) The Tet Offensive is proof that the president is lying to us BUT IT GETS WORSE. Here comessss NIXON!

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