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13. Gifts of the Spirit (3): Prophecy

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2 13. Gifts of the Spirit (3): Prophecy
2 Chronicles 18:1-27; 1 Corinthians 14:1-6, 22-40 p. 410, 1061

3 “Priest” & “Prophet” Simplistic OT picture:
Priest brings the people to God Prophet brings God (His Word) to the people Sometimes people were both (e.g. Samuel) Priests also taught the Word of God (e.g. 2 Chron 17:7-9) Priests & Prophets reminded people of Covenant Faithfulness

4 1. The Role of the Prophet Prophet spoke God’s Word to the people:
Encourage covenant faithfulness to YHWH When faithful – they encouraged the people in distress When unfaithful – they warned them about disobedience. THEY WERE NOT PRIMARILY PREDICTORS OF THE FUTURE In the New Testament prophets have very high status: They are the foundation of the church (Eph 2:20) They bring insights into the mysteries of God (Eph 3:5-6)

5 1. The Role of the Prophet . . . Huge overlap with other gifts (1 Cor 14:6) They are not always popular: Get to be encouragers and comforters (1 Cor 14:3) Reveal sin and call people to repentance (1 Cor 14:24-25) Overlaps with the role of the Pastor/Teacher Face both risks and temptations.

6 2. The Risk of Unpopularity
Bringing God’s word to a sinful world: Some receive and welcome it Some resent or even oppose it.

7 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
Old Testament CASE STUDY – 2 Chronicles 18:1- 27 King Ahab (of Israel): Wants to do what he wants to do. Surrounds himself with “prophets” who tell him what he wants to hear. Has no intention of heeding what YHWH’s prophet will say

8 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
- He is like those in and outside the church who just want God’s blessing on their plans. - Has no willingness or interest in faithfulness or obedience. King Jehoshaphat (of Judah): On the whole a righteous king. He is interested in what the Lord wants and says. He is tied to Ahab by marriage and goes along with him. Gets rebuked by another prophet for it (2 Chron 19:1-2)

9 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
- He is like those in the church who are eager to serve the Lord and be faithful. - He is led astray because of social convention, and pressure. - Willing but weak: need both encouragement & correction. Micaiah son of Imlah (the Prophet)

10 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
Micaiah son of Imlah (the Prophet) He is super unpopular. He is counselled to agree with the others (2 Chron 18:12) His attitude: I can only speak what God says (v 13) What does he get for his faithfulness? A slap across the face Imprisonment with only bread and water.

11 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
Micaiah son of Imlah (the Prophet) He is super unpopular. He is counselled to agree with the others (2 Chron 18:12) His attitude: I can only speak what God says (v 13) What does he get for his faithfulness? A slap across the face Imprisonment with only bread and water.

12 2. The Risk of Unpopularity . . .
- He is like the prophet, teacher, pastor/shepherd today: standing in the front line, proclaiming the Word. - They have to resist the pressure to compromise.

13 3. The Temptation to say what is Popular
Most humans want to do what they want. Bible records many people who assured God’s blessing falsely. Paul was in constant conflict with false teachers. False prophets always a big problem (Jer 23:16ff, Eze 13:10) Fill people with false hope.

14 3. The Temptation to say what is Popular . . .
Pressure and temptation is so strong we are told to test everything (1 Cor 14:29; 1 Thes 5:20-21)

15 4. The Temptation of Personal Gain
Not all pressure comes from the outside. A temptation to personal gain or advantage (Mic 3:5)

16 4. The Temptation of Personal Gain . . .
How it plays out in churches: Personal claiming “prophetic” authority that supports their own opinion/preference. Shuts down wisdom & discernment Becomes about whether we will “listen to God”. A basis for Spiritual abuse. Great discernment is required before “words” are designated “prophetic”

17 Living it . . . Painting a picture of what Prophecy looks like in practice. Not an easy gift: Can lead to unpopularity and opposition Can be easily misused.

18 Living it . . . It is FOUNDATIONAL for the church
God does reveal his will. God guides us in our decisions. God comforts, encourages, and calls us to repentance The gift should be welcomed But there must be careful discernment.


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