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Historical Timeline of Abraham’s Journey

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2 Historical Timeline of Abraham’s Journey
BC 1480/1280 BC 1440’s/1213 BC 1446/1213- ~1100 BC 1050 BC 1003 BC 970 BC 930 BC Patriarchal Age Abraham ~1900 B.C. Sojourn in Egypt (~1700-~1300) Exodus from Egypt Conquest of Canaan Time of the Judges Saul anointed king David’s capture of Jerusalem Solomon takes the Throne Kingdom Splits Jeroboam takes 10 Northern Tribes as “Israel” Rehoboam takes Benjamin and Judah as “Judah” Canaan under Egyptian influence Mycean, Minoan, and Hittites empires collapse. Egypt contracts. No strong presence in Canaan. “Sea Peoples” defeated by Egypt. Resettled as slaves in southern Canaan. “Sea Peoples …Philistines… overthrow their Egyptian lords and settle under five city-states. Philistine threat diminished; Moab, Edom, Aram subdued until split. Egypt re-emerges, exacting tribute to spare Jerusalem. Appendix

3 Historical Timeline of the Kings
Begin End Saul 1050 1010 David (Judah) 970 Solomon 930 Israel KINGDOM DIVIDES 930 B.C. Judah 909 Jeroboam Pharoah Shishak invades Judah in 925 Rehoboam 913 908 Nadab Abijam 910 886 Baasha Asa 869 885 Elah Zimri 880 Tibni* 874 Omri Notable Prophets 853 Ahab Assyria’s first westward expansion Ahab part of coalition that repels Assyria at Qarqar, in Northern Syria Elijah (North) Jehoshaphat 872 848 852 Ahaziah 841 Joram Assyria in decline until 744; Elisha (North) Jehoram (Joram) Aram exacts tribute from Israel 814 Jehu Athaliah* 835 798 Jehoahaz Joash (Jehoash) 796 782 Jehoash (Joash) Amaziah 767 793 753 Jeroboam II Assyrian low-point; Amos (North) Azariah 792 740 Pinnacle of Northern Kingdom Hosea (North) Zechariah 752 Shallum 742 Menahem Jotham 750 732 Pekahiah Pekah Assyria’s Tiglath-Pileser overwhelms West Isaiah (South) Micah (South) Ahaz 735 715 722 Hoshea Assyria’s Tiglath-Pileser dies; Samaria falls to successor, Sargon II, Sennacharib beseiges Jerusalem Hezekiah 729 686 Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal subdue Egypt, take Thebes in Manasseh pays heavy tribute. Manasseh 697 642 Amon 640 Assyria falls; Josiah dies trying to stop Egypt/Assyria’s coalition vs. Babylon. Zephaniah Josiah 609 Deposed by Egypt Jeremiah (thru 586) Egypt routed by Babylon at Carchemish. Jeh. withholds tribute and brings first Judah exile Habakkuk (thru 598) Jehoiakim 598 Taken captive in second Judah Exile; Jehoiachin 597 Withholds tribut e 588; fall of Jerusalem and 3rd exile. Zedekiah 586 * Not recognized as legitimate Recognized as good king Overlapping begin/end dates signifies co-regency. Thanks, (David Howard, Intro to OT Historical Books, 187) Appendix

4 Historical Timeline Post-Exile
586 BC 538 BC 450 BC 330s BC 144 BC 60 BC Final destruction of Jerusalem Time of Daniel First Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem Return of Ezra Return of Nehemiah Haggai Malachi Alexander and Greek armies conquer entire Middle East Seleucids desecrate the temple. Maccabean revolt drives out the Seleucids; First Jewish independence in 400 years. Maccabeans overthrown by Rome Medes and Persians conquer Babylon Persians rule from capital of Susa. Alexander dies; Hellenic kingdom divided into 4 regions. Israel ruled by Seleucid dynasty. Caesar is killed; Octavian and Antony duel for supremacy; . Appendix

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