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Chapter 1.1 Distance and Direction

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1 Chapter 1.1 Distance and Direction

2 Point of Reference An object that stays in _________ compared to an object that is ________. Examples:

3 Motion An objects change in ____________ relative to ________________ ___________. Time = x-axis Distance = y-axis .

4 This line is not horizontal (at rest)


6 A curved line means the object is accelerating A C B

7 Chapter 1.2 Speed and Velocity

8 Speed Vs. Velocity Speed (S) = Rate at which __________ changes over ________. Speed (S) = Velocity (V) = speed with ______________ V = ___________ with a _____________ (right, left, north, south, negative, positive)

9 Units Distance Units Time Units m = ___________ s = _________ km = ____________ min = _________ cm = ___________ H or hr = _______ mi or (M) = ______ ft = ________ When writing units you can write: meters per second m/s mps This is preferred

10 Practice 1. At what time interval is this object moving at constant speed? (not zero) 2. At what time interval is this person moving back to the point of reference? 3. At what time interval is this object at rest? 4. What happened from time seconds? 5. What is the average speed from 0-6 seconds?

11 A bus moves a distance of 150 m East in 10 seconds.
1. What is the bus’s average speed? 2. What is the bus’s average velocity? 3. What are the passengers on the bus’s average velocity (assume no passengers are moving)? 4. If a passenger stands up and starts moving 1 m/s East, what is the passengers total velocity? 5. If another passenger stands up and starts moving 1 m/s West what is the passengers total velocity?

12 Chapter 1.3 Acceleration

13 Acceleration The rate at which __________ changes over _______
Avg Acceleration = What is the bicyclist’s acceleration? (Include direction)

14 What is happening from 0 seconds to 8 seconds?
Velocity Versus Time Graph What is happening from 0 seconds to 8 seconds? What is happening from 8 to 10 seconds? What happens at exactly 8 seconds? What happens to this person’s position from 0 –10 seconds?

15 Circular Motion Objects moving in _________ always change ________, ___________, and _________________ Black arrow indicates direction of motion and velocity. Blue arrow indicates acceleration.

16 Formulas for the quiz S = D/t a = V/t Speed and Velocity
(Remember this is the same formula for velocity, but with a direction) Standard unit is m/s Variation of this formula are: S = D/t D = S ∙ t t = D/S Acceleration a = V/t (Remember to include a direction when available) Standard unit is m/s2 Variations of this formula are: a = V/t V = a ∙ t t = V/a

17 Chapter 2.1 What is Force?

18 FORCES: _______ or _______ on an object that causes a change in ________________ (speed or direction), measured in ______ (N)  balanced forces = _______________ (all forces add up to be zero) unbalanced forces = _______________ (all forces add up to NOT be zero)


20 Free Body Diagram Box Sitting on the table, at rest In this situation the force of gravity is balanced out by the normal force so the net force is 0. Therefore the box is not moving up or down. 15 N 15 N

21 The pushing force is 20 N to the right and from the arrow the force of friction appears less so the box will move to the right. Free Body Diagram Box being pushed to the right with 20 Newton Force. In this situation the normal force and force of gravity are balanced so the box does not move up or down. 15 N 10 N 15 N Net Force =

22 Free Body Diagram Box on ramp The box slides down the ramp if the force of gravity in the x direction is greater than the force of friction. Does the box move down the ramp? The box does not move if the force of gravity in the x direction is less than the force of friction.

23 Chapter 2.2 Friction

24 Friction: force that _________ motion.
Kinetic Friction: Occurs when the object is __________. (_________________________) Static Friction: Occurs when the object is ___________ or ___________. (____________________________________)

25 _______________ _____________ _________
There are 4 types of friction that occur when a force opposes the motion of a moving object. _____________ _________ _______________

26 Sliding Friction SLIDING FRICTION – occurs when two solid objects slide over each other examples: Book sliding off table

27 Chapter 2.3 Gravity

28 Gravity: The force of ___________ between two ___________
Mass: The amount of _______ that makes up an object. Does not _______. Measured in ______. Weight: The force of _______ on an object. Can ______ if gravity changes. Measured in _______

(from Newton) Fg = Universal Law of Gravitation – all objects in the universe __________ each other by the ________________ The size of the _______ depends on the ______ of the objects and the _________ between them.


31 FALLING OBJECTS The acceleration of a falling object is due to the _______________ between the _______ and the ______. Near the surface of the earth the acceleration due to gravity is equal to __________________.

32 Every second an object falls it’s velocity increases by _____________
Regardless of mass, acceleration due to gravity is always the same on Earth. ________________ Every second an object falls it’s velocity increases by _____________ NO AIR RESISTANCE

33 What is Free Fall? An object falling toward Earth with no ___________________. An object with only the ________________ acting on it. An object falling toward Earth at _____________ An object that will increase its’ velocity ___________every single second it falls.

34 AIR RESISTANCE Air resistance opposes the _____________ motion of ____________ objects (fluid friction). As an object falls, the air resistance gradually becomes __________ to the pull of __________. When this occurs the forces are balanced. There can be no more ______________ and the object falls at a constant _____________. This is called the _________ ___________.

As an object falls with air resistance the force of air increases as the object increases speed. WHEN BALANCED = TERMINAL VELOCITY


37 Chapter 2.4 Elastic Force

38 Elasticity: Ability of an object to ________, but return to its ____________ ________.
The object __________ a change in shape as it is ________ or _________ because it exerts a counter force in the _____________ direction called an __________ force. When the ____________ or _____________ force is ______________ the elastic force causes the material to return back to normal. Examples include: _________________________________

39 Chapter 3.1 Newton’s 1st Law

40 Newton’s 1st Law An object at _________ stays at ________, an object in _________ stays in _________, unless an _______________ force acts on the object.

41 OR The law of inertia Inertia is the ____________ of an object to _______ a change in _________. This directly relates to mass, greater ______ = greater ________.

42 Chapter 3.2 Newton’s 2nd Law

43 (the law of _______________)
Newton's second law (the law of _______________) The ______________ of an object depends on the __________ of the object and the amount of ________ applied.

44 Newton's 2nd Law Net Force = OR F= ma m=F/a a=F/m

45 Practice Tori applies a force of 20 Newtons to move a bookcase with a mass of 40 kg. What is the acceleration of the bookcase?

46 Practice Ollie has a mass of 45 kg. What is his weight in Newtons. (Hint: Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2)

47 Chapter 3.3 Newton’s 3rd Law

48 "For every _______, there is an ______ and ________ reaction.“
Newton’s 3rd Law "For every _______, there is an ______ and ________ reaction.“ Whenever one object exerts a _______ on a second object, the second object exerts an ________ and ________ force on the first object.


50 Forces always come in _____ (equal and opposite action)
What are the forces involved with a bird flying?

51 ____________________ force pairs make it possible for birds to fly.
The wings of a bird push air ______________. The air _______ by pushing the bird ________. ____________________ force pairs make it possible for birds to fly.

52 Momentum (p) The __________ of a moving object that makes it ______ to ______. Momentum(p) can be calculated using:

53 Momentum The units for momentum are kilograms multiplied by meters per second or kg*m/sec The Law of – states that any time objects collide, the total amount of momentum stays the same ~ related to Newton’s 3rd law

54 Practice What is the momentum of a 40 kg child who is running straight ahead with a velocity of 2 m/s South.

55 Practice Which football player has greater momentum?
Player A: Mass = 60 kg; Velocity = 2.5 m/s East Player B: Mass = 65 kg; Velocity = 2.0 m/s West

56 Chapter 4.1 Work

57 Chapter 4.2 Machines

58 Chapter 4.3 Simple Machines

59 Chapter 4.4 Compound Machines

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