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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Food People Culture Symbols True/ False

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Food People Culture Symbols True/ False"— Presentation transcript:

1 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Food People Culture Symbols True/ False
Pictures $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

2 Where is this statue located?
Symbols 100pts Where is this statue located?

3 The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York City.
Symbols 100pts The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York City.

4 Food 100 pts What fast food restaurant is the most well known and popular in America?

5 Food 100 pts What fast food restaurant is the most well known and popular in America? McDonald’s

6 Who is the President on the Dollar Bill?
People 100 pts Who is the President on the Dollar Bill?

7 Who is the President on the Dollar Bill?
People 100 pts Who is the President on the Dollar Bill? George Washington

8 What holiday is considered to be the main in Great Britain?
Culture 100 pts What holiday is considered to be the main in Great Britain?

9 What holiday is considered to be main in Great Britain?
Culture 100 pts What holiday is considered to be main in Great Britain? Chistmas

10 The biggest state in America is the state of Texas.
True/False 100 pts The biggest state in America is the state of Texas.

11 The biggest state in America is the state of Texas.
True/False 100 pts The biggest state in America is the state of Texas. FALSE, Alaska

12 Who is this famous American musician?
Pictures 100 pts Who is this famous American musician?

13 Who is this famous American musician?
Pictures 100 pts Who is this famous American musician? ELVIS

14 Symbols 200pts What are the American invented buildings made of steel that reach up very high into the air?

15 Symbols 200pts What are the American invented buildings made of steel that reach up very high into the air? SKY SCRAPERS

16 What two famous American drinks are rivals all over the world?
Food 200 pts What two famous American drinks are rivals all over the world?

17 What two famous American drinks are rivals all over the world?
Food 200 pts What two famous American drinks are rivals all over the world? Pepsi and Coca-Cola

18 Name at least two famous American Inventors.
People 200 pts Name at least two famous American Inventors.

19 Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Etc.
People 200 pts Name at least two famous American Inventors. Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Etc.

20 Who is the father of British Literature?
Culture 200 pts Who is the father of British Literature?

21 Who is the father of British Literature?
Culture 200 pts Who is the father of British Literature? William Shakespeare

22 True/False 200 pts On the American holiday of Thanksgiving, Americans eat turkey and give thanks.

23 True/False 200 pts On the American holiday of Thanksgiving, Americans eat turkey and give thanks. TRUE

24 What is the name given to the American Flag?
Pictures 200 pts What is the name given to the American Flag?

25 What is the name given to the American Flag?
Pictures 200 pts What is the name given to the American Flag? THE STARS AND STRIPES

26 Who is the famous symbol of America and what is his name??
Symbols 300 pts Who is the famous symbol of America and what is his name??

27 Who is the famous symbol of America and what is his name??
Symbols 300 pts Who is the famous symbol of America and what is his name?? UNCLE SAM

28 How many meals a day do the English have?
Food 300 pts How many meals a day do the English have?

29 How many meals a day do the English have?
Food 300 pts How many meals a day do the English have? 4

30 Who is this man? HINT: he sold cars
People 300 pts Who is this man? HINT: he sold cars

31 People 300 pts HENRY FORD!

32 What city in America is called the “windy city”?
Culture 300 pts What city in America is called the “windy city”?

33 What city in America is called the “windy city”?
Culture 300 pts What city in America is called the “windy city”? CHICAGO

34 There are 12 bridges cross
True/False 300 pts There are 12 bridges cross the Thames.

35 There are 12 bridges cross the Thames.
True/False 300 pts There are 12 bridges cross the Thames. False. 14

36 Who is this famous actress?
Pictures 300 pts Who is this famous actress?

37 Who is this famous actress?
Pictures 300 pts Who is this famous actress? MARILYN MONROE

38 How many stars are on the American flag?
Symbols 400 pts How many stars are on the American flag?

39 How many stars are on the American flag?
Symbols 400 pts How many stars are on the American flag? 50 STARS, ONE FOR EVERY STATE.

40 What do the English like to eat porridge with?
Food 400 pts What do the English like to eat porridge with?

41 What do the English like to eat porridge with?
Food 400 pts What do the English like to eat porridge with? Milk

42 People 400 pts Who is this man?

43 People 400 pts Who is this man? NEIL ARMSTRONG

44 What does a “vegan” person eat? Or not eat?
Culture 400 pts What does a “vegan” person eat? Or not eat?

45 Culture 400 pts What does a “vegan” person eat? Or not eat?
Vegans do not eat meat, milk products, honey, or eggs.

46 The national emblem of Wales is a shamrock.
True/False 400 pts The national emblem of Wales is a shamrock.

47 The national emblem of Wales is a shamrock.
True/False 400 pts The national emblem of Wales is a shamrock. False. A daffodil.

48 This sport is called America’s Favorite Past time, what is it?
Pictures 400 pts This sport is called America’s Favorite Past time, what is it?

49 This sport is called America’s Favorite Past time, what is it?
Pictures 400 pts This sport is called America’s Favorite Past time, what is it? BASEBALL!

50 What is the name of the American National Anthem?
Symbols 500 pts What is the name of the American National Anthem?

51 Symbols 500 pts What is the name of the American National Anthem?

52 Traditional British food includes roast-beef…
Food 500 pts Traditional British food includes roast-beef…

53 Food 500 pts Traditional British food includes roast- beef …
Roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding

54 Name at least 4 American Presidents.
People 500 pts Name at least 4 American Presidents.

55 Name at least 4 American Presidents.
People 500 pts Name at least 4 American Presidents. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc.

56 Which of these foods is NOT a traditional American breakfast food?
Culture 500 pts Which of these foods is NOT a traditional American breakfast food? a. Eggs b.Sausages c. Cereal d. Salad

57 Which of these foods is NOT a traditional American breakfast food?
Culture 500 pts Which of these foods is NOT a traditional American breakfast food? d. Salad

58 True/False 500 pts A Barbeque is a grill on which Americans cook hotdogs, hamburgers, meat, and other things.

59 True/False 500 pts A Barbeque is a grill on which Americans cook hotdogs, hamburgers, meat, and other things. TRUE

60 Who is the famous man shown in this painting?
Pictures 500 pts Who is the famous man shown in this painting?

61 What is Steve Bennett obsessed with?
Pictures 500 pts GEORGE WASHINGTON What is Steve Bennett obsessed with?

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