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Lipids, Membranes, and the First Cells

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1 Lipids, Membranes, and the First Cells
6 Lipids, Membranes, and the First Cells Lecture Presentation by Cindy S. Malone, PhD, California State University Northridge

2 The Importance of Membranes
The plasma membrane, or cell membrane separates life from nonlife The plasma membrane separates the cell’s interior from the external environment Membranes function to Keep damaging materials out of the cell Allow entry of materials needed by the cell Facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for life

3 Lipids: What Is a Lipid? Lipids are
Carbon-containing compounds Found in organisms Largely nonpolar and hydrophobic Hydrocarbons are nonpolar molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen

4 Lipids: What Is a Lipid? Lipids do not dissolve in water, because of
A major hydrocarbon component called a fatty acid A hydrocarbon chain bonded to a carboxyl (–COOH) functional group Fatty acids and isoprene are the key building blocks of lipids

5 Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Saturated hydrocarbon chains consist of only single bonds between the carbons Unsaturated hydrocarbon chains one or more double bonds exist in the hydrocarbon chains Bond saturation also profoundly affects the physical state of lipids

6 Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Highly saturated fats Such as butter Are solid at room temperature Saturated lipids that have extremely long hydrocarbon tails Such as waxes Form particularly stiff solids at room temperature Highly unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature

7 (b) Saturated lipids with long hydrocarbon tails
Figure 6.2 (a) Saturated lipids (b) Saturated lipids with long hydrocarbon tails (c) Unsaturated lipids Butter Beeswax Safflower oil Figure 6.2 The Fluidity of Lipids Depends on the Length and Saturation of Their Hydrocarbon Chains. 7

8 Three Types of Lipids are Found in Cells
Lipid structure is characterized by a physical property Their insolubility in water Instead of a shared chemical structure This insolubility is based on The high proportion of nonpolar C–C and C–H bonds Relative to polar functional groups The three most important types of lipids found in cells: Fats (triacylglycerols or triglycerides) Steroids Phospholipids

9 The Structure of Fats Fats are composed of three fatty acids linked to glycerol Also called triacylglycerols or triglycerides When the fatty acids are polyunsaturated They form liquid triacylglycerols called oils The primary role of fats is energy storage

10 The Structure of Fats Fats form when
A dehydration reaction occurs between A hydroxyl group of glycerol + the carboxyl group of a fatty acid The glycerol and fatty acid molecules Become joined by an ester linkage

11 (a) Fats form via dehydration reactions.
Figure 6.3 (a) Fats form via dehydration reactions. (b) Fats consist of glycerol linked by ester linkages to three fatty acids. Glycerol Ester linkages Dehydration reaction Fatty acid Figure 6.3 Fats Are One Type of Lipid Found in Cells. 11

12 The Structure of Steroids
Steroids are A family of lipids Distinguished by a bulky, four-ring structure Steroids differ from one another by The functional groups or side groups attached to different carbons in those hydrophobic rings

13 The Structure of Steroids
A steroid example is cholesterol A hydrophilic hydroxyl group attached to the top ring and an isoprenoid “tail” attached at the bottom Cholesterol is An important component of plasma membranes in many organisms

14 The Structure of Membrane Lipids
Membrane-forming lipids contain A polar, hydrophilic region And a nonpolar, hydrophobic region Phospholipids are amphipathic The head region contains highly polar covalent bonds Consists of a glycerol, a phosphate, and a charged group The tail region is comprised of two nonpolar fatty acid or isoprene chains

15 The Structure of Membrane Lipids
When placed in solution, these lipids form membranes The phospholipid heads interact with water The tails do not

16 (a) A steroid (b) A phospholipid Figure 6.4
Schematic Space-filling (b) A phospholipid Polar (hydrophilic) Polar or charged group Polar head (hydrophilic) Phosphate Glycerol Steroid rings Nonpolar (hydrophobic) Isoprenoid Nonpolar tail (hydrophobic) Fatty acid Fatty acid Figure 6.4 Some Lipids Contain Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Regions. 16

17 Phospholipids and Water
Phospholipids do not dissolve in water Water molecules cannot form hydrogen bonds with the hydrocarbon tail Water molecules interact With the hydrophilic heads Not with the hydrophobic tails This drives the hydrophobic tails together

18 Phospholipids and Water
Upon contact with water, phospholipids form either Micelles Heads face the water and tails face each other Phospholipid bilayers (lipid bilayers)

19 Phospholipid Bilayers
Phospholipid bilayers form when Two sheets of phospholipid molecules align Hydrophilic heads in each layer face a surrounding solution The hydrophobic tails face one another inside the bilayer Phospholipid bilayers form spontaneously No outside input of energy is required

20 (a) Lipid micelles (b) Lipid bilayers
Figure 6.5 (a) Lipid micelles Hydrophilic heads interact with water Hydrophobic tails interact with one another Water Hydrophilic heads interact with water (b) Lipid bilayers Figure 6.5 Lipids Form Micelles and Bilayers in Solution. Hydrophobic tails interact with one another 20

21 Selective Permeability of Lipid Bilayers
The permeability of a structure is its tendency to allow a given substance to pass across it Lipid bilayers are highly selective Phospholipid bilayers have selective permeability Small or nonpolar molecules move across phospholipid bilayers quickly Charged or large polar substances cross slowly, if at all

22 High permeability 100 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 Low permeability
Figure 6.8 High permeability Small, nonpolar molecules 100 O2, CO2, N2 102 Small, uncharged polar molecules H2O, glycerol 104 Permeability scale (cm/sec) 106 Glucose, sucrose Large, uncharged polar molecules 108 Figure 6.8 Lipid Bilayers Show Selective Permeability. 1010 Cl, K, Na Ions 1012 Low permeability Phospholipid bilayer 22

23 Many Factors Affect Membrane Permeability
Many factors influence the behavior of the membrane Number of double bonds between the carbons in the phospholipid’s hydrophobic tail Length of the tail Number of cholesterol molecules in the membrane Temperature

24 Bond Saturation and Membrane Permeability
Double bonds in a hydrocarbon chain can cause a “kink” in the hydrocarbon chain Prevents the close packing of hydrocarbon tails Reduces hydrophobic interactions Unsaturated hydrocarbon chains Have at least one double bond Membranes are much more permeable

25 Bond Saturation and Membrane Permeability
Saturated hydrocarbon chains Are without double bonds Have more chemical energy than unsaturated fats do Are much less permeable

26 Higher permeability and fluidity
Figure 6.9 Lipid bilayer with short and unsaturated hydrocarbon tails Higher permeability and fluidity Lipid bilayer with long and saturated hydrocarbon tails Lower permeability and fluidity Figure 6.9 Fatty Acid Structure Changes the Permeability of Membranes. 26

27 Other Factors That Affect Permeability
Hydrophobic interactions become stronger As saturated hydrocarbon tails increase in length Membranes containing phospholipids with longer tails have reduced permeability Adding cholesterol to membranes increases the density of the hydrophobic section Cholesterol decreases membrane permeability

28 Other Factors That Affect Permeability
Membrane fluidity decreases With temperature When molecules in the bilayer are moving more slowly Decreased membrane fluidity causes decreased permeability

29 Fluidity of the Membrane
Individual phospholipids can move laterally Throughout the lipid bilayer They rarely flip between layers How quickly molecules move within and across membranes is a function of Temperature The structure of hydrocarbon tails The number of cholesterol molecules in the bilayer

30 Figure 6.11 Phospholipids are in constant lateral motion, but rarely flip to the other side of the bilayer Figure 6.11 Phospholipids Move within Membranes. 30

31 Solute Movement across Lipid Bilayers
Materials move across the cell membrane in different ways Passive transport does not require an input of energy Active transport requires energy to move substances across the membrane

32 Solute Movement across Lipid Bilayers
Small molecules and ions in a solution Are called solutes Have thermal energy Are in constant, random motion This random movement is called diffusion Diffusion is a form of passive transport

33 Diffusion along a Concentration Gradient
A concentration gradient is created by a difference in solute concentrations Molecules and ions move randomly when A concentration gradient exists There is a net movement from high-concentration regions to low-concentration regions Diffusion along a concentration gradient Increases entropy Is spontaneous

34 Diffusion along a Concentration Gradient
Equilibrium occurs when the molecules or ions are randomly distributed Molecules are still moving randomly But there is no more net movement

35 1. Separation of solutes by lipid bilayer 2. Diffusion 3. Equilibrium
Figure 6.12 Lipid bilayer 1. Separation of solutes by lipid bilayer Figure 6.12 Diffusion across a Selectively Permeable Membrane Establishes an Equilibrium. 2. Diffusion 3. Equilibrium 35

36 Osmosis Water moves quickly across lipid bilayers
The movement of water is a special case of diffusion called osmosis Water moves from regions of low solute concentration to regions of high solute concentration This movement dilutes the higher concentration It also equalizes the concentration on both sides of the bilayer Osmosis only occurs across a selectively permeable membrane

37 1. Unequal concentrations across membrane 2. Water movement
Figure 6.13 Lipid bilayer Osmosis Figure 6.13 Osmosis Is the Diffusion of Water. 1. Unequal concentrations across membrane 2. Water movement 37

38 Osmosis and Relative Solute Concentration
The concentration of a solution outside a cell may differ from the concentration inside the cell An outside solution with a higher concentration is hypertonic to the inside of a cell A solution with a lower concentration is hypotonic to the cell If solute concentrations are equal on the outside and inside of a cell solutions are isotonic to each other

39 Osmosis in Hypertonic, Hypotonic, and Isotonic Solutions
In a hypertonic solution Water will move out of the cell by osmosis The cell will shrink In a hypotonic solution Water will move into the cell by osmosis The cell will swell In an isotonic solution There will be no net water movement The cell size will remain the same

40 Inside solution hypotonic to outside
Figure 6.14 Start with: Inside solution hypotonic to outside Inside solution hypertonic to outside Inside and outside solutions isotonic Lipid bilayer Figure 6.14 Osmosis Can Shrink or Burst Membrane-Bound Vesicles. Result: Net flow of water out of vesicle; vesicle shrinks Net flow of water into vesicle; vesicle swells or even bursts No change 40

41 The Fluid-Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure
Phospholipids provide the basic membrane structure Plasma membranes contain as much protein as phospholipid The fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure suggests Some proteins are inserted into the lipid bilayer Thus making the membrane a fluid, dynamic mosaic of phospholipids and proteins

42 (b) Fluid-mosaic model
Figure 6.17 (a) Sandwich model Cell exterior Membrane proteins on cell exterior Phospholipid bilayer Membrane proteins on cell interior Cell interior (b) Fluid-mosaic model Cell exterior Peripheral membrane protein Figure 6.17 Past and Current Models of Membrane Structure Differ in Where Membrane Proteins Reside. Phospholipid bilayer Integral membrane protein Peripheral membrane protein Cell interior 42

43 Membrane Proteins Integral proteins are Transmembrane proteins are
Amphipathic Able to span a membrane With segments facing both its interior and exterior surfaces Transmembrane proteins are Integral proteins that span the membrane Involved in the transport of selected ions and molecules across the plasma membrane Able to affect membrane permeability

44 Membrane Proteins Peripheral proteins are
Found only on one side of the membrane Often attached to integral proteins

45 (a) Proteins can be amphipathic.
Figure 6.16 (a) Proteins can be amphipathic. The polar and charged amino acid residues are hydrophilic The nonpolar residues are hydrophobic (b) Amphipathic proteins can integrate into lipid bilayers. Outside cell Figure 6.16 Amphipathic Proteins Are Anchored in Lipid Bilayers. Inside cell 45

46 Membrane Proteins Affect Ions and Molecules
Transport proteins are transmembrane proteins that transport molecules Three broad classes of transport proteins: Channels Carrier proteins or transporters Pumps Each affects membrane permeability

47 Ion Channels and the Electrochemical Gradient
Ion channels are specialized membrane proteins They circumvent the plasma membrane’s impermeability to small, charged compounds Electrochemical gradients occur when ions build up on one side of a plasma membrane They establish both a concentration gradient and a charge gradient Ions diffuse through channels down their electrochemical gradients

48 High concentration of Na Net  charge
Figure 6.20 High concentration of Na Net  charge Outside cell Electro- chemical gradient for sodium ions (Na) Inside cell Figure 6.20 Electrochemical Gradient Is a Combined Concentration and Electrical Gradient. Net  charge Low concentration of Na 48

49 Protein Structure Determines Channel Selectivity
Channel proteins are selective Each channel protein has a structure Permits only a particular type of ion or small molecule to pass through it

50 Key residues allow water to pass but block ions and larger molecules
Figure 6.22 Key residues allow water to pass but block ions and larger molecules Outside cell H2O Figure 6.22 Membrane Channels Are Highly Selective. Inside cell 50

51 Movement Through Membrane Channels Is Regulated
Gated channels Open or close in response to a signal Examples: The binding of a particular molecule, or a change in the electrical voltage across the membrane The flow of ions and small molecules through membrane channels is carefully controlled

52 Movement Through Membrane Channels Is Regulated
The movement of substances through channels is passive It does not require an input of energy Passive transport is powered by diffusion along an electrochemical gradient

53 Figure 6.23 Some Membrane Channels Are Highly Regulated.
When the inside of the membrane is negatively charged relative to the outside, channel is closed. If membrane charge asymmetry is reversed, channel opens Filter allows only K ions to pass Outside cell Inside cell Figure 6.23 Some Membrane Channels Are Highly Regulated. Gate blocks ions from entering channel Closed Open 53

54 Facilitated Diffusion via Channel Proteins
Cells have many different types of channel proteins in their membranes Each type of protein features a structure that allows it to admit a particular type of ion or small molecule These channels are responsible for facilitated diffusion The passive transport of substances that would not otherwise cross the membrane

55 Facilitated Diffusion via Carrier Proteins
Facilitated diffusion can occur through channels or through carrier proteins, or transporters Change shape during the transport process Move only down a concentration gradient, reducing differences between solutions Glucose is A building block for important macromolecules A major energy source Lipid bilayers are only moderately permeable to glucose A glucose transporter named GLUT-1 increases membrane permeability to glucose

56 3. Conformational change 4. Release
Figure 6.24 Outside cell Glucose GLUT-1 Inside cell 1. Unbound protein 2. Glucose binding 3. Conformational change 4. Release Figure 6.24 Carrier Proteins Undergo Structural Changes to Move Substances. 56

57 Active Transport by Pumps
Cells can transport molecules or ions They move against an electrochemical gradient They require energy in the form of ATP The process is called active transport Pumps are membrane proteins that provide active transport of molecules across the membrane The sodium–potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) uses ATP to transport Na+ and K+ These ions move against their concentration gradients

58 Figure 6.25 ATP ADP 1. Unbound protein 2. Sodium binding
Outside cell Inside cell Phosphate group ATP ADP 1. Unbound protein 2. Sodium binding 3. Shape change 4. Release Figure 6.25 The Sodium–Potassium Pump Depends on an Input of Chemical Energy Stored in ATP. 5. Unbound protein 6. Potassium binding 7. Shape change 8. Release 58

59 Secondary Active Transport
Pumps move materials against their concentration gradients Pumps also set up electrochemical gradients These gradients make it possible for cells to engage in secondary active transport, or cotransport The gradient provides the potential energy required to power the movement of a different molecule against its particular gradient

60 Summary of Membrane Transport
Three mechanisms of membrane transport: Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Active transport Passive transport Involves diffusion and facilitated diffusion Moves materials down their concentration gradient Does not require an input of energy

61 Summary of Membrane Transport
Active transport Moves materials against their concentration gradient Requires energy provided by ATP or an electrochemical gradient

62 Figure 6.26 Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Active transport H2O H2O CO2 Outside cell Inside cell H2O CO2 H2O Description: Passive movement of small, uncharged molecules along an electrochemical gradient, through a membrane Passive movement of … Active movement of … Figure 6.26 Summary of the Passive and Active Mechanisms of Membrane Transport. Protein(s) involved: None 62

63 Plasma Membrane and the Intracellular Environment
Enables cells to create an internal environment that is much different from the external one The selective permeability of the lipid bilayer The specificity of the proteins involved in passive transport and active transport

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