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Passage of Lines. Passage of Lines Purpose To provide guidance and de-conflict Passage of Lines procedures for the 505th RCT Light/Heavy Task Force.

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2 Passage of Lines

3 Purpose To provide guidance and de-conflict Passage of Lines procedures for the 505th RCT Light/Heavy Task Force.

4 References th PIR TACSOP,Appendix 3 (Passage of Lines), Annex C (Maneuver), 18 June 2001 2. FM 3-90 Tactics, 4 July 2001

5 Passage of Lines A tactical enabling operation in which one unit moves through another unit’s positions with the intent of moving into or out of enemy contact. Conducted to continue an attack or conduct a counterattack, retrograde security or main battle forces or anytime one unit cannot bypass another. Transfers responsibility of an area of operations (AO) between two commanders

6 Passage of Lines A passage of lines is conducted under two basic conditions: A Forward Passage of Lines occurs when a unit passes through another unit’s position while moving toward the enemy. A Rearward Passage of Lines occurs when a unit passes through another unit’s position while moving away from the enemy.

7 Control Measures Passage Lane: A lane through an enemy or friendly obstacle that provides safe passage for a passing force. Gap: An area free of armed mines or obstacles whose width and direction allow a friendly force to pass through the area containing obstacles while dispersed in a tactical formation. Passage Point: is a specifically designated place where the passing units pass through the stationary unit. PP 1

8 Planning Considerations
Higher HQ will designate: -Subsequent missions -When and where passage of command takes place -Start and finish times -Contact points between units -Control measures and graphics Designated units will coordinate: -Intelligence and combat information -Direct / indirect fires and close air support plans -Security measure during the passage -All Control Measures -Air defense plan -Logistics support

9 Forward Passage of Lines
The purpose of a forward passage of lines is to move forces forward to conduct operations. Ensures the maintenance of contact with the enemy while allowing the relief of previously committed forces. Stationary force must control and secure the AO far enough to its front that the moving force can pass through the stationary force and reform into a combat formation prior to contact with the enemy force. Support by the stationary force ends when the combat elements of the moving force, including the reserve, have moved beyond direct fire range.

10 Forward Passage of Lines
OBJ Orange PL Green PL Green PP 5 PP 6 PP 4 FEBA FEBA RP 1 RP 3 RP 2 SCT SP A SP B SP C AA Khaki

11 Rearward Passage of Lines
Continues the defense or retrograde operation, maintaining enemy contact while allowing for recovery of security or other forward forces. May or may not be conducted under enemy pressure. Close coordination between the two commanders is crucial. Stationary unit must identify multiple routes through its AO. CPs should co-locate for best C2, if possible (Will be difficult/impractical with Light/Heavy TF)

12 Rearward Passage of Lines
PL Wayne PL Wayne Passed Scouts pick up battle from passing units SCT 2 1 PL Joe (BH) PL Joe (BH) PP 3 Passing unit deploys into column PP 4 Passing unit Scouts identify unit at Passage Point SP B SP A RTE Red RTE White FEBA FEBA Stationary units overwatch passing units AA Khaki

13 Command and Control Upon receipt of WARNO, units will make immediate contact. Contact will always be made from moving units to stationary units. Establish and maintain liaison. Moving unit will co-locate its TAC CP with the stationary units TAC CP until Battle Hand-Over (BHO) is complete. Coordination will be established to provide: Criteria for BHO Selection of CP for moving unit Exchange of communications & intelligence plans Reconnaissance of routes, passage points and patrols Control and security measures (marking SOP for lead/ trail vehicles of Heavy TF) Time and location for passage of command Administrative and logistics support (Light TF does not have the ability to support Heavy TF during passage, Support must be internal) Fire and Signal support

14 Maneuver Priority of routes is to unit executing passage.
Traffic control is the responsibility of the stationary unit. Multiple routes should be used to reduce vulnerability. BHO is determined by mutual agreement of commanders. Stationary unit provides fire support until BHO. Necessary control measures: -Passage points -Battle Hand-Over Line -CP locations -Routes -Contact points

15 Fire Support During passage of lines:
-Unit in contact is responsible for fire support until BHO -Mission of fire support will be coordinated between the two commanders -Artillery unit will normally support the moving unit until BHO - During withdrawal: -Moving Artillery unit is responsible for fire support until BHO -If a rearward passage of lines is, the mission of the artillery battalion that is withdrawing may be changed on the recommendation of the Force Artillery Commander

16 BOS ADA: -Position vicinity POL M/C/S: Stationary unit provides
-Guides -Gapping of minefields Intel: Stationary unit provides -Known and suspected enemy locations -Recent enemy activities -Terrain information -Obstacle information CSS: Stationary unit provides -Evacuation of casualties and EPWs -Civilian control -Traffic control on routes - Use of unit facilities (water, fuel points)

17 Considerations / Issues
1-64 may need to provide additional AD coverage along passage lanes. Austere III, IV and MEDEVAC capability Recognition signals Day Night Near- FM FM Far- VS X IR Flashes (front armor) Weapons orientation

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