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Heat flow in a Moving Lithosphere Due to a Mantle Plume

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1 Heat flow in a Moving Lithosphere Due to a Mantle Plume
Colleen Hartsig Mandi Markee

2 Introduction Theoretical Constructs Brief overview of the derivation

3 Basic Considerations 2 Dimensional Gaussian heat source at some depth zo. The temperature of the Lithosphere is constant at the surface. Justifies use of ‘image’ heat source.

4 …Fun with Fourier Transforms
First start by deriving the relevant diffusion equation for a static source…

5 Fourier transform the equation into the wave-number/frequency domain.
Looking at the denominator, we can see that it will be appropriate to inverse Fourier transform using the calculus of residues.

6 We need to take the integral of:
(Looks scarier than it really is!) Notice that there is a pole at: Using Cauchy’s Residue theorem we can solve the integration over f. The denominator is gone… now the rest of the integration is a piece of cake!

7 The remaining integration is Fourier transforms of Gaussians
The remaining integration is Fourier transforms of Gaussians. We obtain:

8 We want to solve the heat equation for a moving lithosphere with a zero temperature boundary condition at the surface. Place an image heat source at zo above the surface. Solve for temperature (total heat accumulated) at a point at time t.

9 After considering the additional imposed conditions we obtain.
The heat flow at the surface is: (This whole derivation could have also been accomplished by taking the convolution of the heat source with the appropriate Green’s function.)

10 Surface Heat Flow for point source of 1 cal/s
y (km) U = .01cm/year x (km) y (km) U = .1cm/year x (km) y (km) U = 1cm/year x (km)

11 Isotherms in a vertical plane along x-axis for point source of 1 cal/s
 U = .01cm/year z (km) x (km) U = .1cm/year z (km) x (km) U = 1cm/year z (km) x (km) U = 10cm/year z (km) x (km)

12 Isotherms in a vertical plane added to a static temperature profile for oceanic lithosphere for point source of 109 cal/s U = .01cm/year z (km) x (km) U = .1cm/year z (km) x (km) U = 1cm/year z (km) x (km) U = 10cm/year z (km) x (km) Shaded regions are hotter than 1300°C

13 References Birch, F.S., Conductive heat flow anomalies over a hot spot in a moving medium, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 80, No 35, 1975. Carslaw, H.S., and J.C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 1959.

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