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Professor (Dr) H D Karunaratne

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1 Networking to Promote Japan-Sri Lanka Relations: Academic and Business Perspectives
Professor (Dr) H D Karunaratne Japan Foundation Fellow at the University of Tokyo -2006/17 Invited Professor, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan Professor in Business Economics & Former Dean, Faculty of Management & Finance University of Colombo, Sri Lanka At Founding Ceremony of Alumni Association of the University of Tokyo in Sri Lanka, held at HARTI, Colombo

2 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT, 03.09. 2017
Sometimes Problems are not too big We are too small because we Cannot handle them! Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

3 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT, 03.09. 2017
Introduction Globalization is at its highest speed today. Foreign-born population has been increasing at unprecedented level in recent past In USA 20 million (8%) in 1990 and 43 million (13%) in 2015 In UK 3.8 million (6.7%) in 1991 and 8 million (13%) in 2013 In Switzerland 28.3%, Australia it is 27.6% and Canada 20% Japan less than 2% The composition of the foreign born population has diversified during the past two decades Asian are more migrating Students are growing Tourists are growing Immigrant entrepreneurs are growing World is becoming more flexible and competitive for Education & businesses Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

4 Networking: Types, Agents, Methods and Outcomes
3. Friends 4. Relatives 5. Family 6. Ethnic 7. Religious 8. Association 9. Bankers 10.Chamber 11.Suppliers 12.Customers 13.Employees 14.Distributors 15.Consultants 16.Competitors 17.Trading Firms 18.Tax Consultants Growth Success Sustainability 1. Bonding 2. Bridging 3. Liking i. Value Introjections ii. Bonded Solidarity iii. Reciprocity Exchange iv. Enforceable Trust Academic and Immigrant Entrepreneurial Networking 1. Official 3. Business 2. Social Strong Ties Weak Ties Benefits Learning Resources Technology Partnership Information innovations Performance Business Size Market Share Cost Reduction 1.Government 2. Agencies Home country Host county Embassy Central Local Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

5 Prof. H.D.Karunaratne,

6 Number of International Students in Japan
Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

7 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT, 03.09. 2017

8 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT, 03.09. 2017
Comparison of Regional Distribution of Foreigners and Sri Lankans in Japan 20% foreigners and 12.7% Sri Lankans in Tokyo 10% foreigners and 2.3% Sri Lankans in Osaka 8% foreigners and 14.2% Sri Lankans in Kanagawa 5.5% foreigners and 16.6% Sri Lankans in Chiba 2.4% foreigners and 10% Sri Lankans in Ibaraki 1.5% foreigners and 5.4% Sri Lankans in Tochigi Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,


10 Sri Lankan Immigrant Entrepreneurs
by industry-% Vehicle, Vehicle Parts & Machinery Trade 44 Restaurant 12 Gem & Jewelry Trade Spice and Food Trade 8 Tea Trade Others 16 Turism & Ticketing 2 Handicraft Human Resources 1 Shipping (trico) IT service providers Media (radio/news paper) Other 5 Prof. H.D. Karunaratne

11 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, JF head office, Tokyo 13.03.2017

12 Potential contributions to Sri Lanka Japan Business Relations
Information collection, research findings and dissemination Trade relations Investment Relations Technological relations Tourism relations Agricultural/energy sectors relations Manufacturing and Supply chain relations Logistics and services relation

13 Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT, 03.09. 2017
Conclusion Recent growth rate of foreigners arrivals, student arrivals, BVH are considerably high in Japan Regional distribution patterns of Sri Lankans in Japan is differ from other foreigners in Japan Types of businesses doing by foreigners in Japan and Sri Lankans should be more investigated to understand determinants Academic linkages among universities, research institutes in Japan and Sri Lanka have many avenues to expand Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

14 Thank you very much for inviting me today!
Prof. H. D. Karunaratne, HARIT,

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