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Milton Road – Bus Stop and Crossings Workshop WSP

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1 Milton Road – Bus Stop and Crossings Workshop WSP
This presentation contains embedded fonts; however, the PowerPoint version that you are using does not support their display. Notice added by Presentation Font Embedder. For more information visit Milton Road – Bus Stop and Crossings Workshop WSP 19th September 2017

2 Workshop Aims Milton Road Task 1:
Identify preferences for bus stop designs relative to: (a) Ranking preference between 4 possible bus stop designs on the narrower sections of Milton Road (3.5m to 4.5m width) (b) Ranking preference between 6 possible bus stop designs on the wider sections of Milton Road (4.5m to 6m width) Task 2: Based on location plans of the Final Design Concept for Milton Road: Identify preferred locations for bus stops and crossings along Milton Road  Provide reasons to facilitators for decisions on locations (for example closeness to local school etc)

3 Milton Road Task 1: Bus Stop Design

4 Key Considerations of Bus Stop Designs
Milton Road Pedestrians Cyclists General Traffic Bus Users Buses Most Vulnerable Users Want to be in free flow and not interrupted Want to have free movement and no interruptions Need to not be in conflict with bus uses and pedestrians Least vulnerable of users when not on highway Need a safe place to wait Potential to conflict with cyclists both when waiting and loading/ unloading from buses Disability considerations for loading and unloading Need a clear marked bus stop Minimise dwell-time Need to Easily be able to re-join traffic if not in bus lane Need to ensure no conflict with cyclists Wish for free flow traffic Wish to not be obstructed by Bus However….likely to be impacted. Least important user of Milton scheme

5 Bus Stop Options: Shared Use Arrangement
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Shared Use Arrangement Design Option Considerations: Shared surface for cycle, ped and bus users. No one user type has priority Coloured and textured surfaces to make users aware they are entering a shared space Most common design and therefore people have experience of being in this situation elsewhere in Cambridge Simplest design and can be accommodated on both narrow and wider sections of Milton road

6 Bus Stop Options: Segregated Use
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Segregated Use Design Option Considerations: Segregated space for ped, cycle and bus users for cycle, Each has their own dedicated space Coloured and textured surfaces to make users aware that bus users have priority over cycle lane when alighting/boarding bus Only possible to deliver in wider sections of Milton Road Cambridge example can be found on Huntingdon Road

7 Bus Stop Options: Floating Bus Stop
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Floating Bus Stop Design Option Considerations: Segregated space for ped, cycle and bus users for cycle, Each has their own dedicated space Cycle users have priority in cycle lane so bus users need to check and give way when alighting bus and crossing to pavement Not felt to be so user friendly for those with disabilities Only possible to deliver in wider sections of Milton Road Cambridge example can be found on Hills Road

8 Bus Stop Options: Partial Layby
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Partial Layby Design Option Considerations: Shared surface for cycle, ped and bus users. No one user type has priority Coloured and textured surfaces to make users aware they are entering a shared space Partial Layby enable express buses and cars to pass the bus while it is stopped while also enabling the bus to easily re-join the traffic Can be accommodated both narrow and wider sections of Milton road Main additional benefit is for general traffic and other buses passing

9 Bus Stop Options: Cyclists Give Way to Pedestrians
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Cyclists Give Way to Pedestrians Design Option Considerations: Segregated space for ped, cycle and bus users for cycle, Each has their own dedicated space. However potential conflict point at cross over. Pedestrians have priority over cyclist at cross over point Need to be mindful of potential safety issues of moving cycle lane to back of highway boundary if driveways are present Can be accommodated both narrow and wider sections of Milton road

10 Bus Stop Options: Pedestrians Give Way to Cyclists
Milton Road Bus Stop Options: Pedestrians Give Way to Cyclists Design Option Considerations: Segregated space for ped, cycle and bus users for cycle, Each has their own dedicated space. However potential conflict point at cross over. Cyclists have priority over pedestrians at cross over point Need to be mindful of potential safety issues of moving cycle lane to back of highway boundary if driveways are present Can be accommodated both narrow and wider sections of Milton road

11 Indicative Bus Stop Shelter designs in Cambridge
Milton Road Indicative Bus Stop Shelter designs in Cambridge

12 Task 2: Bus Stop & Crossing Locations
Milton Road Task 2: Bus Stop & Crossing Locations

13 Milton Road Bus Stop Locations Identify preferred locations for bus stops and crossings along Milton Road  Provide reasons to facilitators for decisions on locations (for example closeness to local school etc) To assist group discussions the current locations and ‘Do Optimum’ suggested locations of crossings and bus stops will already be shown on the plan. Are the locations suggested in the ‘Do Optimum’ still the preferred in the context of the Final Concept Design?

14 Bus Stop Locations: Table Location Plans Explained
Milton Road Bus Stop Locations: Table Location Plans Explained BUS STOP LOCATION PROPOSED IN THE DO OPTIMUM DESIGN

15 Crossing Location Considerations:
Milton Road If the suggestion is for a new crossing rather then the shifting of location of an existing crossing, what is the need for this crossing? Where is the demand for this crossing coming from? Can a new crossing be justified? Crossings should be a maximum of 50m away from a bus stop Crossings should never be placed directly in-front of a bus stop Consider existing driveways that are marked on the plan. Given peak traffic flow all crossings will be signal Toucan Crossings Consider how having a signal crossing can give benefits to traffic leaving busy side streets when they are red, giving a gap in main flow traffic on Milton Road Consider side junction

16 TOUCAN Crossings Explained
Milton Road TOUCAN Crossings Explained

17 Milton Road Thank you

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