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*3rd year at Mountain View Elementary

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2 *3rd year at Mountain View Elementary
*BS from UMHB *MS in Early Elementary Education SCSU

3 Our Daily Schedule: 7:15-8:00- Morning Work 8:00-8:10- Announcements
8:10-8:30- Morning Meeting and Number Talks 8:30-9:20- Math 9:20-9:40- Bathroom Break 9:40-10:36- Writing and Phonics 10:36-11:06- Lunch 11:06-11:15- Bathroom Break 11:15-12:15- Daily 5 12:15-12:35- Recess 12:35-12:55- CAFÉ 12:55-1:15- Science/Social Studies 1:15-1:20- Pack up and snack 1:20-2:00- Specials

4 *Guided Math- whole group- then small group instruction
*Number Talks- helps students explain their math thinking *My Math Series STACK

5 CAFÉ Daily 5 Guided Reading Reading homework Benchmark

6 Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop
Narrative Informational -How to or All About Argument- Opinion

7 Independent Writing- Journal writing Letter writing Creative writing
How to say a paragraph main idea, detail, detail, detail, close

8 We study the character traits of:
Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Lewis and Clark Sacagawea Harriet Tubman George Washington Carver Theodore Roosevelt There will be an occasional at home project about these awesome historical figures.

9 Weather Sound Plants Animals Magnets STEM Science lab once every 6 days!

10 Computer lab once a week
Desk top computers Laptop computers Smartboard Learning Commons

11 Phonics *Benchmark *Spelling words are phonics patterns and sight words *Do not always help your child spell- it is OK!

12 Homework- will be in your child’s Daily Folder every Friday beginning in September.
Homework is assigned each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Homework includes reading with your child for at least 30 minutes EVERY night and initial after you read EACH day on the homework calendar! Get into a DAILY routine doing homework.

13 Independence- First grade is all about independence
Independence- First grade is all about independence. I expect a great deal from your child each and every day! You need to encourage independence at home as well. Please make sure: your child is in charge of making sure folders, books, snack, etc. are in his/her backpack for school each morning. Please sit with your child during homework time, but let them do the thinking and work!

14 Sight Words- there are 200 words. First Grade uses a Sight Word club
Sight Words- there are 200 words. First Grade uses a Sight Word club. Your child should fluently master these words over the course of first grade. 75 words first nine weeks 25 words second nine weeks 50 third nine weeks 50 last nine weeks

15 Birthdays are awesome! Lunch time 10:36 to 11:06 Please let me know so I can make arrangements with students with allergies. Please do not send invitations to school unless the entire class is invited.

16 Things to Know: Attendance- If your child is absent for any reason, please send in a note stating the date(s) and reason. After the third absence and notice is sent to the office.

17 Conferences- October 17-21 (each day that week is early release)
Take Home Folder- This is the way we communicate everyday. Please check this folder and empty it each night. Behavior Change of dismissal Doctor’s notes etc Snack Time- We will have a snack time at the end of our day right before we go to our special class. Please make sure your child has a healthy snack. Water- Please send a water bottle to school with your child each day to help keep us hydrated! No juice boxes!

18 Mystery Reader- weekly
Special projects- monthly


20 Ms. Tucker

21 Check out our BLOG frequently!
Check out our BLOG frequently!

22 Information from Administration
Car Rider Procedures at Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. Afternoon car pool begins at 2:20. Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. Attendance Policy Bus Lot/Fire Lane Transportation Changes Mandated Reporter Law Buzz In System Blackboard Connect ·         Bullet 1: Car Rider Procedures at Car rider procedures are posted on our school website. For everyone’s safety, please review and follow those procedures. This year, we are using car rider tags during afternoon car pool. If you have not gotten a car rider tag and anticipate needing one, let me know following this meeting. ·         Bullet 2: Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20 Afternoon pickup begins at 2:20.  Please be here to pick up your child at 2:20.  Students must be picked up by 2:45 or they may be placed in ASP. Teachers are required to be in their classrooms at 7:20. Students dropped off prior to that time would lack supervision. Unless other arrangements have been made with a teacher or administrator, students may enter the school no earlier than 7:20 for their safety. ·         Bullet 3: Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. ·         Bullet 4: Attendance Policy Regular and consistent attendance is important for our students and their academic progress. Mountain View follows the county’s attendance policy with the following procedures: After 3 unexcused absences, the teacher will make contact with parents. After 5 unexcused absences, administration will send a letter home to parents. After 7 unexcused absences, a referral to the school social worker is made. Please note that excessive absences (both excused or unexcused) can result in a referral to the school social worker. Tardies and repeated early checkouts are impactful to learning as well. ·         Bullet 5: Bus Lot/Fire Lane Travel through the bus entrance or bus lot is prohibited during times when buses are due to load and unload students. This is a huge safety concern so our staff will take license plates of offending vehicles and turn them over to the district’s Public Safety Department. Please do not park at the front curb even to run a quick errand in the front office as this is our fire lane. The Fire Marshall has been monitoring schools and issuing tickets to any cars parked in a fire lane. ·         Bullet 6: Transportation Changes Should you need to change your child’s afternoon dismissal, please send a written note to the classroom teacher that morning. You may not send transportation changes to because the district has a strong SPAM filter that on occasion captures parent s. Additionally, if the teacher happens to be absent, your will not be received by the substitute.  Last minute changes in your child’s dismissal cannot be accepted by telephone. You may send a fax to the school describing the needed change along with your signature to Follow up with a call to the office staff to verify receipt of your fax. ·         Bullet 7 Mandated Reporter Law Please note that school volunteers are now mandated reporters of child abuse. A flyer with information regarding this new law is posted on the home page of our school website and in our front office. Bullet 8 Buzz In System For security reasons, Mountain View does have all exterior doors locked with a front door buzz in system. All visitors, including parents, must buzz and state their intended business to gain entrance. Visitors must then sign in at the front office and list their destination. To preserve security and to protect instructional time, visitors may not proceed to classrooms during instructional time unless they have a specific appointment to volunteer. Also, administrators have set schedules that frequently have them observing in classrooms so they do prefer meeting with parents by appointment.  Those can be scheduled through the school secretary. ·         Bullet 9 Blackboard Connect Please encourage all parents to sign up for Blackboard Connect.  Blackboard Connect portal allows you to add or modify the ways in which you want Cobb County Schools to reach you using Blackboard Connect.  You will be able to add or delete phone numbers and addresses, add text messaging, and even turn off certain types of notifications.  ***Parents can visit the MVE website for instructions on how to sign up.

23 Thank you! Together, we make a difference!
Membership Matters Your PTA membership dues enhance the Excellence and Quality of Education at Mountain View: Online Mathematics Program: Sumdog Online Reading Resources: A-Z Reading, BookFlix, Document Cameras for Classroom Instruction Art, Music & Physical Education Support Teacher-requested Curriculum Materials for K-5th grades (e.g., Bare books) Subscriptions to Time for Kids, USA Weekly, & Georgia Weekly Student Agendas/Planners for 3rd-5th grades Enrichment Materials for Special Education, Target, Speech & Language, and Guidance Additional Supplies for our Amazing Building, School Clinic, & Cafeteria Staff Family Engagement Activities (e.g., Fall Festival, Science Night & Bingo Night) Thank you! Together, we make a difference!

24 Membership Matters Your Foundation Membership dues
support Science, Technology & Enrichment Programming: Computer Teacher Computer Lab Ongoing Teacher Development & Education Science Teacher Planning for After-School Enrichment Programs Science Enrichment and Materials How do I get informed and involved with PTA & Foundation? Subscribe, Receive & Read Pawprints - our weekly PTA e-newsletter at It’s all in here: Visit us on-line – Click on PTA or Foundation links from Mountain View Elementary website: Find out about Volunteer Opportunities! Contact or

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