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“Partnering for a Safe Community”

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1 “Partnering for a Safe Community”
Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police “Partnering for a Safe Community” The Orillia Experience Sergeant Rob Baskey, Orillia O.P.P. Detachment Shannon O’Donnell, Executive Director, Information Orillia 1

2 Introduction March 2013 Lost 7 FTE’s - PORF Positions
2 FTE’s - part-time Foot Patrol Officers – Contract Negotiations Massachusetts State Police - C3 Policing Surveyed the Detachment Membership Established 5 Initial Priorities

3 Partnering for a safe community!

4 Foot Patrol Strategy Working Group
“Helping Change Lives, One Door at a Time”

5 Local Initiative: Foot Patrol Working Group
Purpose: Increase/strengthen links to the community and officer presence in core areas via established Foot Patrol initiatives. Community Table (OCAN) Purpose: Address community safety concerns in a collaborative manner via cooperation with stakeholders.

6 Foot Patrol Working Group
Local priority issues identified as mental health, employment and addictions.

7 Local Initiative: Domestic Violence Working Group
Purpose: Enhance community safety and reduce victimization in relation to domestic violence.

8 Simcoe County Vital Signs Report 2014
Orillia has highest poverty rates in Simcoe County Highest child poverty rate in Simcoe County Highest vacancy rate in Simcoe County Top 2 for violent crime Top 2 for property crime Top 2 for Crime Severity Index

9 Local Initiative: Mental Health Working Group Purpose: Pro–active, community based response to persons suffering from mental illness Education Working Group Purpose: Enhance community safety by reducing unnecessary response.

10 Local Initiative: Situation Table
Purpose: Enhance community safety by addressing Acute Elevated Risk through collaborative, multi-agency interventions.

11 Here’s the challenge This is about community safety and wellness and our goal is to be the safest city in Canada. The challenge now is how do we operationalize it as a community initiative and how do we measure it?

12 Orillia Community Action Network (OCAN)
Emerged as a response to community needs and policing needs Evolved from detachment initiatives to a multi-stakeholder network Evolving into …


14 Mission Through a collaborative network, OCAN aims to support our most vulnerable by improving their access to services, reducing victimization and facilitating positive outcomes for people in need in order to improve community safety, security, and well-being.

15 Definition of Community Safety
One where people feel secure, respected and have trust in the systems that exist to support and protect them; One that is inclusive of all people and provides equitable access to the services and support that they need to improve their situations; One built on respectful relationships, where people and agencies work and communicate collaboratively to provide support and solutions to community problems; One that values the presence and engagement of all people from law enforcement and public bodies to the individual, so that people are fairly represented and empowered to take ownership of problems and participate in finding solutions together.  

16 Potential Model

17 Determining the next steps
Defined what it is…now to define what it does Considering strategic initiatives and capitalizing on stakeholder involvement Research and advocacy Measurement

18 Thank You Orillia Detachment Community Mobilization – Foot Patrol

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