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Initial assessment of Case #1 “BF” (pre-training QEEG analysis)

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1 Initial assessment of Case #1 “BF” (pre-training QEEG analysis)
using NeuroGuide v (Thatcher) - Z Scored FFT Summary Information in both eyes closed and eyes open recording conditions indicated significant dysregulation when compared to the database norms BF Q1 Eyes Closed BF Q1 Eyes Open

2 Each pairing of channels: - Asymmetry - Coherence - Phase
4 channel Z-score training provides observation of, and potential impact to, 248 Z-scores for 6 important metrics. Each channel of EEG: - Absolute power - Relative power - Power ratios Each pairing of channels: - Asymmetry - Coherence - Phase Training site placements for “Case #1: BF” - Active leads at : F3, F4, C3, C4 - Linked ears references - Ground behind right ear (Collura, 2008)

3 Atlantis 4x4 BrainMaster Technologies - Thatcher’s Z-Score DLL - Mark Smith’s U-L protocol

4 Overview of client progress in Eyes Closed condition
using NeuroGuide maps Pre-Training Post 20 Sessions Post 40 Sessions BF Q1 Eyes Closed BF Q2 Eyes Closed BF Q3 Eyes Closed

5 Overview of client progress in Eyes Open condition
using NeuroGuide maps Pre-Training Post 20 Sessions Post 40 Sessions BF Q1 Eyes Open BF Q2 Eyes Open BF Q3 Eyes Open

6 Pre-Training, Eyes Open Post 40 Sessions, Eyes Open
“Cortical Disassociation Rhythm” (Approx. 2-3Hz) - cortical activity not regulated by external sensory input Sterman & Kaiser, 2009

7 Pre-Training, Eyes Open Post 40 Sessions, Eyes Open
Deficient connectivity in alpha (8-12Hz) decreased after 40 sessions of training when observed in SKIL maps

8 - After 20 sessions, NG maps presented excess frontal delta
Pre-Training, Eyes Open - Excess frontal delta (2-4Hz) in SKIL maps decreased after 40 sessions - Deficient delta activity in central regions was observed in NG pre-training maps - After 20 sessions, NG maps presented excess frontal delta - Delta activity became more regulated after 40 sessions Post 40 Sessions, Eyes Open

9 Changes in delta absolute power and coherence over the course of training indicate some interesting possibilities for future research: - there may be a mid-training phase that prioritizes allocation of cortical resources for the purpose of reorganizing neural connectivity - hypercoherence could be a manifestation of increased thalamocortical activity which necessitates a temporary diversion of energetic resources to improve the efficiency of the interactive pathways between the thalamus and the cortex

10 Case #1: “BF” PRE – TREATMENT Assessment
Delay in development of verbal and non-verbal communication Lack of social or emotional reciprocity Stereotyped and repetitive motor manners, impaired fine motor Tourettes-like physical spasms, and high-pitched vocalizations Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level, or to spontaneously engage peers in play activities Interrupted sleep patterns, and nocturnal enuresis Aggressive behavior toward peers and service providers, including hitting, scratching, grabbing and biting POST– TREATMENT Observations and Parental Reports Verbalizations changed from primarily prompted and time-delayed to spontaneous and real-time Spontaneous displays of affection Decrease in repetitive behaviors and verbalizations Increased motoric and verbal self-regulation Increased voluntary interaction with peers in social and school environments Improved sleep patterns, and decreased nocturnal enuresis Dramatic decrease in aggressive behaviors, and increase in ability to tolerate frustration

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