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A Bit of History.

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1 A Bit of History

2 Greece Mycenaean Minoan

3 The Start First there was the Neolithic age 6800-3200 BCE.
This was a time of basic survival… what do I mean? I mean the start of farming, animal husbandry, simple shelter and tools Early Bronze age BCE Bronze made entry at 3000 but no impact till later. Classes started to develop and wealth started to play bigger part. Increase of economy.

4 The Start Bronze age 1600-1100 BCE
Minoan civilization on Crete, which lasted from about 2700 (Early Minoan) BCE to 1450 BCE; natural disaster? Atlantis? Mycenaean's, are generally thought to have arrived in the Greek mainland between the late 3rd and the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE--probably between 1900 and 1600 BCE. (Dorian's/sea people) The migration of the Ionians and Aeolians resulted in Mycenaean Greece. The collapse of the Bronze Age civilization is around 1100 BCE. It is the historical setting of the epics of Homer and of most Greek mythology

5 Iron Age1100 BCE–800 BCE “The Dark Age”
Dorian migration/Invasion. Led to fall of Mycenaean's. Same time Egyptian empire started it’s fall. Kings ruled in this time period. Weaponry advanced Innovation and learning was very stagnant to the point of writing systems had to be relearned later. City of Troy destroyed at this time Greek Polis’s started at end. Phoenicians started new writing system

6 Dark Age Map

7 Archaic period B.C.E saw the rise of the polis and the founding of colonies, and the first inklings of classical philosophy, theater in the cult of Dionysus, written poetry, that arrived with the reintroduction of the written language, which had been lost during the Dark Ages Pericles started during this time. Rise of Educ. Arts, Thinking, Acropolis and democracy Homer who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey lived in this time as well.


9 Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

10 Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.

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