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College Speech 3/2/2017.

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1 College Speech 3/2/2017

2 Objective | students will be able to:
Identify types of propositions Thesis Claim – Evidence/Data - Warrant Toulmin model Expository Speech

3 Make a list List 10 things that interest you.
You don't need to know much about them Think... "Can I get excited about this subject?" Stuck? What are my future goals? How do I like to spend my weekends? What is interesting about me? What do I worry about? What is unusual about my hobbies and interests?

4 Make a list List ten possible topics that interest you.

5 Types of propositions

6 Statements of fact A statement that attests to the nature of things.
• Example • Today is Monday. • Our football team is undefeated. • Republicans will maintain a majority in congress.

7 Statements of Value A statement that attests to the importance of things. • Example • All students should study hard. • We should treat people as we want to be treated. • “All people are created equal. . .”

8 Statements of actions A statement that attests to what will or ought to be done. • Example • We should go to Wendy’s for lunch. • We will learn about types of propositions. • We should bomb Syria.

9 What is a thesis • Clear statement of purpose. • The main proposition you will be discussing. • In speaking it must be explicit. • This means it should be clear and simply put. • Audience needs to have a point of reference. • They cannot rewind your presentation to hear it again. • A critical element of your introduction.

10 Foundations of a thesis
• A statement by itself is meaningless. • In order to be a thesis, a statement must be supported by additional ideas. • These points are the main points in the body of the speech. • Each of them directly relate to your Thesis.


12 Toulmin model of argument
• Visual method to demonstrate the relationship between thesis, main ideas and supporting ideas. • Consists of three elements • Claim • Warrant • Data

13 The details… • Claim • The idea you want your audience to hold. • Generally will be your Thesis. • Data • Reason to believe your claim. • Answer to the question “Why is this true?” • Often your main point. • Warrant • Reason that your data supports your thesis. • Answer to the question “Based on this information, why is my claim true?” • Often left unsaid.


15 Why use toulmin model • This will be expanded as your ideas develop. • This allows you to expand your main points with supporting points. • Helps you visually see where you should spend your time in your speech. • Helps you visually see where you should focus research in order to prove your points to your audience.





20 Expository speeches The speech is intended to inform the audience with some unique, useful, or interesting information about a particular object, concept, or process; however. The topic could even be about people or places, but it may not be a figment of your own imagination. Your job is NOT to persuade, it is not to prove you are right. Your job is to inform.

21 …for example what is podcasting? how a plane stays in the air
what is poi (used in fire dancing) what is wicca and what are some of its ceremonies? different meanings of gestures in different cultures (handshakes, hugs, kissing, etc.) chemical and biological warfare - when did it begin? (some say in 425 B.C.) phobias - Logophobia- Fear of words, do you have it? famous first facts the evolution of mothers on television (From June Cleaver to Roseanne) when and how high heel shoes were developed

22 …or the theory of objectivism Bermuda triangle
history of ligers (no, it's not a spelling mistake) burning man event social impact of aids the emotional aspects of going blind/deaf similarities/differences of body piercing in different cultures and eras lost city of Atlantis similarities between karate and ballet

23 …still not sure… I’ve uploaded 600+ topics to my website under College Speech tab

24 Prepare to speak! Assignment

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