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The Move to Global War: 1931 – 1940

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1 The Move to Global War: 1931 – 1940
IB Paper One Document Analysis

2 Overview A prescribed topic - The Move to Global War
One hour exam - 4 Questions Test of skills, but content knowledge will strengthen your performance Document based - 4 documents Two case studies - Europe and Japan Format is given in advance 4 questions You can learn and practise the correct approach for each question

3 Topics to be covered: Japanese Expansion in East Asia
Causes of Expansion Events - key events in Sino-Japanese relations Responses - how the League and the World responded

4 Topics to be covered: German and Italian Expansion
Causes of Expansion Fascism and foreign policy Events - key events in Hitler and Mussolini’s foreign policy Responses - how the League and the World responded

5 Question One Identification and comprehension Question is in 2 parts
Part One - 3 points comprehend and extract information Part Two - 2 points Refer specifically to the content of the source

6 Question Two Evaluation of Sources Worth 4 Marks
Evaluate a source for origin, purpose, value and limitations Origin - who, when, where, what Purpose - Who is the audience, why created? Content - Value and Limitations

7 Question Three Compare and Contrast 6 Marks
Two sources - find similarities and differences Two separate paragraphs BUT mention both sources Start with the obvious Always write in FULL paragraphs

8 Question Four Mini-Essay 9 points
Requires you to synthesize sources and your own knowledge Use ALL sources Plan Brief introduction and conclusion - focus on content

9 Time Management Exam is 60 minutes + 5 minutes reading time
Reading time - no writing - but make mental notes Question One - 10 minutes Question Two - 10 minutes Question Three - 15 minutes Question Four - 25 minutes

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