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20c China: From Republic to Communist Power.

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1 20c China: From Republic to Communist Power

2 Thursday, March 9 and Friday, March 10
You need to make sure you are completing the outside reading on the Revolution and Creation of Communist China over the next two nights. It coves key information that is only touched upon in the PowerPoint. This is information that will be on the End of East Asia Unit Test. Be sure to take additional notes from the YouTube Videos we watch in class within the PowerPoint. They are a good visual and auditory review.

3 Sun Yat-sen & Yuan Shigai Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong

4 The Rise of Nationalists and Sun Yat-sen
Revolution of 1911

5 China after 1911---TEST QUESTION
The Revolution of 1911 was intended to create a modern republican form of government in China. Instead, the country broke up into warlord-dominated regions with increasing poverty and violence. The Guomintang or Nationalist Party led the revolution, but controlled few areas.

6 Sun Yat-sen

7 Republican Revolution
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian) Founded Guomintang/ Nationalist party Overthrew Qing dynasty Established a republic President of Chinese Republic who succeeded him – Yuan Shih-k’ai Guomintang symbol

8 Three Principles of the People: TEST QUESTION
Book published by Sun Yat-sen before his death in 1925 Principle of Democracy Democracy – the people are sovereign Principle of Nationalism Nationalism – an end to foreign imperialism Principle of Livelihood Livelihood – economic development, industrialization, land reform, and social welfare – elements of progressivism and socialism

9 1911 Revolution Sun Yat-sen’s Nationalists rebelled against weak Qing Dynasty. General Yuan Shigai was sent by Qing to destroy Nationalists. Yuan betrayed Qing and helped the Nationalists oust the Qing Dynasty. Yuan made a deal with the Nationalist Party to be China’s first president.

10 Sun Yat-Sen and Yuan Shigai
Sun had to accept Yuan because Sun had no military. Yuan tried to keep power for himself! Nationalists felt betrayed. Nationalists rebelled against Yuan, but were defeated. Sun fled to Japan

11 Problems Facing Nationalists and Sun Yat-sen

12 Republic of China: Weaknesses
Disunity Local warlords fought Kuomintang for control Wars raged between 1912 and 1928 The effects were disastrous, particularly on the peasants who were raped and pillaged and forced to pay taxes up to 30 years in advance, for their “protection and safety”. Poor transportation 1914 – only 6,000 miles of railroad track 225,000 miles in the smaller United States Few decent roads

13 Republic of China Weaknesses: Foreign Imperialists
Twenty-One Demands (1915) Japan attempted to make China a Japanese protectorate Action condemned and stopped by other leading world powers World War I and the Treaty of Versailles China attempted to abolish concessions and extraterritoriality Attempt failed China did not sign the Treaty of Versailles On May 4, 1919 over 3,000 angry Chinese students gathered in Beijing to protest the Treaty of Versailles Demonstrations spread to other cities throughout China Japan gained mandate over most of Germany’s Asian possessions and rights

14 Student Protests in Beijing: May 4th Movement

15 China’s First Civil War: Warlords versus Nationalists and Communists

16 China’s First Civil War: Warlords versus Nationalists and Communists
Yuan died in Sun died in 1925. Civil War CHAOS: Local military warlords fought for control of China. During the 1920s, the Sun’s Nationalists would make an alliance with a new group: Communists. Nationalists and Communists would bring some stability to China. Would this alliance last?  NO! The Civil War continued until 1949.

17 Stabilizing China in the 1920s
With the aid of the USSR (Communist) & Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist army grew in strength Chiang replaced Sun Yat-sen as leader of Nationalist. GOAL: Bring China’s warlords under control By 1928, he was mostly successful.

18 Have To Go To YouTube To Watch
The Father of Modern China - Sun Yat-sen l HISTORY OF CHINA IT'S HISTORY Published on Sep 2, 2015 Running Time of 7:38 Minutes Sun Yat-sen is known as the 'father of modern China'. He spent his adult life fighting against imperial China and the ruling Qing dynasty. First as revolutionary leader and later as politician. He founded the Tongmenghui League in 1905 and supported rebellions in China. After the Wuchang Uprising, Sun handed over the presidential office for the Republic of China to Yuan Shikai who soon after would ban Suns political party, the Kuomintang. So he reformed it as China's National People's party. His military and political work laid the groundwork from which his successors would later call out the People's Republic of China. 

19 Now Setting Stage for Second Civil War
Nationalists versus Communists

20 Turn to Communism and Mao Tse-tung

21 Frustrated Nationalism
China’s previous efforts to borrow from the West to achieve wealth and power all failed military hardware and related technologies economic institutions and organization science, scholarship, and education government, political processes and organizations

22 Frustrated Nationalism
China became weaker and poorer Continuous civil wars between warlords Western privileges in China Humiliated and abused in the world

23 The Guomintang/Nationalist Party is Split
Right Wing Business people Politicians Left Wing Communists Intellectuals Radicals Students

24 New Political Parties Nationalist Party was established
Sun Yat-Sen died in 1925 Chiang Kai-Shek was the military leader of Nationalists during Civil War---TEST QUESTION Communist Party was established in 1921 Mao ZeDong was one of its founding members

25 Why Mao and Communists Will Win Civil War---TEST QUESTION
Mao won the support of the huge peasant population by promising them land. Many peasants joined Mao’s People’s Liberation Army. They were attracted by the promises of land. Mao won the support of women by rejecting inequalities of traditional Confucian society Mao’s army made good use of hit-and-run guerrilla warfare Many people thought the Nationalist government was corrupt Some people believed that Nationalists had allowed foreigners to dominate China.

26 Second Civil War in China: Nationalists versus Communists

27 Civil War in China---TEST QUESTIONS
, , – War between Communists and Nationalists Communists – Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong) Nationalists – Chiang Kai-shek War halted and to fight Japanese aggression Communists were victorious in 1949 Nationalists retreated to Taiwan End of imperialism in China Hong Kong returned to China in 1997

28 Chinese Civil War: Japanese Invasion –TEST QUESTION
Time Out!!! The Civil War between the Nationalists and Red armies is suspended JAPAN INVADES MANCHURIA IN 1931 By 1937 Japan invades all of China Nationalists and Communists unite to repel Japanese invasion TO BE CONTINUED AFTER WORLD WAR II… Japanese troops entering Shenyang

29 Have To Go To YouTube To Watch
The Chinese Civil War - Blood for Unity l HISTORY OF CHINA IT'S HISTORY Published on Sep 5, 2015 Running Time of 7:56 Minutes After the fall of the Qing dynasty China fell apart and both, forces loyal to Chiang Kais-shek's National Kuomintang Party and as Mao Zedong's Communist Party of China, fought to rule the country. This bloody struggle would ultimately result in the Chinese Civil War. It would take more than 22 years but would come to a halt during the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. After Japan's defeat, Mao's troops grew strong quickly and soon after they were able to force Chiang Kai-shek and his followers out of China. They sought refuge in Taiwan. Shortly after, Mao Zedong called out the People's Republic of China. Learn all about the Chinese Civil War in this episode of Battlefields with Indy Neidell. 

30 The Long March TEST QUESTION

31 Long March: 1934 The Long March
Jiang sends 700,000 men after Communists and surrounds them 100,000 Communists flee and begin a 6,000 mile-journey (The Long March) Tens of thousands die due to Starvation Battle wounds Exposure to the cold Mao and 8,000 survivors take shelter in the caves of northwestern China.

32 The Long March

33 The Manchurian Incident

34 The Japanese Factor 1931 Japanese invaded Manchuria
1933 Japanese spreading influence Nationalists in difficult situation China’s Communist Party capitalised on this

35 Japan Invades China 1937

36 The Japanese posed an even bigger threat, taking Manchuria and putting Pu Yi on the throne as a puppet. After 1937 they invaded and conquered the rich coastal plains and cities of China in a brilliantly successful but brutal campaign, culminating in the massacre at Nanjing where 300,000 civilians were slaughtered in an orgy of rape, pillage and execution. It then became Chiang Kai Shek’s turn to flee to the interior of China and resist as best he could in Chung king until the Americans arrived with help.

37 Japanese Aggression,

38 End of World War Two: Civil War Resumes

39 The People’s Republic of China is declared
The People’s Republic of China is declared. The Chinese have their first strong government for over a century.

40 Chinese Civil War | 3 Minute History Jabzy Published on Jan 8, 2017 Running Time of 4:54 Minutes


42 Communist Victory

43 Communist Victory, 1949 Due to corruption and inefficiency among the Nationalist leadership, the Communists took power in mainland China in October, 1949. The Nationalist leaders retreated to the island of Taiwan. Now Mao was in charge of the whole country.

44 Communists in Control – 1949
Communists and Nationalists resumed civil war following World War II Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government wasted foreign economic aid Many Kuomintang deserted to Communists Manchuria – taken over by Communists in 1948 December, Communists in control Chiang Kai-shek and Nationalists retreated to Taiwan

45 Taiwan

46 Taiwan: The Republic of China

47 Republic of China (Taiwan)
Chiang Kai-shek and Nationalists: Established Republic of China Violently repressed the native Taiwanese Governed as if they were the ONLY CHINA Enacted land reform Defended by US, 7th Fleet Engaged in business revolution Successful economy Nationalist Dictatorship This is an ongoing issue between Communist China and the United States.

48 If There Is Time
Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolutions: Crash Course World History #37 CrashCourse Published on Oct 4, 2012 Running Time of 12:54 Minutes


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