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Xu, Po-kai 936602 Angels in America Xu, Po-kai 936602 Po-kai Xu.

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Presentation on theme: "Xu, Po-kai 936602 Angels in America Xu, Po-kai 936602 Po-kai Xu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xu, Po-kai 936602
Angels in America Xu, Po-kai Po-kai Xu

2 Tony Kushner was born in 1956 in New York city. Jewish family
His parents were both musicians. Po-kai Xu

3 Tony Kushner The conversation in his family was about music, politics, arts, and ethics. Beginning of his theater-fever was the performance of his mother. Po-kai Xu

4 Tony Kushner La Fin de la Baleine: An Opera for the Apocalyse(1982)
A Bright Room Called Day(1985) Hydrotaphia, or the Death of Doctor Browne(1987) Slavs!(1993) Po-kai Xu

5 Tony Kushner A Dybbuk or Between Two Worlds(1995)
Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches(1990) Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika (1991) Po-kai Xu

6 Angels in America No blackouts Split scene (Act 1, Scene 5;Scene 8)
Po-kai Xu

7 Scene 1 (p1407) The scene of Sarah Ironson‘s funeral, hosted by Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz, is in the honor of the hard-working of the American Jews in the early period. Po-kai Xu

8 Scene 2 (pp ) Roy tells Joe that he is willing to recommend Joe to work in Washington, D. C. It shows Joe’s cowardice and he is a Mormon. Stresses Roy’s power and aggressiveness Po-kai Xu

9 Scene 3 (pp ) Harper takes pills at home and imagines to plan a trip to the Antarctica with Mr. Lies Joe goes back home, and plans to discuss with Harper about working in Washington, D. C. Po-kai Xu

10 Scene 4 (pp ) Outside the funeral home, Louis is sorry for Prior about being incapable of coming out toward his Jewish family. Prior comforts Louis and tells him that he, Prior, gets AIDS. Po-kai Xu

11 Scene 5 (pp1411-1412) Split Scene
Harper refuses to move to Washington, and she is fighting for this with Joe. It shows Harper’s hysteria and addiction to pills (Valium). Louis asks the Rabbi how the Bible describe those abandoning their love in sufferings. This shows Louis’ fragility toward death and disease. Po-kai Xu

12 Scene 5 (pp1411-1412) Split Scene
Joe tells Harper his support for Reagan, and wishes to participate in that system with the help of Roy. Harper thinks that there is nothing more important than her husband’s unconcern. Po-kai Xu

13 Scene 6 (pp ) Louis meets Joe in the men’s room of the court office. Louis is crying for Prior’s disease. Louis finds out that Joe is gay. Po-kai Xu

14 Scene 7 (pp1413-1415) Prior and Harper meet each other in the dream.
Through miraculous revelation, both of them know the other’s sufferings: Harper’s husband is gay, and Prior gets AIDS. The voice of angel appears at the first time. Po-kai Xu

15 Scene 8 (pp1415-1416) Split Scene
Harper gets revelation in her dream, and asks Joe if he is gay. Louis confesses to Prior about his fear with disease, and the possibility of abandoning Prior. Po-kai Xu

16 Scene 8 (pp1415-1416) Split Scene
Joe is mad with Harper about her question- ing toward his sexual tendency, and insisting his efforts in religion. Harper lies that she is pregnant. Prior says that his Captain ancestor had made lots of immigrants dead on his boat, and comforts Louis that he is sinless. Po-kai Xu

17 Roy Marcus Cohn Roy Cohn (1927–1986) was an American lawyer who came to prominence during the investigations by Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had alleged Communists in the U.S. government. A highly controversial figure, he wielded tremendous political power. Po-kai Xu

18 Roy Cohn Po-kai Xu

19 Ethel Rosenberg Ethel Rosenberg was born on September 28, 1915, in New York City, to a Jewish family. She was an aspiring actress and singer, but eventually took a secretarial job at a shipping company. She became involved in labor disputes and joined the Young Communist League, where she first met Julius. Po-kai Xu

20 Ethel Rosenberg and her husband
Julius Rosenberg (1918–1953) and Ethel Rosenberg (1915–1953) were American Communists who received international attention when they were executed for passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviet Union. Po-kai Xu

21 Ethel Rosenberg Po-kai Xu

22 Emma Goldman Emma Goldman (1869–1940), also name Red Emma, was a Lithuanian-born anarchist known for her writings and speeches. Po-kai Xu

23 Emma Goldman Goldman played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in the United States and Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. In particular she incorporated gender politics into anarchism which, if at all, had only been hinted at by earlier anarchists. Po-kai Xu

24 Shirley Booth Shirley Booth(1898–1992) was an acclaimed American actress on stage and in motion picture. She went to Hollywood and recreated her stage role in the motion picture version of Come Back, Little Sheba (1952). Po-kai Xu

25 Shirley Booth in the screen adaptation of Come Back, Little Sheba (1952).
Po-kai Xu

26 Reference: Encyclopedia Britannica:
http: & Wikipedia: Po-kai Xu

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