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Process and methods used for describing competences/learning outcomes

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1 Process and methods used for describing competences/learning outcomes
Lucian Voinea, Mihai Iacob, Helsinki,

2 VET Qualifications – general view
VET qualifications are based on learning outcomes A qualification is described through learning units A learning unit consists of a coherent set of learning outcomes Key competences are based on the 8 domains of Key competences for LLL and provide a common ground to build general working capacities A qualification can be linked/associated with one or more occupations A qualification is requested tu ensure employability on long term and career progress Different sets of qualifications – achieved: both through IVET and CVT only through CVT (usually associated with one occupation)

3 Instruments to build a VET qualification
Occupational analysis for the identification of occupational area Occupational Standard (OS) – a document which describes the competence units related to one occupation; used for prior learning validation, but also for qualifications within formal CVT and apprenticeship Training Standard (TS) – a document which describes the learning outcomes related to a qualification linked with one or more occupations developed for IVET used within IVET, but also within formal CVT, assessment of prior learning and apprenticeship

4 The process of qualifications’ elaboration in VET
Identification of the training needs (initiative ME) Sectorial Committees Labour market studies Analysis of the relation: qualification – occupations Occupational standards Working groups Enterprises Education Professional Associations Validation Identification of the competences Elaboration of training standards Approval ME Working groups Education Elaboration of the training programme (curriculum)

5 Structure of Learning Outcomes
The concept of LO has been taken from the definitions included in the EQF Recommendation; it means what is expected from a student/learner to know, understanad and be able to perform/prove at the end of a training/educational programme It includes the following components: Knowledge Abilities/skills Competence

6 Definitions used Knowledge – is the result of information assimilation through learning and represents an assemble of facts, principles, theories and practices regarding a certain field of study/training Ability/skill – is the capacity to apply and use knowledge in order to fulfill tasks and solve problems Competence – is the proven capacity to select, combine and adequatly use knowledge, abilities and other acquisitions (values and attitudes) in order to solve a certain category of work/learning situation and to develop on personal and professional level

7 Structure of the LO There are 2 types of LO:
key/transversal, which transcend a certain study/training programe, enabling the learner to communicate, socially interact etc. Professional, which are of 2 kinds: general, developed within the larger framework of the field of study/work and specific, developed in a more specific/narrow part of the field

8 The qualifications’ structure in IVET
Training Domain « A » Training Domain “B” Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Key Units of LO General Units of vocational LO General Units of vocational LO Specia- lized Units of vocational LO Specia-lized Units of vocational LO

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