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Summary Consider cross-cutting approaches, surveys as a way to probe the time domain and the time domain in the context of surveys Osten, Brandt, others.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary Consider cross-cutting approaches, surveys as a way to probe the time domain and the time domain in the context of surveys Osten, Brandt, others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary Consider cross-cutting approaches, surveys as a way to probe the time domain and the time domain in the context of surveys Osten, Brandt, others Co-observing, having telescopes publish their schedules ahead of time (“train schedule”), in a regular fashion rather than “campaign mode” many Radio reference grid (at many frequencies?) for comparison at different epochs many? deep optical grid needed? Probabilistic identification of sources (work already in progress?), but needs to be extended to the radio and possibly focused on transients. Is this a source? Is this a transient? (detection) What kind of source? What kind of transient? (classification) Deep Drilling Fields should be selected in such a manner to allow for high dynamic range imaging, i.e., careful attention to the presence of nearby, strong continuum radio sources Redshifts needed for much xgal work, in some cases photo-z's ok, but much improved with spectroscopic redshifts Barger, Jarvis, Stebbins?, others Balance of large projects and PI-driven projects, how big should we go? 1000 hr (~ 3 Ms) deep fields  30 Ms (~ 1 yr) deep fields? 1000 hr surveys  10,000 hr survey? “all hands on deck” projects

2 Thanks LOC SOC Karen Ransom Carolyn Hunsinger Ken Kellermann
Amy Kimball Robert Dickman Z. Ivezić N. Kassim K. Kellermann A. Kimball S. Myers A. Soderberg R. Dickman

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