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M ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)

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1 M0254 - ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)
Session 9 - ERP Implementation Ir. Ekananta Manalif, MM, MKom (D2664) Jurusan Sistem Informasi Universitas Bina Nusantara

2 ERP Solution Components
From a very high level perspective costs will lay out approximately like this - rule of thumb only... M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

3 ERP Implementation Involves
Project Planning Business & Operational Analysis, including Gap Analysis Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) Installation & Configuration Project Team Training Business Requirements Mapping to Software Module Configuration System Modification and Interfaces Data Conversion Custom Documentation End User Training Conference Room Pilot Acceptance Testing Production Post-Implementation Audit/Support M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

4 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
ERP Implementation Commitment from Management Form a task force with personnel from all functional Areas Take care of Hardware requirements Step-by-step rather than big-bang introduction Be patient, ERP implementation takes Time M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

5 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Prepare Base for ERP Do not start without Management commitment Allocate sufficient funds Identify Core Project Team Select specialists from all functional areas Evaluate and select ERP package Evaluate Implementation Partner Make an Implementation Plan Present plan to Management Committee for sanctions Present plan to Employee groups for feedback/acceptability Plan for User Training Plan for Future upgrades M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

6 ERP Implementation Activities
Manage It... Prime Contractor Project Management Detailed Project planning and Tracking Communications Plan Subcontractor management Project Scope Control Financial Control Project Oversight and Quality Assurance Reviews Change It... Change Mgment Business Vision and Goals Process Analysis Package Select . Business Case Bus. Process Reengineering Industry Best Practices As Is /To Be Process Modeling Fit-Gap Analysis Policy Design and Procedure Dev. Readiness Assessment Organizational Design Communications Plan Implement It.. Operate It... Data Center Operations Application Development & Maintenance Network Station Management Network Operations & Support Service It... Platforms & Technology Services Installation/ Customization & Maintenance Performance and Tuning Software Services Planning/Design/ Install Migration Management Problem Mgmt. Systems Mgmt. Internet Enablement Web Site Design Help Desk Disaster Recovery Business Resumption Services Teach It... Training Needs Assessment Custom Curriculum and Material Development CBT Development End User Training Classes Train-the-Trainers Roll-out of Training Package Integration (SAP,PeopleSoft, JDE, Oracle...) Software Environment Builds Enterprise-wide Infrastructure Planning/Design & Roll-out Interfaces and Conversions Data Warehouse Integration E-Business Business Intelligence Networking Design Implementation Tuning It is important to recognize all of the different kinds of activities it takes to implement an ERP solution. This is a bit of an "eye chart" but it makes the point that this is a complex undertaking. The State needs to make sure it understands how its resources will need to participate in these activities and what type of support you will need from your selected vendor for these areas. You should make sure your selected prime contractor can address all of these areas. Everyone focuses on the technical tasks but the management, business transformation, and training activities are equally important. Some customers will include "operate it" as an outsourced or network application solution. Others won't want this option. All of the other categories must be part of an ERP implementation. We're going to talk in more detail about 3 of these areas. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

7 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Define Requirements Determine the hardware required. Analyze the existing Processes. Fine tune the processes to be in line with those of ERP defined. Analyze effect of system changes. Prototype and present. Refine the prototype & freeze the specifications. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

8 ERP Implementation Sustain Evaluation Project Preparation Realization
Business Case and Project Proposal Project Charter Project Preparation Business Blueprint Configured and Tested System Realization Production System and Ready Organization Final Preparation Help Desk and Support Organization Go Live and Support Sustain Business Benefits and Continuous Improvement This is the lifecycle and key deliverables as presented in ASAP M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

9 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
ERP Consultants How does a consultant steer a client through an ERP implementation? Identify what you want improved, set goals, and calculate benefit Define standard procedures Plan for rollout far before it happens Set milestones Train everyone Don’t forget your customers M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

10 Re-engineering - a part life with ERP
Re-engineer process before going for ERP Re-engineer during implementation of ERP Re-engineer after implementing ERP Continuous re-engineering through ERP M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

11 ERP without Re-engineering
Advantages No visible changes in Functionality Users find it more acceptable Can be completed within time frame. Cost can be with in your control Impact on Organization will be moderate Disadvantages Best Business practices would have been ignored Stability of the system is known only in long run May not achieve Corporate wide systems integration New technologies have to be studied your self Some functionality may be lost M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

12 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Re-Engineering Study the current system & Processes Design and develop new systems Define Process, organization structure, procedures Develop/Customize the software Train people Implement new system M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

13 Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)
In-depth study of existing systems/processes is required before ERP is considered. This study brings out deficiencies of the existing system/process. This study is called BPR. BPR attempts to re-structure and re-organize the human resources, functional areas, Man-Machine interfaces in the organization. Hence BPR attempts to maximize productivity. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

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