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Laili Farhana Md Ibharim & Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim

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1 Laili Farhana Md Ibharim & Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim
A USABILITY STUDY WITH CHILDREN AND SMARTBOARD TECHNOLOGY FOR DATA COLLECTING AND GATHERING TECHNIQUE FROM EXPERT POINT OF VIEW Laili Farhana Md Ibharim & Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim Faculty of Arts, Computing and Creative Industry Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris 35900, Tanjong Malim Perak, Malaysia

2 Problem We Face A method of collecting and gathering data used by researcher in their studies against children is sometimes a bit messy and the results are less accurate. Method use not appropriate to the environment and the acceptance of children. Usability issues using technology with children.

3 Solution We Offer A new method how to collect and gather data for children using Smartboard technology. Objective of this paper is : To evaluate the usability of Smartboard application as a new tool to collect and gather data for usability testing with children.

4 Research Process Theoretical Stage Methodology Stage Paper objective

5 Development Of Smartboard Application
Refer to DDD-E model Using SMART Notebook 10 The application is mainly about to introduce icon design and its function to early age children. The combination of drill & practice and game approach implemented in 6 activities. (fun and interest element injected)

6 Evaluation Participant : 4 lecturers from Department of Multimedia
Location : Lecturer’s room Instrument : Group & individual interview (semi-structural questions) with audio recorder. (Robson,2002)

7 Evaluation Strategy : Category Aspect Session 1: Expert
experience in doing research They use the most appropriate and effective methods that have been implemented against children Types of provided data are clear and information is absolutely accurate for their research. Difficulties are faced by researchers when gathering and collecting data from children Alternative way to overcome the risk of data loss and damage. Session 2: Expert’s opinions and suggestions about application on Smartboard as data collecting and gathering tool. Suitable and effective activity to collect and gather data from children Function and tools that Smartboard provides are suitable for children. Things that should be avoided during collect and gather data while using Smartboard Do they agree if Smartboard is used as new instrument to replace the conventional instruments and methods? Why? Analyze Phase Researchers played the tape recorder again and transcribed all the information based on established criteria to evaluate the findings of the interview using discussion of analytical method (Piaw,2006)

8 Video Shown To Expert During Interview

9 Result 1 : Efficiency Expert’s observation on the video which they have to put number from 1 (represent most enjoyable) to 6 (represent most difficult) Summary: Overall, all the experts have agreed that the activities in the form of direct interaction is more fun and easier rather than the activity in a form of indirect interaction and a multi-use activities which require much more movements. Besides that, skills and creativity as well as factors would affect the ease or difficulty of this activity. Interview Transcription

10 Result 2 : Effectiveness
Expert’s opinion and recommendation in the video about the effectiveness of features and tools provided on Smartboard. Summary: Overall, the experts have proposed the use of the Smartboard’s functions and tools which are simple and easy. In addition, it should have closure and engagement elements so that, the children will feel more comfortable, secure and confident with what they do. Interview Transcription

11 Result 3 : Satisfaction Expert’s personal opinion on usability of Smartboard to replace conventional methods in doing research to collect and data from children. Summary: Smartboard technology can be accepted as an alternative method to collect and gather data, especially for those studies that involve with a large number of samples such as the whole students in a class. Interview Transcription

12 Findings No.1 : Direct interaction makes children feel enjoyable and comfortable No.2 : Collecting and gathering data from children can be easy using Smartboard application. No.3 : Smartboard meets the needs of researchers in conducting research No.4 : Multimodal interaction enhances children performance in giving idea and information.

13 Summary Smartboard is very helpful in collecting and gathering data from children through activities that allow them to communicate, give ideas and opinions openly and clearly. Advantage to researchers in the field of children to obtain data for their studies through the Smartboard as compared to the common methods such as questionnaires and interviews. The applicability of this study is to prove that Smartboard as a tool to gather and collect data to create new methods of study in children to be more interesting, effective and accurate.

14 References Ackermann, E. (2004). Constructing Knowledge and Transforming the World. M. Tokoro and L. Steels (Eds.). A Learning Zone of One’s Own: Sharing Representations and Flow in Collaborative Learning Environments. Amsterdam: IOS Press, Pt. 1, Ch. 2, pp Edwards, H. & Benedyk, R. (2007). A Comparison of Usability Evaluation Methods for Child Participants in A School Setting. In proceeding of The 6th International Conference for Interaction Design and Children (pp. 9-15) Aalborg, Denmark. Gage, J. (2005). How to Use an Interactive Whiteboard Really Effectively in Your Primary Classroom. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd. Ivers, K.S. & Barron, A.E. (2006). Multimedia Projects in Education: Designing, Producing and Assessing (3rd Ed.). USA: British Library. Microsoft. (2011). Icons. Retrieved June 28, 2011 from Hanna, L., Risden, K., Czerwinski, M., & Alexander, K.J. (1998). The Role of Usability Study in Designing Children’s Computer Products. In: The Design of Children’s Technology. Druin, A. (Ed.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers: San Francisco, CA, USA. Masuch, M., Yatim, M., & Gadegast, P. (2007). Developing Software for Children: Experiences from Creating a 3D Drawing Application. In: Gross, T. (ed.). Mensch & Computer 2007: Konferenz fur interactive und cooperative Medien. Munchen: Oldenburg Verlag.pp. 179 – 188. Piaw, C.Y. (2006). Asas Statistik Penyelidikan. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw-Hill. Preece, J., Rogers, Y. & Sharp, H. (2006). Interaction Design Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (2nd ed.). USA : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Robson, C. (2002). Real World Study (2nd Ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Rubin, J. & Chisnell, D. (2008). Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design and Conduct Effectiveness Tests (2nd Ed.).Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing. Yatim, M.H. (2009). Children, Computer and Creativity: Usability Guidelines for Designing A Game Authoring Tool for Children. Otto-Von-Guericke University of Magdeburg. Germany.

15 Thank You Q & A SESSION

16 Efficiency Transcription
Researcher: “Berdasarkan pemerhatian terhadap video tadi, aktiviti yang manakah paling menyeronokkan dan paling selesa untuk mengutip dan mengumpul data daripada kanak-kanak? Sila letakkan ranking 1 (mewakili paling menyeronokkan) sehingga 6 (mewakili paling sukar)” (Researcher: “Based on your observation from the video, which activity is more enjoyable and comfortable to collect and gatherdata from children? Please put in rank 1(represent most enjoyable) to 6 (represent most difficult)”). Expert 1: “Drag & Drop tadi payah kan? Tapi sebenarnya Drag & Drop tu bergantung pada kat mana sebenarnya sebab kalau dekat komputer senang kalau pakai mouse. Drag and Drop tu yang paling payah la kot, Yang Most Like ni yang mana?... Owh, tu pun payah juga, second payah. Hehehe..Drawing first and then Pairing, kemudian tu Matching, aa… Smilyometer tu mudah..” (Expert 1: "Drag & Drop had some trouble right? But usually, the Drag & Drop depends on where exactly…if it is use on the computer, it would be easier when a mouse. Maybe the Drag & Drop is the most difficult one, which is the Most Like? ... Owh, that too is difficult also, second hard. Hehehe… Drawing first and then Pairing, followed by Matching, aa ... The Smilyometer is too simple .. ")

17 Efficiency Transcription (cont)
Expert 2: “Paling seronok dan senang Pairing lah.” (Expert 2: “The most exciting and easy one is the Pairing ”) Expert 3: “Yang Matching tu ada yang macam susah nak garis” (Expert 3: “The Matching seems hard to make a line”) Expert 2: “Yang paling susah Drawing lah sebab interaction dia multi…multi use, multi dimension, multi use lah yang kena buat banyak benda.” (Expert 2: “The hardest activities is the Drawing, because it has multi interaction…multi use, multi dimension, multi use , that have to do many things”) Expert 4: “Pairing, yang ke 2, Drag & Drop, Smileyometer ... Dragging tu ambil masa yang lama sikit la..” (Expert 4: “Pairing is the second, then Drag & Drop, followed by Smileyometer…Dragging is the one that requires a longer…”) Expert 2: “Matching pun senang jugak. Matching nombor 3, lepas tu Most Like, Drag & Drop..” (Expert 2: “Matching is easy too, Matching will be number 3, then Most Like, followedby Drag & Drop…”)

18 Effectiveness Transcription
Researcher: “Berdasarkan pendapat anda, apakah fungsi dan alatan yang disediakan oleh Smartboard sesuai untuk kanak-kanak?” (Researcher: “Based on your opinion, what are the functions and tools provided by the Smartboard are suitable for children?”) Expert 1: “Untuk children kena guna yang paling simple. Ini bukan saya cakap sahaja, malah dari kajian saya yang lepas-lepas juga membuktikan begitu. Yang simple dan yang senang. Click. Kalau drawing untuk kanak-kanak yang dah besar sikit ok la..” (Expert 1: “For the children, we have to use the simplest method. This not only me who have said it, but my previous research have also proved this. Simple and easy. Click. If drawing for older children, then it is ok …”) Expert 3: “Function yang jenis direct interaction.” (Expert 3: “The types of direct interaction function”)

19 Effectiveness Transcription (cont)
Expert 2: “Kanak-kanak suka degree yang jenis ‘tap’ kat situ, simple la.. Dia tak guna banyak kaedah…. By right, untuk direct interaction kanak-kanak suka keypad tu sebab dia ada closure, tu sebab dia rasa macam puas. Dia rasa dia tekan tu betul. Perasaan closure tu. Aha..” (Expert 2: “The children prefer types of degree ‘tap’ just like that, simple … They do not use much complex method… By right, for direct interaction children, they prefer the keypad as it have some ‘closure’. That is what makes they feel satisfy. They feel what they have pressed is right. That ‘closure’ feeling. Aha…”) Expert 4: “Tapi kanak-kanak suka yang touch tu. Itu based on pengalaman la…dia dah biasa. Atau pun touch yang ada bunyi tu. Ha… itu feedback lah. Dia bagi feedback.” (Expert 4: “But children also likes the touch. It based on experience … they familiar with that. Or touch produce sound. Ha… that is feedback.. It gives feedback..”)

20 Satisfaction Transcription
Researcher: “Adakah anda semua setuju jika Smartboard ini digunakan sebagai satu alatan baru untuk menggunakan alatan dan kaedah yang telah sedia ada? Kenapa?” (Researcher: “Do you agree if the Smartboard is used as new instrument to replace the conventional instruments and methods? Why?”) Expert 1: “Boleh, nampak tadi dari dia punya cara tu ok la Cuma kadang-kadang dia takut ke depan. Aaa.. tapi bagus you all punya approach maksudnya motivate dia, boleh gelak-gelak ye kan. Rasa macam home la. Macam dia tak kesah…… Macam anak saya tanya lagi, even dah balik rumah pun, ada lagi tak Ikon? Maknanya dia berasa seronok di situ.” (Expert 1: “Sure, from what we have seen, the methods are okay. Just sometimes they are afraid to go in front. Aaa…but your approach is really good, it means to motivate them, getting them to laughing. Making them feel like they are in home. They didn’t mind… Just like my son who asked to do it again, even after reaching home, he asked whether we will have another icon activity? That proves that they are happy.”)

21 Satisfaction Transcription (cont)
Expert 4: “Kalau nak gantikan secara keseluruhan tu tak setujulah. Mungkin ada certain part yang kita gunakan Smartboard untuk aktiviti apa-apa.” (Expert 4: “I do not agree with the overall replacing method. Maybe there are certain parts that we can use the Smartboard for any other activities”) Expert 1: “Kalau sebagai satu alternative lain tu kita boleh buat ayat macam tu.” (Expert 1: “If there is one other alternative, we can use that sentence”) Expert 3: “Mungkin ia amat sesuai more kepada benda yang boleh menarik minat macam lepas dalam kelas lepas cikgu mengajar ada penilaian, evaluation... Yang bersifat eksperimen pun boleh sesuai. Sebab saya pernah tengoklah dulu kat sekolah menengah , sekolah bestari, bila cikgu ni ajar kimia ke fizik, macam tu lah… Budak-budak memang sukalah bila buat eksperimen, tak masuk lab, bila bahan tu campur dan tunjuk melalui Smartboard” (Expert 3: "Perhaps it is more well suited to the things that would appeal like the last class teacher to teach will gain assessment, evaluation ... The experimental nature shall be appropriate. Because I had my experience when observed a high school, an elite school, when the teachers that teaches chemical or physics, like that... The students are happy to do any experiment, not in the lab, when the material is mixed and demonstrated by using the Smartboard ")

22 Satisfaction Transcription (cont)
Expert 2: “Dia macam aktiviti untuk P&P dalam bilik darjah yang bersifat cooperative dan collaborative yang melibatkan ramai orang….. Penyelidikan yang melihat kepada collaborative, cooparative, all those yang communication more than one people ni..” (Expert 2: It appeared like the P & P activities in the classroom that is cooperative and collaborative in nature that involves many people ... A research to see the collaborative research, cooperative, all those that communicate with more than one people…" )

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