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Searching for Virtue in the City: Bell and Her Sisters

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1 Searching for Virtue in the City: Bell and Her Sisters
H. George Frederickson University of Kansas Jack W. Meek University of La Verne Prepared for the Bell Crisis Revisited Conference, Chapman University, February 19, 2015

2 Introduction Bell as an echo of earlier city corruption.
The municipal reform movement in the Progressive Era. The simultaneous emergence of municipal reform and the great suburbanization of metropolitan America.

3 Searching for Virtue Municipal reform and the public administration
ethics canon. Searching for virtue. The details of the canon: The line. Ethical management. Ethics standards and requirements. Oversight and accountability. The municipal reform canon as vulgar ethics.

4 Bell in Context Bell in context:
broaden the scope (Bell and her sisters— eight contiguous cities). lengthen the time (2000 to 2015). Two big scandals—Bell and South Gate. Six smaller scandals. A “counterfactual.” pp

5 Oversight and Accountability
The line between politics and/or policy and administration. Ethical management. Ethical standards and requirements. Oversight and Accountability Summing up.

6 Questions? Questions

7 Questions? H. George Frederickson, University of Kansas
Jack W. Meek, University of La Verne

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