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COSMOS DB as an international share point for exchanging regulatory and toxicity data of cosmetics ingredients and related substances C Yang1,2, DP Hristozov1,

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Presentation on theme: "COSMOS DB as an international share point for exchanging regulatory and toxicity data of cosmetics ingredients and related substances C Yang1,2, DP Hristozov1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 COSMOS DB as an international share point for exchanging regulatory and toxicity data of cosmetics ingredients and related substances C Yang1,2, DP Hristozov1, A Tarkhov2, T Kleinöder2, I Boyer3, MTD Cronin4, E Fioravanzo5, JH Kim6, B Heldreth3, A Mostrag-Szylichtyng1, JF Rathman1, A Richarz4, CH Schwab2, V Vitcheva1,2, AP Worth7 3 Altamira LLC, Columbus OH, USA; 2Molecular Networks, Erlangen, Germany; 3Cosmetic Ingredient Review, Washington DC, USA; 4Liverpool John Moores University, England; 5Soluzioni Informatiche srl, Vicenza, Italy; 6Korean Cosmetics Institute of Industries, Seoul Korea; 7EC Joint Research Centre, IHCP Systemes Toxicology, Ispra, Italy Introduction and Objectives Building Blocks of COSMOS Share Point Safety Evaluation Database As one of the practical alternatives to repeated dose toxicity testing, COSMOS consortium has established databases and in silico tools. To enable the pragmatic methods, the COSMOS database has been expanded to include safety evaluation data as well as the TTC (threshold of toxicological concern) databases. Objectives Expand the COSMSO DB data model to include safety evaluation data as well as TTC database Provide workflow tools to run TTC trees Lay foundation to interface with institutions with cosmetics related issues Point of departure NOAEL (or BMDL) decisions Critical Study and effects/sites Evaluation Methods: Margin of Safety (SCCNFP/SCCP/SCCS) Margin of Exposure (EU EFSA) Oral Reference Dose RfD (US EPA IRIS) COSMOS DB houses the building blocks of sources useful for safety evaluation KCII (Korea) CIR (US) HESS (Japan) JRC (EU) Public data sharing US FDA CFSAN COSMOS Share Point COSMOS TTC Database Public data sharing Users SCCNFP/ SCCP/ SCCS EFSA Data update by COSMOS Share Point COSMOS DB v2.0 Compilation Process: COSMOS DB – Safety Evaluation and TTC Safety evaluation record of butyl paraben in COSMOS DB Cosmetics inventory A look-up table for cosmetics ingredients and related chemicals used in formulations MOS NOAEL CosIng PCPC† 3,512 INCI names* (3,713 CAS) 19,390 INCI names* (9,275 CAS) 3339 *INCI: International Nomenclature for Cosmetics Ingredients † In v2.0 the US list (voluntary cosmetic registration program) is provided by CIR (cosmetic ingredient review). The current v1.0 counts are from “Compilation of Ingredients Used in Cosmetics in the United States“, 1st Edition, JE Bailey, Ed. The Personal Care Products Council, Washington D.C The v1.0 and 2.0 counts therefore will be different. NOAEL summary and QC records Toxicity data sources US FDA PAFA legacy database Food direct and indirect additives, Colorants oRepeatTox DB Process (arrows): Red = automatic; Black dotted = manual harvesting TTC database stores the full history of NOAEL decisions and rationales. TTC databases and decision tree Study Inclusion Criteria COSMOS DB - provides TTC database export - runs TTC decision trees* US FDA CFSAN OFAS Food contact substances (over 90 substances) SCCNFP/SCCP/SCCS Cosmetics and consumer products Registered Substances Database at ECHA REACH high tonnage chemicals US EPA ToxREFDB, IRIS Industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, etc. US National Toxicology Program Nominated substances for safety concern potential EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) Food/feed related test substances (opinions in EFSA journals) Selected lowest NOAELs from reliable studies Effects considered for NOAEL/LOAEL Non-neoplastic systemic effects Developmental effects included if critical Toxicologically significant, human relevant endpoints when mechanism is known Data record reliability confirmed by database QC Study results reliability confirmed by NOAEL review sessions on the high impact portion of the database The lowest 10% and records varying greatly across the data sources Studies for 150 chemicals reviewed by ILSI experts during NOAEL values were adjusted by uncertainty factors, e.g., duration. Select decision tree Export TTC database Skin permeability data A total of 470 test substances: EDETOX (285), Kent University update (154), Cosmetics addition by COSMOS partners (108) * Kroes et. al Food and Chemical Toxicology 42 (2004) 65–83 Summary Toxicity Profiles of Cosmetics Data Analysis of NOAEL Distribution COSMOS Database has expanded the data model to include skin permeability, safety evaluation, and TTC databases. The safety evaluation database now includes all updated Margin of Safety data from SCCNFP/SCCP/SCCS. It also includes RfP, MOE, ADI available from other regulatory bodies. COSMOS TTC database established and can export the full dataset as well as combination of the current Munro database. COSMOS DB workflow includes TTC database export as well as TTC Decision Tree (Kroes 2004)* and the Oral-to-dermal exposure tiered workflow (ILSI EG2). Species/Duration Target organs Liver Kidney GI Reproductive Endocrine Spleen Rat A total of 793 compounds in cosmetics inventory was associated with 1150 unique in vivo studies Other short-term and special toxicology studies are not included. Rat is the single most tested species and liver is the top target organ Most common pathological findings include steatosis phenotypes. Subchronic studies have the lowest average NOAEL values Cosmetics alone have higher thresholds in general than Munro. The thresholds for Munro (Class I = 3.0; Class II = 0.91; Class III = 0.15 mg/kg-bw/day) are not affected much by the inclusion of additional 360 cosmetics-related chemicals. (ILSI EG1) The funding from the European Community’s 7th Framework Program (FP7/ ) COSMOS Project (grant agreement n°266835) and Cosmetics Europe, and support from EPAA are gratefully acknowledged. We also thank ILSI Europe and the expert groups 1 and 2 in support of COSMOS project.

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