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Team Gilboa Jr. Race Parent Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Team Gilboa Jr. Race Parent Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Team Gilboa Jr. Race Parent Meeting

2 Team Gilboa Leadership
Non-profit 501(c)3 organization Dedicated parent board Bill Guidera, parent board president Executive Director David Ziemer Athletic Director Scott Skavanger (Scully) Jr. Race Director Krissy McNeill

3 Jr. Race Coaching Structure
Jr. Race Red Team (MON/WED) Lead U8 coach Lead U10 coach Lead U12/14 coach Jr. Race Blue Team (TUES/FRI) Jr. Race Weekend Team (SUN) Lead Coach

4 Age Group Structure Three training groups: U8, U10, U12/14
U8 = YOB 2008, 2009 U10 = YOB 2006, 2007 U12 = YOB 2004, 2005 U14 = YOB 2002, 2003

5 Equipment is very important!
Welcome Bart Pierce from: Pierce Skate and Ski Skis Boots Poles Helmet/goggles (clear lenses) Glove guards Tuning equipment

6 Dryland At Hyland/Team Gilboa Competition Center. Dates:
10/11, 10/18, 10/25 Time: 4:30-6:00pm. Helmet marking: Team, Name, Age group. Wear appropriate athletic clothing for weather.

7 Typical Training Day Logistics
Drop off athletes at age group signs by 6:00pm with all gear on (in front of comp center). Athletes meet coaches at age group signs: U8, U10, U12/14. After 6:15pm, you must bring your child to the TG competition center to find a coach with a radio. Pick up athlete at age group signs at 8:00pm .

8 Training day continued…
Eat/hydrate before training session. Bathrooms available in the new chalet. On snow training Skills quest training: Edging, pressure, rotary, balance Slalom, GS, and speed elements training

9 THEME NIGHTS CRAZY HELMET NIGHT 12/7 (Monday) & 12/8 (Tuesday)
Hawaiian Tropical Night 2/15 (Monday) & 2/16 (Tuesday)

10 Typical Race Day All at Hyland on Select Sundays, 8:00am-Noon
1/10 , 1/24, 1/30 (SATURDAY), 2/28 Check in at Comp. Center from 8:00am to get your bib Red, Blue, Purple and Weekend Teams race together. Courses divided by gender, U8 go first. Each athlete gets 2 runs in each course (4 total runs) Scoring: Best time from each course added together. Awards: Top ten from each gender and age group. At the Last race every racer will receive an award or a ribbon.

11 Contact Krissy if you are interested in volunteering:
Race day continued… Parent volunteer group organizes: Pot Luck Bib handout (before race) Course crew Gate Keepers Results board Bib collection (after race) Lost bibs cost $50 billed to family Contact Krissy if you are interested in volunteering:

12 Additional Racing Opportunities
Afton Paul Augustine Jr. Championships Sunday Feb. 14, 2016. Separate sign-up and payment required. Recommended for all U10, 12, 14 racers. U8 participation upon coaches recommendation. Sign-up link will be sent out in the weekly when available.

13 Granite Peak Camp Feb. 6-7, Wausau, Wisconsin
Online sign-up: ($200) Travel as a family Ski Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Lodging at Quality Inn Saturday night pool party!

14 Weekly Communications
Please read the weekly communications from the Jr. Race Director every Monday. Is everyone receiving those? If you are not:

15 Add email instructions:
Login to the Team Gilboa website (with the primary account holders address) Click on their username (upper left corner), then click “Account Settings” from the drop down Click "add address" (upper right of the screen) Type in the additional address into the popup window and click "add address" to save it After you have added a new address, a confirmation will be sent to the new address.  If you do not receive the verification s within a couple minutes be sure to check your spam folder. When the verification is received, click on the verification to confirm the new address.

16 Calendar Parents corner Camps Show tag menu
Granite Peak Camp, Feb. 6-7

17 Hyland Info: Purchase Season Pass on-line at:
Hyland Parking for season: 10 minute drop off parking $20 parking at new chalet per day Free parking at overflow with shuttles Cancellation policy We ski if Hyland is open If they close, we will send an asap.

18 Other details Team Gilboa annual Ski Swap
Oct. 9, 10, 11 Volunteer: Kick-off party/30th anniversary party Nov. 14, 6:00-10:00pm, Hyland Chalet Live and silent auction, donations welcome Spirit wear Available at the kick off party Also available at Jr. Races

19 Team Gilboa Sponsors Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists
Pierce Skate and Ski Borton Volvo TC Orthodontics Hoigaard’s Geisler Law Bell State Bank and Trust Wold Financial Group of Raymond James

20 Ski fast and have a great season!!!
Questions?? Ski fast and have a great season!!!

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