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“SO SEND I YOU” – An urgent message for a crucial hour

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1 “SO SEND I YOU” – An urgent message for a crucial hour
- 10 September 2016 “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” – John 20:21

2 OUTLINE The focus of our mandate The footprint our mission
The facets of our ministry

The mandate of the Church is evangelism: Preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Make disciples through the gospel message (Matthew 28:18-20). This must be the centre of our activities (Acts 1:6-8; 6:1-4): Measure our Church activities against this reference Match our investments to this goal Focus our training on this end We must organise and prepare ourselves to do this: Focus on The Netherlands as a nation Reestablish the national Church as a recognisable force Harness the resources to DAWN

Joshua 1:3-9: A specific geographical area: The Netherlands. Not a part of the land but the entire land. It is a possession for God’s people and God’s purpose. We have what it takes to do it! Joshua 18:3-5: Divide the land. Empower the ‘tribes’ to conquer it. Ensure compliance to God’s Word and ministry directives. Our application: We have 12 provinces. We have grouped them into four regions.


6 Province Population Area (km2) Population density (Population / km2) Capital #Municipals in 2016 Groningen 583,942 2324,67 251 23 Fryslân 646,257 3325,32 194 Leeuwarden 24 Drenthe 488,576 2636,06 185 Assen 12 Overijssel 1140,652 3322,57 343 Zwolle 25 Gelderland 2026,578 4968,22 408 Arnhem 54 Utrecht 1263,572 1381,89 914 26 Flevoland 401,791 1413,49 284 Lelystad 6 Noord-Holland 2761,929 2663,86 1,037 Haarlem 48 Zuid-Holland 3600,011 2805,35 1,283 Den Haag 60 Zeeland 380,726 1783,75 213 Middelburg 13 Noord-Brabant 2488,751 4913,38 506 's-Hertogenbosch 66 Limburg 1,117,941 2149,05 520 Maastricht 33 Netherlands 16,900,726 33687,62 502 Amsterdam 390


REGIONAL POPULATIONS - NETHERLANDS North-West Region North-East Region South-West Region South-East Region Flevoland 401,791 Friesland 646,257 Zuid Holland 3,600,011 Noord Brabant 2,488,751 Noord Holland 2,761,929 Groningen 583,942 Zeeland 380,726 Gelderland 2,026,578 Utrecht 1,263,572 Drenthe 488,576 Total 3,980,737 Limburg 1,117,941 4,427,292 Overijssel 1,140,652 5,633,270 2,859,427

Regional Overseers Able men with missionary vision and Church planting drive. Leaders to raise and lead multiple Churches and pastors. Location Pastors Shepherds who are skilled in evangelism and follow-up. Teachers to organise and feed the Church with the complete menu. Sectional Leaders Consecrated men and women skilled in their expertise area. Team leaders who mobilise others and keep the team focused. House Fellowship Leaders Workers who evangelise, visit and follow converts up. Shepherds who guide converts and growing believers effectively.

Attract Target programmes for family life, work, health, etc. Extensive publicity based on our concrete offer. Presentable meeting location with people-centric members  investment & training. Win Simple salvation messages that people can relate to. Specific help for individuals to understand the message. Regular intercession sessions for the salvation of invitees. Retain Run every member through the BDP. Personal contact with the pastor and other leaders. Attention to specific needs of the newcomer. Programmes and services that address the needs of members. Influence Create a culture of Bible education in the Church. Make the Bible the main menu. Follow the network of each member and influence through the word. Visit members at home and get involved in their affairs in a healthy way. Pair newer members with abiding older ones for prayer and evangelism. Engage Challenge each member with assignments at his/her level. Use National/Local Workers’ Training as engagement backbone. Mentor through expanding scope.

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