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Welcome to Mrs. Duke’s 8th grade ELA class!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Duke’s 8th grade ELA class!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Duke’s 8th grade ELA class!

2 Important Points from my syllabus
No late homework – of course if a student is absent they are permitted the number of days they were out to complete work If a student is on a planned vacation and asks for work early- it is due the day they return I update grades in Progress Book weekly- students see their grades before they go into Progress Book. RESPECT is my most important rule

3 eSpark Individualized programs for Reading and Math- adjusts with student ability Students will do this 30 minutes per day on Wednesday and Friday in my class Students must have iPads charged and earbuds as well as be on eSpark apps and videos (instead of other websites/games) to receive full credit for this grade

4 Vocabulary Students will use the online interactive program called Membean. Study of word parts, Greek/Latin origins and definitions to build vocabulary. Students have a list of due dates for these assignments. There will be a quiz every two weeks. Students will all be working on their own level. Not a set list of words.

5 Reading Students will read a wide variety of text this year. (in addition to the summer reading) These novels will be provided. Novels are: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and To Kill a Mockingbird for general classes Honors novels are: Frankenstein and The Count of Monte Cristo A unit over The Narrative of Frederick Douglass is done each winter. We will read short stories, non-fiction and poetry as well.

6 Reading (Continued) Strategies and Skills for reading fiction and non-fiction more effectively will be practiced and taught in class. Students will learn the Reading Process and be asked to put it into practice in their own reading. Students will be expected to read on their own and also keep a free choice reading book with them each day in all classes. There are pop quizzes on reading assignments

7 Writing Students will have opportunities for varied writing.
Weekly journals Writing mini-lessons Grammar/conventions mini-lessons Perfecting the paragraph Essay, persuasive and narrative writing Free choice writing We have already discussed Plagiarism

8 Literary Elements Students will review and practice literary elements and learn some new terms this year. Literary elements will be taught throughout the year in all of the reading we do.

9 Non-Fiction This is an important part of the curriculum because students need this for LIFE! We will utilize different resources, including News ELA (an online resource for current events) and other articles of interest We will use non-fiction which ties in with social studies and other 8th grade curriculum and life in general!

10 Group Work and Presentations
Students will work individually, in pairs and in varied student groups. Any group work is mainly handled at school so that no meetings outside school are necessary. Presentation skills are important and students will be asked to make short presentations from time to time. Students are asked to be good listeners.

11 Scholastic Students have the opportunity once each month to order books from Scholastic. There is information on my webpage for ordering online using the code GT93R or students may bring in orders with a check (no cash please) to my class.

12 Success! This is a key idea that I will be expressing to the students. I want them to be successful in my class and in life. Please let me know if you think they are experiencing any difficulties so that we can work together to help them be more successful. I want the students to work hard and feel like they got a lot of new information out of this class!

13 Contacting Mrs. Duke Please me and I can usually get back to you the same day! It is the best way to reach me. Please check Progress Book each day for assignments Please check my webpage for larger files such as Power Points Thank you so much for coming!!!

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