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Ch. 3 Semiotic Engineering

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1 Ch. 3 Semiotic Engineering
SWE 4783 Review of WEB C Help Agent and preparation for Web D Design Stance Ch. 3 Semiotic Engineering

2 Not understood in Ch. 3 HCI 83 Designer's Deputy 89*
Anthropomorphize 91* Reified 91 Communicative challenged 91 Designer’s deputy’s discourse, Computer as medium approach 93 Semantically based Ontollogy, Semiotically Based Ontology of HCI 95** Code, channel, User system communication, Higher-level metacommunication, • Designer-to-User Metacommunication, User-System Communication, and Designer’s Deputy 96 * Medium is the message 97 Agent, Semiosis 98 Epistemological considerations 99** Small articulatory and semantic distance, ogden and richards’ message 99 “meaning” 101 Methodological Considerations 104** Epistemic Tools for Semiotic Engineering 106*

3 1. HCI p83 Human Computer Interaction Any form of communication that tells the user what the intentions of the designer were before/after a user completes an action such as highlighting a button when the cursor is over the item and making the item appear to be pushed in when selected just as a button would be. - to help – to Guide – help agent – the designer deputy is not a tool that the user interacts with but a help agent to promote the new sign make (something abstract) more concrete or real. What/which communicates effectively? User’s talking to who (programmer or designer)? In semiotics  designer or value added IT 2. Designer deputy p89* 3. Anthropomorphize 91* 4. Reified Communicative challenged Designer’s deputy’s discourse, Computer as medium approach 93

4 More review of Ch. 3 Semantically based Ontollogy, Semiotically Based Ontology of HCI 95** Code, channel, User system communication, Higher-level metacommunication, • Designer-to-User Metacommunication, User-System Communication, and Designer’s Deputy 96 * Medium is the message 97 Agent, Semiosis 98 – sign-production process Epistemological considerations 99** Small articulatory and semantic distance, ogden and richards’ message 99 - Cognitive load “meaning” 101 Methodological Considerations 104** Epistemic Tools for Semiotic Engineering 106*

5 Exploring the metacommunication of “help agents” in company web sites was the goal of Web C.
The following is an exploration of two different countries, US and UK with the same company.

6 fundamental categories of objects and actions
to productively interact with the world around them, people build mental models of how it works These models enable them to make predictions about the consequences of their actions, so they can make useful decisions. In these models, most concepts fall within the two fundamental categories of objects and actions. This division is reflected in the way that practically all languages, natural or invented, draw the distinction between nouns and verbs. Some objects have their own behaviors; we will call such objects actors, since they are capable of taking action. Action Objects verbs nouns Actors

7 Design Stance Object or action?
To a computer user, an application program is an actor. There are some expectations about what the program will do, and some established limits on what it should be able to do, but no user could know in detail exactly what program instruction is being executed at a given moment. Even though the operation of the program may be completely deterministic, the user cannot take a physical stance toward it because it is too complex. Instead, the user must model the program based on our understanding of the purpose for which it was designed – We will call this taking the design stance. Object or action?

8 Look at each of the IKEA pages and find “Anna”
Look at each of the IKEA pages and find “Anna”. What is the design stance?

9 Individual Web D to be done by 10/19 before you meet with your ULAB team
1. State the website you interacted with in Web C _____________________ (only one website) 2. Give some background information about your previous usage of this site AND your other mapping usage of other sites similar to the website. Give similarities and give differences you noticed. 3. Document two HCI scenario (see page box) for Goal: _______________ in which you plan to do these two things: 1.__________________ 2. _________ *This will become your ULAB evaluation that you will conduct with another ULAB team.

10 4. Give the subset of #3 as an interaction dialogue using the below graph:
Person System Input Received: Perception: Next Sub-goal: Action: Action token:

11 Last part of Web D 5. Give the explicit grammars possible for the above tasks in the form of a syntax graph (look at Lecture 3 Defining a language) Remember: This is an Individual Web D to be done by 10/19 before you meet with your ULAB team

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