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Unit 2.

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1 Unit 2

2 Unit 2 Great people

3 Welcome to the unit

4 Do you admire them? Why or why not?





9 Learn some great people in history
Peter Tchaikovsky was a Russian. He was a composer of classical music.

10 Qian Xueson was a great scientist
Qian Xueson was a great scientist. He was the pioneer of China’s space technology programme.

11 William Shakespeare was English
William Shakespeare was English. He was a great writer of English literature.

12 Nelson Mandela was once the president of South Africa
Nelson Mandela was once the president of South Africa. He was a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life.

13 Thomas Edison was a great inventor who created over 1,000 inventions.

14 Christopher Columbus was a great explorer
Christopher Columbus was a great explorer. He was one of the first Europeans to discover America.

15 Mr Wu is showing the Class 1, Grade 9 students the pictures of some famous people. Help the students write the correct word under each picture. inventor explorer writer

16 president scientist composer

17 Mr Wu is telling the students about the famous people in Part A
Mr Wu is telling the students about the famous people in Part A. Help the students match the names on the left with the correct information on the right.

18 Christopher Columbus 2. William Shakespeare 3. Qian Xueson 4. Thomas
Edison 5. Nelson Mandela 6. Peter Tchaikovsky Chinese, the pioneer of China’s space technology programme b. South African, a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life c. American, created over 1,000 inventions d. Italian, one of the first Europeans to discover America e. Russian, a composer of classical music f. English, a great writer of English literature

19 Listen and answer What are they talking about?
2. Who does Eddie think is the greatest person in history? 3. Why does Eddie think so? They are talking about who is the greatest person in history. Paul Yum. Because he thinks Paul Yum invented his favourite food.


21 Act out the conversation

22 Explanation 1. I’ve never heard of him. hear of … 听说 hear 听见,听到
e.g. Can you hear her singing in the next room? 你能听到她在隔壁房间唱歌吗? Have you heard of this song before? 你以前听说过这首歌吗?

23 2. He invented my favourite food.
invent vt. 发明 inventor n. 发明家,发明者 invention n. 发明物,创意 e.g. Thomas Edison, a great inventor, invented over 1,000 inventions. 托马斯·爱迪生,一位伟大的发明 家,发明了1000多种发明物。

24 3. Who do you think is the greatest person
in history, Eddie? 句中的do you think是该疑问句中的插 入部分。

25 Question Can you think of any other person who is as famous as the persons mentioned in this lesson? Give some examples.

26 Talking about great persons in pairs.
(Use Eddie and Hobe’s conversation as a model.) A: Who do you think is the greatest person that you have known? B: I think it’s ... A: ...? I’ve never heard of him. Who is he? B: He is the person who…

27 Exercises 根据汉语提示完成句子: 1. 我认为周总理是历史上最伟大的人。
I think Premier Zhou _____________ _______________. 2. 你有没有听说过一个叫Paul的电影演 员? _____________________ an actor called Paul? is the greatest person in history Have you ever heard of

28 3. 你知道谁发明了第一部照相机吗? Do you know __________________________? 4. 曼德拉是一位终生为非洲黑人争取权利的斗士。 Mandela ___________________ _____________________________. who invented the first camera was a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life

29 5. 贝多芬也是历史上最伟大的古典乐作曲家之一。
Beethoven _______________________ _________________________________. 6. 19 世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。 In the 19th century, ___________ _______________ in California. was also one of the greatest composers of classical music in history gold was discovered

30 Homework Recite the dialogue in the comic. 2. Prepare for the next lesson.


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