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People of fame & glory.

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Presentation on theme: "People of fame & glory."— Presentation transcript:

1 People of fame & glory

2 Their life had a meaning… Motto: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart

3 To talk about famous people let's recall new words and expressions:
to serve the country best to win the battle to change the system to reform to look up to admire adore create invent to orbit the Earth to explore a scientist a politician a warrior an architect a playwright an explorer an inventor a composer a musician a commander-in-chief an astronaut

4 Do you know them? Neil Armstrong Jury Gagarin M. Lomonosov
John Kennedy N.S. Michalkov V.V. Putin Louis Armstrong Galina Ulanova Do you know them?

5 to reform a system of hospitals to open the first Russian University
Grammar material: the first/ last/ only + infinitive Pattern: Marie Curie was the first woman-scientist to get the Nobel prize twice M. Lomonosov the first to orbit the Earth V. Tereshkova to win an Oscar Ch. Columbus to reform a system of hospitals S. Bondarchuk to open the first Russian University F. Nightingale to explore Central America

6 Sergey Bondarchuk Marie Curie Florence Nightingale Christopher Columbus

7 Read the text and fill in the blanks with the words from the box:
hero, brave, selfless, serve his country, admire, skilful well known, win the battle, a commander-in-chief, army His name is……… all Russian people. He was………..of the Russian…….in the war against Napoleon. He was an honest,…….. and ………. general. Russian soldiers………. and loved him. He was a……….. general and ……..… best He …………….of Borodino and became a national………in the war of 1812. Can you guess his name?

8 Actions speak louder than words.
«England expects that every man will do his duty» Horatio Nelson ( ) A British admiral who became famous during the wars against Napoleon. He won the most famous battle of Trafalgar in 1805 in which he was killed. After his death Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column were built in the center of London to honour him.

9 Trafalgar Square with Nelson's column is one of the symbols of London
Trafalgar Square with Nelson's column is one of the symbols of London. It honours Horatio Nelson. He went to sea at the age of twelve and became an admiral at 39! He was killed at 47, his life was short but glorious!

10 Communicative task Who can you call a hero?
Let's discuss what person can be called a hero. Give examples using new words. For a example: I think F. Nightingale is a real heroine she was generous and selfless. She treated and saved many people after battles.

11 The Queen of people's hearts
All the British adore her. She was very attractive as well as kind and helpful. She worked a lot for charity. She created a new image of a royal. She visited hospital and raised money for sick people. Finish the sentence: I think people respected ……… for her………..

12 «The great Englishman»
William Shakespeare ( ) The British consider him as the greatest of all British writers. He is the world-famous playwright and poet. He developed the English language and was the first to create national theatre in England. He named it Globe now it is known as the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Four hundred years later his plays are still acted not only in England but in whole world.

13 Make up a dialogue Dialogue scheme
Discuss with you partner a person you really admire. Explain the reason for your choice. Prove what this person is famous for. Express your attitude and ask your partner's opinion Use new words and expressions. Come up with your ideas. Take an active part in conversation.

14 From the British history: Victorian times
Queen Victoria ( ) Britain's Victorians times are named after Queen Victoria who became monarch in 1837 at the age of 18. She is famous for having a strong character and also for her love for her husband Albert. When he died in 1861 Queen Victoria wore black for the rest of her life. She ruled for the longest period in the English history, that is for 64 years till the day of her death.

15 Here are some facts about famous people you probably don't know
Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors as well as the first model of helicopter. Henry Ford made the engine for his first automobile of a kitchen sink. Alexander Bell the inventor of the telephone never used it himself. Napoleon was afraid of cats and was very superstitious. Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb was afraid of darkness. Shakespeare invented more than twenty new words in the English language. Princess Diana was a teacher of an infant school when she met Charles. In her youth she wanted to be a ballet dancer.

16 Final-Today's quotation:
«The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes, I can»

17 So long then. Good luck! Thank you for the lesson.
Excellent! That was the first class work on the topic! Keep on working like this! Please write down your home task: Do exercise: 3,4 page 154 (textbook) So long then. Good luck!

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