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How to negate sentences: expressing “NOT” in French

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1 How to negate sentences: expressing “NOT” in French

2 Do we already know An example?
Oui! Remember this song? Bonjour, bonjour! Comment ça va? Ça ne va pas! Ah oui! Pourquoi pas?

3 How to Negate Sentences: Expressing “NOT” in French
Place ne…pas around the conjugated verb ne becomes n’ in front a vowel Je n’ai pas le stylo. I do not have the pen. / I don’t have the pen. Je ne suis pas le prof. I am not the teacher. / I’m not the teacher.

4 Think of ne…pas as the bread of the verb sandwich

5 Il n’a pas faim. He isn’t hungry. / He is not hungry. Elle n’a pas froid. She isn’t cold. / She is not cold. On n’a pas raison. We aren’t right. / We are not right. (informal) One isn’t right. / One is not right. (general) Nous n’avons pas 12 ans. We aren’t 12 years old. / We are not 12 years old. (formal) Tu n’as pas chaud. You aren’t hot. / You are not hot. Vous n’avez pas peur. You all aren’t scared. /You all are not scared. You aren’t scared. / You are not scared. (formal, singular) Ils n’ont pas de la chance. They aren’t lucky. / They are not lucky.

6 Special case: indefinite articles
If you are negating a sentence with an indefinite article, follow these rules As-tu un stylo? Do you have a pen? Non, je n’ai pas DE stylo. No, I don’t have a pen/any pens. As-tu des stylos? Do you have any pens? Non, je n’ai pas DE stylos. No, I don’t have any pens. Replace un/une/des with DE / D’ if you are negating a sentence. *ded’ in front of vowels Je n’ai pas d’agrafeuse. (I don’t have a stapler.)

7 You could respond like this… Je n’ai pas de cahiers.
Definite articles Keep the definite article when negating. As-tu le cahier? Do you have the notebook? Non, je n’ai pas le cahier. No, I don’t have the notebook. As-tu les livres? Do you have the books? Non, je n’ai pas les livres. No, I don’t have the books. You could respond like this… Je n’ai pas de cahiers. Je n’ai pas de livres. …but notice how the meaning is changed: I don’t have ANY notebooks. I don’t have ANY books.

8 I don’t have a calculator. You don’t have any paper.
Comment dit-on….? I don’t have a calculator. Je n’ai pas de calculatrice. You don’t have any paper. Tu n’as pas de papier. He doesn’t have any homework. Il n’a pas de devoirs.

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