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A Committed servant II Timothy 1:1-4.

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1 A Committed servant II Timothy 1:1-4

2 II Timothy Was written by Paul in 67 A.D.
While he was under imprisonment in Rome for a second time. This time never to get out.

3 A deep commitment for service to Christ…
Stems from a mature love for Christ Jesus said that the greatest commandment is, “to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Paul definitely had the will to serve Christ—heart He definitely allowed Christ to influence his personality—soul Paul definitely centered his thoughts around Christ and the church—mind He buffeted or disciplined his body so that he would not grow tired doing the work of serving Christ—strength

4 A deep commitment for service to Christ…
Stems from a mature love for Christ And that love was motivated by the grace, mercy and peace that he received from God. Grace—getting what we don’t deserve Mercy—not getting what we do deserve Peace—to be in harmony with God

5 A deep commitment for service to Christ…
Leads to great works Think about all that Paul had done. All that Timothy and Titus did. Just about any person that I talk to that is in some type of ministry of service for Christ that would scare most people or most people would shy away from due to the amount of responsibility and commitment say, “If you would have said that I would be doing this 10 years ago, I’d say you’re crazy.”

6 A deep commitment for service to Christ…
Is taught Paul had been highly trained as a Pharisee. Timothy had been taught to be committed to the Lord by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois. He had been trained by as an Evangelist by Paul. New and upcoming Christians need to be taught.

7 A deep commitment for service to Christ…
Stems from a mature love for Christ Leads to great works Is taught Is a lifelong commitment

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