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Student ID: IES16396 Student Name: Hsiao , Ying Chih

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Presentation on theme: "Student ID: IES16396 Student Name: Hsiao , Ying Chih"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student ID: IES16396 Student Name: Hsiao , Ying Chih

2 The other side has a stronger negotiation power position or weapon?
Scenario#1: The other side has a stronger negotiation power position or weapon?

3 How can I do? Protecting yourself Making the most your assets
(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement , BATNA)

4 Protecting yourself Using a bottom line Pros:
Avoid to compromise too quick and make a deal you should reject Easier to resist pressure and temptations at that moment Cons: Limits the ability to benefit what you learn during negotiation Inhibits the imagination

5 Protecting yourself Know your BATNA
Being flexible enough to permit the exploration of imaginative solution Make a comparison with a proposal and see whether it better satisfies your interest or not

6 Making the most your assets
The better your BATNA , the greater your power Negotiation Power: Depending primarily upon the capacity to bear the consequences if no agreement is reach

7 Making the most your assets
Develop your BATNA Inventing a list of action you might conceivably take if no agreement is reach Improve some of the more promising idea and converting them into practical alternatives Selecting , tentatively , the one alternative that seems best Consider the other side’s BATNA

8 If the other side won’t play? Even you try to discuss the interest.
Scenario#2: If the other side won’t play? Even you try to discuss the interest.

9 How can I do? Focusing the other side’s attention on the merits
Three basic approaches What you can do What they may do (Negotiation Jujitsu) What a third party can do

10 Negotiation Jujitsu Philosophy : Avoid pitting your strength against theirs directly, use your skill to step aside and turn their strength to your side Avoid yourself in a vicious cycle of attack and defense Do not attach their position, look behind it Do not defend your idea , invite criticism and advices. Recast an attack on you as an attack on the problem Ask question and pause

11 One-text procedure Simply prepare a draft and ask for criticism
More easier than one of those directly involved, a mediator can separate the people from the problem and direct the discussion to interest and options (Accept or not) Suggest some impartial basis for solving difference Separate inventing from decision making ,reduce the number of decisions required to reach agreement Help parties know what they will get when they do decide

12 Thank You

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