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Negotiation Chapter 12 © Pearson 2012.

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1 Negotiation Chapter 12 © Pearson 2012

2 Negotiation is… …two or more people or organisations who have conflicting interests but also interests in common, discussing ways and means of resolving the conflicts, issues or transactions. © Pearson 2012

3 Negotiation is… not a matter of winning over another
a matter of reaching the best possible settlement for each party under the circumstances. (Gerard Nierenberg, 1968) © Pearson 2012

4 Negotiation styles Distributive Integrative Mixed motive Accommodation
Withdrawal © Pearson 2012

5 Skills for good negotiation
Focus on interests, not positions. Weigh up bargaining styles. Expand the pie. Use principles negotiations. Separate people from the problem. Invent options for mutual gain. Use objective criteria. © Pearson 2012

6 The four stages of negotiation
Stage 1. Preparation Stage 2. Discussion Stage 3. Proposals and bargaining Stage 4. Closing the deal © Pearson 2012

7 Preparation questions
What do you want/need? What are you willing to give up? What is your timetable? What is your BATNA? What are your sources of power? © Pearson 2012

8 What is BATNA? To a Negotiated Agreement – not your bottom line
This is your Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement – not your bottom line © Pearson 2012

9 Sources of power Persistence Competition Expertise and information
Position or legitimacy Sanctions Referent Relationships Attitude Time © Pearson 2012

10 Discussion Open up discussion.
Find out what the other party wants/needs. Be positive and assertive. Use a range of questions. Listen for point of leverage. Identify points of conflict or difference. © Pearson 2012

11 Proposals and bargaining
Make and receive offers. Adjust offers. Use if…then questions. Never interrupt or instantly reject. © Pearson 2012

12 Closing the deal Agree on what has been settled.
Make minor concessions. Split the difference if close. Get it in writing if possible. © Pearson 2012

13 Negotiating strategies
Salami (slice by slice) Fait accompli (in French, something that is already done) Standard practice Deadlines Apparent withdrawal ‘Good guy’/‘bad guy’ Limited authority © Pearson 2012

14 Communication Do not cast blame.
Always state the problem before refusal. Listen as much as you talk. Listen to gather information. Work out the future – don’t dwell on the past. © Pearson 2012

15 Dealing with emotions ‘Anyone can be angry. That is easy, but to become angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right reason, in the right way – that is not easy.’ Aristotle © Pearson 2012

16 Dealing with anger Take a break. Get some distance.
Change the environment. Think about what triggered their negative emotions and yours. © Pearson 2012

17 Skills to restore positive feelings in the other party
Express appreciation. Build affiliation. Give them more control. Acknowledge their status. Enhance their role. © Pearson 2012

18 Skills to restore positive feelings in yourself
Appreciation Affiliation Autonomy Status Role © Pearson 2012

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