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Aztecs People of the Sun.

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1 Aztecs People of the Sun

2 Aztec History Aztecs (Mexicas)
Nomads (Wanderers)-approximately 200 years Tried to settle in Valley of Mexico (1300) but driven away.

3 Established City on an island in a lake (1325)
This lake was Lake Texcoco The island was named Tenochtitlan Aztec Empire-spread from one side of present day Mexico to the other. (Pacific Ocean to Gulf Coast)

4 Toltecs-another tribe, the Aztecs admired them.
1st Aztec king was a Toltec By 1500-Aztecs were the most powerful tribe in Mexico Army was over 600,00 warriors.

5 Quetzalcoatl (God of Toltecs)
Huitzilopochtli-God of War Major purpose of war-capture victims to sacrifice because the sun would die unless the god was honored

6 Social Structure Upper Class (Pipiltin)
Owned land, had full education, government jobs, king chosen from this group Ordinary Citizens (Macehualtin) They were taught reading, writing, astrology and theology (the study of gods and religion); farmers, soldiers, merchants, artists Slaves (Mayeques) Worked the land for others, servants

7 Warfare War was important to culture
Soldiers duty was to capture for sacrifices Military training started young Squads of 20 combined to form units of 400

8 Weapons Macana-paddle shaped wooden club edged with sharp pieces of obsidian Obsidian-black glass that comes from volcanoes Atlatl-spear thrower Bows/Arrows and blow guns Aztecs would send arrows and shields to the enemy before an attack

9 Siege of Tenochtitlan 1519-Spanish/ Hernan Cortez (Cortes)
Lasted 80 days 500 Spanish men 200,000 Indians allies fought with Cortez Cortez captured Montezuma (Moctezuma)- leader of Aztecs

10 Aztecs lose 240,000 men Aztecs also lose 300,000 to smallpox and 60,000 left army Spaniards and their allies only lose 30,000 men By 1521 the Aztec Empire is destroyed

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