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Ukrainian National Fighting

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1 Ukrainian National Fighting
Gopak Prepared by the teacher of English Vovkotrub Larysa Valeriivna Katerinopol secondary school №2 Katerinopil district rada Cherkassy region

2 Famous Ukrainian dance Gopak

3 Origin It is based on national traditions, historic heritage, philosophy and morals of Cossacks. Ukrainian ancestors had amazing secrets of battle both knives and bare hands. In order to better represent the Ukrainian martial arts, let’s stop on some of them.

4 Famous Ukrainian Gopak has been moving to the present for a long time
Famous Ukrainian Gopak has been moving to the present for a long time. The day-old mystery Cossack training was not danced "creating" the struggle. In an effort to survive cossacks put the martial culture of ancestors in the basis of their dance.

5 It should be noticed that techniques of cossacks’ military gopak shows the union with powers of nature. Sources of strength and valor of the ancient warrior were stars, rain, wind, sun, trees and land. I t s h o u l d b e n o t e d - t h e m o s t s t a b l e T e c h n i q u e s r e m a i n e d u n i o n w i t h t h e f o r c e s o f n a t u r e . S o u r c e s o f s t r e n g t h a n d v a l o r o f t h e a n c i e n t w a r r i o r w a s r a i n , w i n d , s u n , s t a r s , t r e e s , l a n d .

6 Gopak dedicated fire. The movements symbolize the essence of the confrontation of Light and Darkness.

7 Gopak in modern Ukraine
Nowdays Ukrainian athletes entered the global elite at the most prestigious international competitions: over 100 times Ukrainian fighters won them. Canada, Germany, USA, Taiwan, Hungary, France, Czech Republic couldn’t take the 1st place at World and European championships

8 "Cossack Glory" Since 1996, Ukraine has held annual festivals, tournaments "Cossack Glory" International Festival of Cossack martial arts and traditional "Savior on Khortitsa" named Anatoly Yermak, organized by Ukrainian Federation of Martial Arts Federation of Ukrainian Cossack fights.

9 Both men and women may take part in cossack competitions
They show their habits in dancing gopak and fighting

10 Gopak today

11 Thnk u 4 attention

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