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Film trailer Phoebe Cannell.

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1 Film trailer Phoebe Cannell


3 Film concept 1 My first concept is called pure porcelain. It is of the horror genre and it is for people who enjoy watching horror films, most likely girls, age these people may also have an interest in dolls as my film is about a china doll and people who enjoy films like Annabelle will love this film. Its purpose is to entertain. I am hoping for it to be shared around social media as well as shown in cinemas before films of a similar genre. The plot : A child enjoys playing with her china doll and loves her. However she is quite clueless; when she leaves the doll alone, she appears to be human(every time the light turns off and on again the doll is in a different position). The child continues to play with the doll and doesn’t realize this happens. One time she takes her doll into the kitchen. The doll manages to grab a knife. The next time the lights turn off the child is seen dead. The doll (Cora) is then seen walking outside, holding the knife, covered in blood. I will be filming this trailer in: Old rectory ,Great Oakley Field, Great Oakley My house, Harwich Beacon Hill fort, Harwich

4 characters Child, Lily– demographics - age 6, small, pretty dress, pig tails, abnormally happy – makeup and hair used to make them look younger psychographics – loves all things typically ‘girly’ especially dolls. (Ellis/Alice) Doll, Cora: demographics - floral dress with collar, long curly hair– makeup used to make her look doll-like. Psychographics – Hates being kept in a room and only being viewed as a pretty doll, wants revenge for it. (Bethan)

5 Props: China doll, knife, hairbrush, dolls house. Lighting:
Mindmap of Ideas Locations: Great Oakley, field, mini woods, Bethan’s house or Charles house, the dubs, oakey dokeys, alley way next to my house. Props: China doll, knife, hairbrush, dolls house. Lighting: Dark in the child's house. Light outside to contrast. Pure porcelain Shot types, camera movements: High and low angle to show status, close up, extreme close up, panning, tracking, zoom, circling. Costume, hair and makeup: 2 x cute collared dresses, white frilly socks, white brogues, T-bar shoes, face paint/heavy makeup, freckles, fake eyelashes, drew on bottom eyelashes, lots of blusher. Cast: Alice/Ellis, Bethan

6 Soundtrack These are the possible songs or sound effects that will feature in my trailer: ring around a rosie: London bridge: Both of these are nursery rhymes but sung in a way to make it sound distorted and creepy. AHS theme tune (murder house): This is the title theme for a popular TV show American horror story. Therefore there may be copyright issues however I think it would work really well with my film trailer. Creepy doll music: Its an instrumental which will work really well with the story of my film and also (because it’s an instrumental) it will be good to use for moments where I don’t want to distract the audience from the speech or action on screen.

7 SWOT analysis What is strong about my concept? I think it is strong because a lot of people find china dolls incredibly creepy and therefore it would be a successful horror movie. However I think that it may be too similar to other horror films such as Annabelle. Logistics: Filming around weather issues shouldn't’t be too difficult because most of my trailer will be inside however if it is raining I know of an alleyway I could possibly use for a couple of shots so when it does stop raining I will have less to do. I also thought carefully about if I would have people to play the parts and if they would suit it. I then checked if they would want to just in case in order to make sure the trailer was as effective as possible. The people I am planning to use in my trailer are people I am close to and I can rely on them so ensuring filming is done should be pretty easy. Recourses: The majority of resources (cameras, microphones) will be supplied by school. Legal: For my locations there is no risk of trespassing. I will also check that all the music I am using is not copyrighted , if it is I will have to contact the owner and ask for permission. Ethical: There should be no ethical issues with my trailer as there is no gender misrepresentations and it is a subject I feel strongly about so I will ensure this is right. And as for violence, I will have the BBFC check for a suitable age range. Cost: No transport fees with be necessary as my mum will drive. And I own all the props and costumes that are needed.

8 Film concept 2 My second concept is also in the horror genre. Its called clownophobia. The target audience is people with a fear of clowns as this film mainly features a clown. Both genders from the ages People who enjoyed films like insidious, it and clown will love this film. The plot: clown keeps being spotted in the background of pictures but not being seen when immediately looking where he was. In one series of photos he gets closer and closer to the people taking the photos, they look round and there is the clown, with a knife. I will be filming this trailer in: - Field, Great Oakley - My Car - Mine, or friends house

9 Characters Clown – demographics: unknown age, male, joker-like heavy, greasy smudged face paint, holds a balloon. Psychographics: psychopath, used to be in the circus (Bryony) -Two girls taking selfies; Megan and Beth – demographics: 15, popular, vain, best friends, soc D semi-skilled. Psychographics: Megan takes things as a joke and not responsible, Beth is easily scared, both have a fear of clowns, Megan pretends not to be at first (Alice and Bethan)

10 Props: Balloon, smartphone.
Mindmap of ideas Locations: Great Oakley, field, mini woods, my house, the dubs, alley way next to my house. Props: Balloon, smartphone. Lighting: dark when the clown is present, lighting to create the right atmosphere and time in the trailer. Clownophobia Shot type: close-up, low angle to create height, high angle to show fear and vulnerability. Panning, circling around the clown, tracking the girls running. Costume, hair and makeup: clown costume and wig, face paint, fake blood. 2 x basic teen outfits – jeans and crop tops, everyday makeup, hair down. Cast: Alice/Ellis, Bethan, Bryony

11 soundtrack These are the possible songs or sound effects that will feature in my trailer: circus music: Come little children: This gives the audience a better idea of the clowns character and also creates the atmosphere I wish to. Creepy circus music: This is an instrumental which will be ideal to use at a moment when the speech needs to be focused on or to add to the atmosphere of the trailer. Circus of terror Another instrumental which I will use for the same reasons as above however I will see what fits better with the mise en scene. Old ticket booth: Another instrumental which I will use for the same reasons however this has more of a beat to it which will create for tension and will be good to use for a scene where there is running.. Ahs- freak show theme tune: Ahs – murder house: These are both title themes for the popular TV show American horror story so there may be copyright issues however I think they will both fit really well with my trailer and film idea. It creates tension and fear very well. Melanie Martinez - carousel This track works really well as it’s a mash up of all the characters in my trailer – the teenage girls as it’s a modern song sang by a current artist however it has fun fair and circus type music in the background of the song and therefore I work really well for my trailer.

12 Swot analysis What is strong about my concept? I think it is strong because it relates to modern times by involving selfies, this will make it seem more fresh and exciting. This is because there has been so many clown horror movie, I feel it needs a new twist. This film trailer will be shown in cinemas before films of a similar genre and also hopefully around social media. Logistics: As my trailer is mostly filmed outside I will have to check the weather forecast in order to plan filming days. However organizing actors for recording this trailer should be easy as they are close friends and family that are featuring.. My mum will transport us to filming. Resources: The majority of resources (cameras, microphones) will be supplied by school. A green screen will be needed. Legal: The places that I will be filming will not be trespassing. I will also check that all the music I am using is not copyrighted , if it is I will have to contact the owner and ask for permission. Ethical: My film trailer will be checked by the BBFC in order to ensure it is classed suitable for the correct age range. There may be gender misrepresentation as some people may see young girls represented as dumb, selfie-taking bimbos however a lot of films thrive on stereotypes. As my target audience is young adults I will hope they will identify with the characters slightly and understand. Cost: I own all the costumes I need, if I do realize need something I will check the charity shops as I feel they would also have good costumes for this film, there will be no transport fees. My studio space will be a free, outside field (amongst other things) so it will cost nothing.

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